Image Collection 83 Items Civil War envelopes, 1861-1865 The New-York Historical Society's Department of Prints, Photographs, and Architectural Collections owns approximately 3,000 unused envelopes dating from the Civil War years. Of these, 490 were digitized for this project. Most were produced by New York printers between 1861 and 1865:. While some are quite crude, others are beautifully designed and executed, many in color, some gilt. Some envelopes show portraits or caricatures of politicians. A significant New York printer, Charles Magnus, is represented by thirty-six envelopes, many showing Civil War camp scenes derived from photographs. View Collection
Image Collection 16 Items Civil War Collections The New-York Historical Society's rich collections that document the Civil War include recruiting posters for New York City regiments of volunteers; stereographic views documenting the mustering of soldiers and of popular support for the Union in New York City; photography showing the war's impact, both in the North and South; and drawings and writings by ordinary soldiers on both sides. View Collection