Text A Declaration, or Ordinance, of the Convention of the State of New-York, passed May 10, 1777, offering free pardon to such of the subjects of the said State, as, having committed treasonable acts against the same, shall return to their allegiance. Whereas Printed in two columns. Offers pardon to subjects found guilty of treasonable acts who voluntarily come forward and take an oath of allegiance to the state of New York. Includes form of oath of allegiance, to be taken not after July 1. Imprint supplied by Evans. New-York Historical copy: signed in manuscript by Robert Benson and others; manuscript draft on verso of a fragment of resolution eliminating the death penalty for persons found guilty of high treason. References: Evans 15475. View Item
Text A Declaration, or Ordinance, of the Convention of the State of New-York, passed May 10, 1777, offering free pardon to such of the subjects of the said State, as, having committed treasonable acts against the same, shall return to their allegiance. Whereas Printed in two columns. Offers pardon to subjects found guilty of treasonable acts who voluntarily come forward and take an oath of allegiance to the state of New York. Includes form of oath of allegiance, to be taken not after July 1. Imprint supplied by Evans. New-York Historical copy: signed in manuscript by Robert Benson and others; manuscript draft on verso of a fragment of resolution eliminating the death penalty for persons found guilty of high treason. References: Evans 15475. View Item
Text In Provincial Congress, New-York, June 20, 1776. : Whereas the Continental Congress, on the 14th day of March last, did recommend it to the several assemblies ... immediately to cause all persons to be disarmed within their respective colonies, who were n Four resolutions prescribing the required loyalty oath and the means of disarming those who refuse to take the oath. Signed: Extract from the minutes, Robert Benson, secretary. Imprint from Evans. Watermark: "IV". References: Evans 14937. View Item
Text In Provincial Congress, New-York, June 20, 1776. : Whereas the Continental Congress, on the 14th day of March last, did recommend it to the several assemblies ... immediately to cause all persons to be disarmed within their respective colonies, who were n Four resolutions prescribing the required loyalty oath and the means of disarming those who refuse to take the oath. Signed: Extract from the minutes, Robert Benson, secretary. Imprint from Evans. Watermark: "IV". References: Evans 14937. View Item
Text Sir, By virtue of the authority vested in us by certain resolutions of the Congress of the colony of New-York, of the [blank] day of June, in the year of our Lord, 1776, reciting, that whereas there are in this colony, divers persons, who ... have been co Bristol imprint, "Fish-Kill, S. Loudon", incorrect. Printed in New York, probably by John Holt. New-York Historical copy addressed in ms. "To Mr. Solomon Fowler at East Chester", summoning him to appear at the City Hall, New York, on July 4th; dated and signed in ms. at end: "Dated the Twenty Seventh day of June 1776. Leonard Gansevort. Phil. Livingston. Thomas Tredwell. Lewis Graham. Gouv. Morris. Thos. Randall". References: Bristol B4293. View Item
Text Sir, By virtue of the authority vested in us by certain resolutions of the Congress of the colony of New-York, of the [blank] day of June, in the year of our Lord, 1776, reciting, that whereas there are in this colony, divers persons, who ... have been co Bristol imprint, "Fish-Kill, S. Loudon", incorrect. Printed in New York, probably by John Holt. New-York Historical copy addressed in ms. "To Mr. Solomon Fowler at East Chester", summoning him to appear at the City Hall, New York, on July 4th; dated and signed in ms. at end: "Dated the Twenty Seventh day of June 1776. Leonard Gansevort. Phil. Livingston. Thomas Tredwell. Lewis Graham. Gouv. Morris. Thos. Randall". References: Bristol B4293. View Item
Text In Convention of the Representatives of the State of New-York. September 21, 1776. : Whereas divers of the inhabitants of this state have, by the wicked arts and insiduous [sic] and corrupt practices of William Tryon, Esq; late governor of the colony of N Signed: Extract from the minutes. Robert Benson, sec'ry. Imprint supplied from Vail, R.W.G. A patriotic pair of peripatetic printers (in Essays honoring Lawrence C. Wroth, 1951), p. 395. Printed area measures 22.3 x 16.5 cm. New-York Historical copy has manuscript annotations on verso: The committee appointed to carry the within [resolutions?] into execution ... [names of committee members] attest [signed] John McKesson secry. References: Evans, 14931; Bristol, B4295; Shipton & Mooney, 43106. View Item
Text In Convention of the Representatives of the State of New-York. September 21, 1776. : Whereas divers of the inhabitants of this state have, by the wicked arts and insiduous [sic] and corrupt practices of William Tryon, Esq; late governor of the colony of N Signed: Extract from the minutes. Robert Benson, sec'ry. Imprint supplied from Vail, R.W.G. A patriotic pair of peripatetic printers (in Essays honoring Lawrence C. Wroth, 1951), p. 395. Printed area measures 22.3 x 16.5 cm. New-York Historical copy has manuscript annotations on verso: The committee appointed to carry the within [resolutions?] into execution ... [names of committee members] attest [signed] John McKesson secry. References: Evans, 14931; Bristol, B4295; Shipton & Mooney, 43106. View Item
Text The Plot discovered, : communicated by letter from a worthy American patriot in London, to his friends in this country, dated March 15, 1775. Concerns British actions for suppressing the rebellion in New York. References: Evans 14408. View Item
Text In Council of Safety, for the state of New-York, Kingston, August 13, 1777. : Whereas many people have taken the benefit of the late act of grace, merely to avoid the punishment of their crimes ... Resolved therefore, that every person, who has heretofore Signed: By order of Council- Pierre Van Cortlandt- president. References: Bristol B4544; Shipton & Mooney 43319. View Item
Text George the Third, by the grace of God, of Great-Britain, France, and Ireland ... Whereas, by a statute made and passed ... An act to prohibit all trade and intercourse with the colonies ... and also two acts made in the last session ... and whereas by a c Followed by a warrant to be filled out by officials of New York authorizing individuals and ships to take prizes. New-York Historical copy filled out authorizing David Ross- commander of the schooner Surprize to take prizes- dated March 3- 1781. William Tryon's name in the printed text has been erased and "James Robertson" written in. Robertson officially took over the governorship from Tryon on March 21- 1780. The watermark ("J Whatman" fleur-de-lis within shield over script "JW." Cf. Gravell- T.L. Foreign watermarks 753-754) appears in paper used for a Rivington 1780 publication. Cf. View Item
Text In Convention of the Representatives of the State of New-York, Kingston, April 1, 1777. : Whereas from the want of courts properly instituted for the trial of treasons, and other offenses against this state ... resolved, that all such persons as have been Signed: Extract from the minutes- Robert Benson- sec'ry. Ascribed to the press of Samuel Loudon by Bristol. Text in two columns. References: Bristol B4540; Shipton & Mooney 43313. View Item
Text New-York, [blank] This is to certify, that the bearer [blank] has, in my presence, subscribed to the declaration, agreeable to the terms of their Excellencies the Commissioners proclamation, dated at New-York, 30th November, 1776. Printed form completed in manuscript. The proclamation referred to is Evans 14783: By Richard Viscount Howe of the kingdom of Ireland- and William Howe- Esq; ... the King's Commissioners for Restoring Peace to His Majesty's Colonies in North-America ... Given at New-York- this thirtieth day of November- 1776. The proclamation was printed by Macdonald and Cameron. Library copy completed in manuscript: "New-York [Suffolk County] ... the bearer [John Ketcham] ..."; signed at bottom: "Wm. Tryon." View Item
Image Text 2 Items A Declaration, or Ordinance, of the Convention of the State of New-York, passed May 10, 1777, offering free pardon to such of the subjects of the said State, as, having committed treasonable acts against the same, shall return to their allegiance. Whereas Printed in two columns. Offers pardon to subjects found guilty of treasonable acts who voluntarily come forward and take an oath of allegiance to the state of New York. Includes form of oath of allegiance- to be taken not after July 1. Imprint supplied by Evans. New-York Historical copy: signed in manuscript by Robert Benson and others; manuscript draft on verso of a fragment of resolution eliminating the death penalty for persons found guilty of high treason. References: Evans 15475. View Item
Image Text 2 Items In Provincial Congress, New-York, June 20, 1776. : Whereas the Continental Congress, on the 14th day of March last, did recommend it to the several assemblies ... immediately to cause all persons to be disarmed within their respective colonies, who were n Four resolutions prescribing the required loyalty oath and the means of disarming those who refuse to take the oath. Signed: Extract from the minutes- Robert Benson- secretary. Imprint from Evans. Watermark: "IV". References: Evans 14937. View Item
Image Text 2 Items Sir, By virtue of the authority vested in us by certain resolutions of the Congress of the colony of New-York, of the [blank] day of June, in the year of our Lord, 1776, reciting, that whereas there are in this colony, divers persons, who ... have been co Bristol imprint- "Fish-Kill- S. Loudon"- incorrect. Printed in New York- probably by John Holt. New-York Historical copy addressed in ms. "To Mr. Solomon Fowler at East Chester"- summoning him to appear at the City Hall- New York- on July 4th; dated and signed in ms. at end: "Dated the Twenty Seventh day of June 1776. Leonard Gansevort. Phil. Livingston. Thomas Tredwell. Lewis Graham. Gouv. Morris. Thos. Randall". References: Bristol B4293. View Item
Image Text 2 Items In Convention of the Representatives of the State of New-York. September 21, 1776. : Whereas divers of the inhabitants of this state have, by the wicked arts and insiduous [sic] and corrupt practices of William Tryon, Esq; late governor of the colony of N Signed: Extract from the minutes. Robert Benson- sec'ry. Imprint supplied from Vail- R.W.G. A patriotic pair of peripatetic printers (in Essays honoring Lawrence C. Wroth- 1951)- p. 395. Printed area measures 22.3 x 16.5 cm. New-York Historical copy has manuscript annotations on verso: The committee appointed to carry the within [resolutions?] into execution ... [names of committee members] attest [signed] John McKesson secry. References: Evans- 14931; Bristol- B4295; Shipton & Mooney- 43106. View Item
Image Collection 2 Items Crean Brush account books, 1765-1766 Two volumes of account books (30 and 48 p., respectively) belonging to Loyalist Crean Brush. First volume has had several pages removed. View Collection
Image Collection 607 Items Revolutionary Era broadsides, 1763-1783 The New-York Historical Society has an extensive collection of broadsides that document the American Revolution and the tumultuous events leading up to it. Broadsides, the technical term for any document, large or small, printed on one side of a single sheet of paper, served as posters, handbills, official proclamations, advertisements, and conveyors of ballads and poetry. They were plastered on walls, distributed by hand or read out loud and are especially important for the study of the Revolutionary period. View Collection