Image Text 4 Items George W. Strong letter to John Nelson Lloyd, March 25, 1839. Letter from George W. Strong, New York, to John Nelson Lloyd, Lloyd Neck, regarding his attempts to call on Lloyd's son Henry and daughter Phoebe, Conklin Gould's lease and other issues related to the management of Lloyd Neck, a letter and package for Lloyd not yet sent, gossip about Daniel Webster's alleged drunkenness and debauchery, the merits of Harrison Gray Otis's letter replying to John Whipple of Rhode Island on the subject of abolitionism and of a juvenile letter (both to be sent to Lloyd), and the settlement of the Pearsall estate and Henry P. Edwards, its trustee. View Item
Text George W. Strong letter to John Nelson Lloyd, March 20, 1839, page [4], with address. Page [3], blank, not digitized. View Item
Image Text 3 Items George W. Strong letter to John Nelson Lloyd, March 20, 1839. Letter from George W. Strong, New York, to John Nelson Lloyd, Lloyd Neck, returning a pamphlet by John Whipple of Rhode Island and forwarding a newspaper with a letter by Harrison Gray Otis replying to Whipple and another letter written by a young man and published in the Wayne sentinel under the initials "S.T.G." [i.e. George Templeton Strong] View Item
Text George W. Strong letter to John Nelson Lloyd, September 11, 1835, page [4], with address. View Item
Image Text 4 Items George W. Strong letter to John Nelson Lloyd, September 11, 1835. Letter from George W. Strong, New York, to John Nelson Lloyd, Lloyd Neck, regarding Lloyd's proposed financial arrangements for his son Henry and daughters Angelina and Phoebe, William Howard's sale of his property on Lloyd Neck, Strong's negative opinion of abolitionist societies, his daughter Eloise's upcoming visit to New York during which she and her husband plan a visit to Lloyd Neck, his daughter Mary's return from Boston, an injury sustained by one of his horses, and his brother Thomas's recovery from illness. View Item
Image Text 4 Items George W. Strong letter to John Nelson Lloyd, March 9, 1839. Letter from George W. Strong, New York, to John Nelson Lloyd, Lloyd Neck, discussing a pamphlet by John Whipple of Rhode Island opposing the Atherton resolutions, anti-abolitionist resolutions passed in the U.S. House of Representatives in December 1838, the legal opinion of Gulian C. Verplanck in American Insurance Company v. Bryan, renewing Conklin Gould's lease, a visit with his brothers Benjamin and Joseph to his brother Thomas whose bodily health is good, but mental health very poor, Lloyd's daughter Angelina, recently married to Joseph Higbee, and the financial situation of a Mr. View Item
Image Text 2 Items A Plan for the abolition of slavery ; To the non-slaveholders of the South Unsigned and undated printed broadside entitled "A plan for the abolition of Slavery", with, on verso, "To the non-slaveholders of the South". View Item
Text The Twenty-Fifth National Anti-Slavery anniversary. Music Hall, Winter Street, Wednesday evening, January 26, 1859 … View Item
Text The Twenty-Fifth National Anti-Slavery subscription anniversary. The anti-slavery effort of former years by means of a fair, will this year be more effectually continued as a financial and social occasion at the Music Hall, Boston … Pages [2]-[3], blank, not captured. View Item
Image Text 2 Items The Twenty-Fifth National Anti-Slavery subscription anniversary Printed circular and admission ticket to the Twenty-Fifth National Anti-Slavery Anniversary, with Lysander Spooner's name in graphite on front. View Item
Image Text 4 Items Elizur Wright letter to Lysander Spooner, April 10, 1866 Letter from Elizur Wright in Boston, Massachusetts, to Lysander Spooner dated April 10, 1866, discussing topics of anti-slavery. View Item