
To the mechanicks and free electors of the city and county of New-York. : Gentlemen, The justice, temper, and firmness with which the government of the southern district of this state, has been conducted since the departure of the British troops, reflects

Concerning the election of state senators and representatives- Dec. 29- 1783. Recommends nine candidates for election. Signed and dated: Juvenis. New-York- Dec. 23- 1783. Text in two columns. New-York Historical copy has manuscript note: "McDougall". References: Bristol B5817.

Item Details Content statement

Concerning the election of state senators and representatives- Dec. 29- 1783. Recommends nine candidates for election. Signed and dated: Juvenis. New-York- Dec. 23- 1783. Text in two columns. New-York Historical copy has manuscript note: "McDougall". References: Bristol B5817.
Full Title
To the mechanicks and free electors of the city and county of New-York. : Gentlemen The justice temper and firmness with which the government of the southern district of this state has been conducted since the departure of the British troops reflects the highest honour on our present rulers ...
NYHS Identifier
Broadsides -- SY1783 no.14
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Digital Format
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digitized other analog
Date Created
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1 sheet ([1] p.) ; 30 x 24 cm
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