
By the United States in Congress assembled. A proclamation. : Whereas in pursuance of a plenipotentiary commission, given on the twenty-ninth day of December, one thousand seven hundred and eighty, to the Honourable John Adams, Esq. a treaty of amity and

Includes the text of the treaty. Text in four columns. References: Bristol B5609; Shipton & Mooney 44280.

Item Details Content statement

Includes the text of the treaty. Text in four columns. References: Bristol B5609; Shipton & Mooney 44280.
Full Title
By the United States in Congress assembled. A proclamation. : Whereas in pursuance of a plenipotentiary commission given on the twenty-ninth day of December one thousand seven hundred and eighty to the Honourable John Adams Esq. a treaty of amity and commerce between their High Mightinesses the States-General of the United Netherlands and the United States of America was on the eighth day of October one thousand seven hundred and eighty-two concluded ...
NYHS Identifier
Broadsides -- SY1782 no.7
Owning Institution
Digital Format
Digital Origin
digitized other analog
Date Created
Date Issued
1 sheet ([1] p.) ; 44 x 56 cm
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