In Congress, Monday, June 12, 1775. : ... This Congress ... recommend, that Thursday, the twentieth day of July next, be observed by the inhabitants of all the English colonies on this continent, as a day of public humiliation, fasting and prayer …

Signed: By order of the Congress- John Hancock- president. (A true copy-) Charles Thompson [i.e.- Thomson]- secretary. Printed area measures 31.9 x 19.7 cm. New-York Historical copy inscribed on verso: fast- 1775- 20 July- Congress- John Hancock. In another hand: Revd. Mr. Rogen- Littleton. References: Evans 14565; Ford- W.C. Broadsides- 1806.

Item Details Content statement

Signed: By order of the Congress- John Hancock- president. (A true copy-) Charles Thompson [i.e.- Thomson]- secretary. Printed area measures 31.9 x 19.7 cm. New-York Historical copy inscribed on verso: fast- 1775- 20 July- Congress- John Hancock. In another hand: Revd. Mr. Rogen- Littleton. References: Evans 14565; Ford- W.C. Broadsides- 1806.
Full Title
In Congress Monday June 12 1775. : ... This Congress ... recommend that Thursday the twentieth day of July next be observed by the inhabitants of all the English colonies on this continent as a day of public humiliation fasting and prayer …
NYHS Identifier
Broadsides -- SY1775 no.44
Linked Agent
Owning Institution
Digital Format
Digital Origin
digitized other analog
Date Created
Date Issued
1 sheet ([1] p.) ; 44 x 36 cm
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