In Committee of Safety, for the state of New-York. Fish-Kills, Oct. 9, 1776. : Resolved, that the persons hereafter mentioned, be appointed to purchase at the cheapest rate, in their several counties, all the coarse woollen cloth, linsey-woolsey, blankets

Signed: Extract from the minutes. Robert Benson- sec'ry. Imprint supplied from Vail- R.W.G. A patriotic pair of peripatetic printers (in Essays honoring Lawrence C. Wroth- Portland- Me.- 1951)- p. 395. New-York Historical copy: manuscript correction in the text; inscribed on verso: "9th Oct. 1776- Resolution of Committee of Safety No. 3". References: Bristol B4290; Shipton & Mooney 43100.

Item Details Content statement

Signed: Extract from the minutes. Robert Benson- sec'ry. Imprint supplied from Vail- R.W.G. A patriotic pair of peripatetic printers (in Essays honoring Lawrence C. Wroth- Portland- Me.- 1951)- p. 395. New-York Historical copy: manuscript correction in the text; inscribed on verso: "9th Oct. 1776- Resolution of Committee of Safety No. 3". References: Bristol B4290; Shipton & Mooney 43100.
Full Title
In Committee of Safety for the state of New-York. Fish-Kills Oct. 9 1776. : Resolved that the persons hereafter mentioned be appointed to purchase at the cheapest rate in their several counties all the coarse woollen cloth linsey-woolsey blankets ...
NYHS Identifier
Broadsides -- SY1776 no.55
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Digital Format
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digitized other analog
Date Created
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1 sheet ([1] p.) ; 23 x 21 cm
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