Chester, the 7th day of April, 1780: D. sir, At a meeeting [sic] of a few of us to consider the necessary steps preparitory [sic] to the next election, we find, that inhabitants here are generally strong on our side, so that I have reason to hope, that Yates will carry it
At an adjourned town meeting, holden at Norwich, in Connecticut, on the 29th day of March, 1779: We, the freemen and other inhabitants of this town, having for a long time conceived the mode of taxation in this state to be unequal, have once and again petitioned the Honorable General Assembly to change the present for a mere equal mode of drawing from their constituents, money to defray the public exigencies
Creator / Contributor
Norwich (Conn.) ; Selectmen.
To the public. The Provincial Congress of New-York, yesterday passed a resolve in the following words: to wit, "That no military officer in the pay of the Continental Congress, or the Congress of this colony, ought to be eligible to a seat in the Congress of this colony ... In Provincial Congress, New-York, the ninth day of June, 1776. To John Morin Scott, Esquire, Greeting: Whereas the Continental Congress by their resolutions ... appoint you, the said John Morin Scott, provincial brigadier general
Creator / Contributor
Scott, John Morin ; 1730-1784 ; New York (Colony) ; Provincial Congress
To the electors of this city at large: Fellow-citizens! "There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood leads on to fortune." If ever this author's words merited attention, it is in the present conjuncture of our affairs
Creator / Contributor
Cincinnatus. ; Loudon, Samuel ; 1727?-1813 ; McDougall, Alexander ; 1732-1786
To the inhabitants of the city and county of New-York: My friends and countrymen, When I behold a few restless men, endeavouring to throw all things into confusion
Creator / Contributor
Sober citizen.
By His Excellency George Clinton, Esq; governor of the state of New-York, general of the militia, and admiral of the navy of the same. A proclamation
Creator / Contributor
New York (State) ; Governor (1777-1795 : Clinton). ; Clinton, George ; 1739-1812
New-York, April 16, 1776: The Mechanics in Union and their associates, beg leave to offer the under mentioned gentlemen to the public, as fit men to represent the city and county of New-York, in the next Provincial Congress; the electors reserving to themselves a right of electing delegates for the Continental Congress when wanting
Creator / Contributor
Mechanicks in Union (New York, N.Y.)
To the worthy and industrious mechanicks of this state: Fellow citizens!!! In all countries, it is no uncommon practice for men, grasping at power, to call first upon the mechanicks, and endeavour to use them as mere ladders to their ungovernable ambition
Creator / Contributor
Friend to mechanicks. ; Loudon, Samuel ; 1727?-1813 ; McDougall, Alexander ; 1732-1786
The following are recommended as proper persons to represent the city and county of New-York, in Provincial Congress: The election will commence on Tuesday next, being the 16th of April, 1776
Creator / Contributor
Holt, John ; 1721-1784
At a general meeting of the Committee of Mechanicks, at Mrs. Van Dyke's, the 27th December, 1783: the following persons were recommended to their constituents as worthy to serve in senate for the southern district of this state, and in assembly for the city and county of New-York
Creator / Contributor
Committee of Mechanics (New York, N.Y.) ; Kip, Richard ; Kollock, Shepard ; 1750-1839 ; McDougall, Alexander ; 1732-1786
To the mechanicks and free electors of the city and county of New-York: Gentlemen, The justice, temper, and firmness with which the government of the southern district of this state, has been conducted since the departure of the British troops, reflects the highest honour on our present rulers
Creator / Contributor
Juvenis. ; Loudon, Samuel ; 1727?-1813 ; McDougall, Alexander ; 1732-1786
The following are recommended as proper persons to represent the city and county of New-York, in Provincial Congress: The election will commence on Tuesday next, being the 16th of April, 1776 ; To the inhabitants of the city and county of New-York
Creator / Contributor
Holt, John ; 1721-1784
To the electors of the city of New-York: Friends and fellow citizens! That the acts of the Legislature may faithfully correspond with the interest and sentiments of the society at large
Creator / Contributor
Loudon, Samuel ; 1727?-1813 ; McDougall, Alexander ; 1732-1786
To the Whig mechanicks of the city and county of New-York: My friends and fellow-citizens! You have in the course of the week, been addressed by a number of writers ... respecting the ensuing election for senators and assembly-men
Creator / Contributor
Battered soldier. ; Holt, John ; 1721-1784
To the citizens of New-York: Friends and fellow-citizens, The period affixed for the election of gentlemen to represent this city and county in Senate and Assembly, is near at hand, and the importance of the business deserves the attention of every member in the community ; To the citizens of New York
Creator / Contributor
Mercator. ; Loudon, Samuel ; 1727?-1813 ; McDougall, Alexander ; 1732-1786
To the inhabitants of New-York: My fellow citizens, This city becomes more and more the scoff and wonder of America! ; To the inhabitants of New York
Creator / Contributor
Holt, John ; 1721-1784
To the honourable magistrates, and worthy electors of King's County, on Nassau-Island, in the colony of New-York: Gentlemen, January 23, 1776. It is with sensible and singular pleasure I meet you here this day, and on this constitutional occasion. We are now assembled to manifest to the whole world, our duty and loyalty to our rightful and gracious Sovereign Lord King George the Third
Creator / Contributor
State of New-York: Instructions proposed for the consideration of the inhabitants of Poughkeepsie precinct, and which, if approved of, will be given to their committee, when chosen
Creator / Contributor
Poughkeepsie (N.Y.) ; Holt, John ; 1721-1784
To the electors of New-York. January 6, 1776: Fellow-citizens, there are several important reformations, which ought to be made, for our future security, and which if we are wise, we will take this opportunity to provide for
Creator / Contributor
The Speech of William Tr--n, Esq; who was executed on Thursday the 18th of March, 1776 ; Speech of William Tryon, Esq; who was executed on Thursday the 18th of March, 1776