By His Excellency William Tryon, Esq; captain general and governor in chief, in and over the province of New-York ... A proclamation: Whereas the General Assembly of this province stands prorogued to the first day of February ... I do ... dissolve the said General Assembly ... Given under my hand and seal, at arms, in the city of New-York, the second day of January, one thousand seven hundred and seventy-six
Creator / Contributor
New York (Colony) ; Governor (1771-1780 : Tryon). ; Tryon, William ; 1729-1788 ; Gaine, Hugh ; 1726 or 7-1807
By the United States in Congress assembled. A proclamation: Whereas in pursuance of a plenipotentiary commission, given on the 28th day of September, 1782, to the Honorable Benjamin Franklin, a treaty of amity and commerce between His Majesty the King of Sweden and the United States of America, was on the 3d of April, 1783, concluded
Creator / Contributor
United States ; Continental Congress. ; Sweden ; 1783 Apr. 3.
Committee of Safety, New-York, January 27, 1776: Instructions to the colonels, and other officers, for inlistment of four new battalions in the Continental service, for the defence of the colony of New-York ; Committee of Safety, New York, January 27, 1776
Creator / Contributor
New York (State) ; Committee of Safety. ; Loudon, Samuel ; 1727?-1813 ; Gaine, Hugh ; 1726 or 7-1807 ; Varick, Richard ; 1753-1831 ; Forbes, William A. ; Van Hook, Arondt ; d. 1798? ; Fairley, J. S. ; Woodhull, Nathaniel ; 1722-1776
Copies of two bills presented and read in the House of Commons, on the 19th of February last
Creator / Contributor
Great Britain ; Parliament. ; House of Commons. ; Rivington, James ; 1724-1802
From the Bristol gazette of October 10, 1782: At the request of many friends, we have obtained the consent of Mr. Cruger to print the substance of his speech on going out of office, as it was taken down at the time of delivering it in the Guildhall, (on the 29th of Sept.) and was nearly as follows
Creator / Contributor
Cruger, Henry ; 1739-1827 ; Oakley, Walton Livingston ; Oakley, Matilda C. Cruger
Head-quarters, New-York, April, 8th 1776: The general, informs the inhabitants, that it is become absolutely necessary, that all communication, between the ministerial fleet and shore, should be immediately stopped ... Capt. James Alner is appointed inspector
Creator / Contributor
United States ; Continental Army. ; Alner, James. ; Putnam, Israel ; 1718-1790
In Provincial Congress, New-York, June 20, 1776: Whereas the Continental Congress, on the 14th day of March last, did recommend it to the several assemblies ... immediately to cause all persons to be disarmed within their respective colonies, who were notoriously disaffected to the cause of America
Creator / Contributor
New York (Colony) ; Provincial Congress. ; Benson, Robert ; 1739-1823 ; Holt, John ; 1721-1784
In Provincial Congress, New-York, May 31, 1776: Whereas the present government of this colony by Congress and committees ... and whereas the Continental Congress did resolve
Creator / Contributor
New York (Colony) ; Provincial Congress. ; United States ; Continental Congress. ; Benson, Robert ; 1739-1823 ; Holt, John ; 1721-1784
New-York, April 23, 1777. Song for St. George's Day. Tune, Hail England, Old England ; Song for St. George's Day ; For ages the nations beheld with surprize
Creator / Contributor
Odell, Jonathan ; 1737-1818 ; Onderdonk Paper Mill
New-York, theatre, 1782: General account of receipts and disbursements for the two last seasons ; New York, theatre, 1782
Creator / Contributor
John Street Theatre (New York, N.Y.) ; Gaine, Hugh ; 1726 or 7-1807 ; Laight, Henry
To satisfy the impatience of the public, for the late operations of the Royal Army in Pennsylvania: the printer has been desired to publish the following accounts of the glorious victory obtained on the 4th instant, by his Excellency General Sir William Howe, K. B. over the rebel army, under Mr. Washington ... and he has added copies of original letters from General Parsons and Colonel George Clinton, relating to the late successful attack of the forts on Hudson's River, under the command of Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Clinton
Creator / Contributor
Clinton, George ; 1739-1812 ; Parsons, Samuel Holden ; 1737-1789 ; Rivington, James ; 1724-1802 ; Pintard, John ; 1759-1844
An hymn to be sung by the charity scholars, on Sunday, the 12th of October, 1783, at St. George's Chapel, after the charity sermon for the benefit of the school ; Great source of good! Almighty pow'r!
Creator / Contributor
Siverly, C. ; Trinity Church (New York, N.Y.) ; Trinity School (New York, N.Y.) ; Basted Mill (Wrotham, England)