11 men of Seventh stricken by heat in Missouri town. Drop when hiking around Mokane, but only three are carried to train, and they recover soon.
18,000 rush to arms at a surprise call. New York troops spring to posts smoothly, but machine guns err technically.
23d reaches border camp. First section of Brooklyn infantry at Pharr. Soldiers to fall back. All Guard not needed for patrol duty. By Earl J. Hadley, staff correspondent of The Evening Sun.
Creator / Contributor
Hadley, Earl J.
7th Regiment repels invasion of provisions by 2 Mexicans. Legless intruder uses crutches to enter car--troops will reach border late to-night and detrain at Brownsville to-morrow. By Earl J. Hadley, staff correspondent of The Evening Sun.
Creator / Contributor
Hadley, Earl J.
7th, 14th and 71st off. Thousands turn out to bid the guardsmen godspeed. Water scarce on trains. Soldiers make merry as they start for the southwest in elderly day coaches. Ovation for them here. Lines of march from armories thronged and buildings aflutter with flags.
7th, 14th and 71st off. Thousands turn out to bid the guardsmen godspeed. Water scarce on trains. Soldiers make merry as they start for the southwest in elderly day coaches. Ovation for them here. Lines of march from armories thronged and buildings aflutter with flags.
7th, 14th and 71st off. Thousands turn out to bid the guardsmen godspeed. Water scarce on trains. Soldiers make merry as they start for the southwest in elderly day coaches. Ovation for them here. Lines of march from armories thronged and buildings aflutter with flags [verso, with additional articles].
A blunder to be avoided.
Amenities at the border. "War" with Mexico by dinner and vaudeville.
As McAllen sees our boys. A resident records the local opinion of New York's soldiers. From a personal letter written by a citizen of McAllen, Texas.
Barrett sees hope in Mexican peace. Pan-American director shows how ABC powers have relieved tension. Carranza to hold off.
Bouquets and kiss[es] ; Seventh, in day coaches, sings new "Tipperary".
Creator / Contributor
Runyon, Damon, 1880-1946
Breaks down in camp. Orderly Esselstyn, at border with 7th, overcome.
Camp Whitman. A soldier's mother reports to anxious parents.
Conditions in Texas. A sample of the irritation that unpreparedness has produced.
Dread of cook tent detail keeps border troopers good. Punishment for military crimes at McAllen not serious, but too irksome for rookies. TCO lengthy morning bath disgraces one. By Rookie, Seventh New York Infantry.
Empire State troops likely to be among first over frontier if hostilities come--Massachusetts men reach El Paso--Mexico fortifying its inland cities. Pershing prepares force to meet Mexican attack. Strongly intrenched [sic] in new position after dynamiting a gorge to prevent surprise--U.S. Army observers say German officers are with the army of Gen. Trevino.
Evening World, New York, July 3, 1916, page 3, including articles "Army men begin rigid inspection of Camp Whitman. Governor to review troops to-morrow - big celebration planned. Second may go south. Orders expected last of week and others are busy drilling" and "1,800-mile front on border split into 3 divisions. Baker paves way for naming supreme commander - Wood a candidate".
Evening World, New York, July 3, 1916, page [1] including article "4,000 New York guardsmen reach Rio Grande; another regiment due to-morrow. Seventh, Seventy-first and Fourteenth in camp in Texas after hard trip - go to work like seasoned campaigners. By Martin Green".
Creator / Contributor
Green, Martin
Evening World, New York, Monday, July 3, 1916, page [1]-7, and Evening Word Daily Magazine, July 3, 1916, page A-C.