At an adjourned town meeting, holden at Norwich, in Connecticut, on the 29th day of March, 1779: We, the freemen and other inhabitants of this town, having for a long time conceived the mode of taxation in this state to be unequal, have once and again petitioned the Honorable General Assembly to change the present for a mere equal mode of drawing from their constituents, money to defray the public exigencies
Creator / Contributor
Norwich (Conn.) ; Selectmen.
Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In Senate, February 26, 1781: Whereas it is of the utmost importance that the quota of men required by a resolve of the 2d of December last, be speedily compleated; and as the mode of classing has been more successful in procuring the men than any other measure: therefore, resolved, that the assessors of every deficient town ... where the mode of classing has not been adopted, be, and they hereby are authorized and directed immediately upon the receipt hereof, to class their inhabitants
Creator / Contributor
Massachusetts ; General Court. ; Edes, Benjamin ; 1732-1803 ; Edes, Benjamin ; 1755-1801 ; Edes, Peter ; 1756-1840
Copies of two bills presented and read in the House of Commons, on the 19th of February last
Creator / Contributor
Great Britain ; Parliament. ; House of Commons. ; Rivington, James ; 1724-1802
In Congress, January 13, 1779: We cannot review the progress of the revolution which has given freedom to America, without admiring the goodness and gratefully acknowledging the interposition of Divine Providence
Creator / Contributor
United States ; Continental Congress. ; Thomson, Charles ; 1729-1824 ; Dunlap, John ; 1747-1812
State of Connecticut, in America. To [blank] constable of [blank] and collector of the state tax for said town, for the year 1780, greeting: Whereas the General Assembly of this state, in May, 1780, granted a rate or tax of six pence on the pound
Creator / Contributor
Connecticut ; Treasury Dept. ; Lawrence, John ; 1719-1802 ; Baldwin, David
State of New-York: Instructions proposed for the consideration of the inhabitants of Poughkeepsie precinct, and which, if approved of, will be given to their committee, when chosen
Creator / Contributor
Poughkeepsie (N.Y.) ; Holt, John ; 1721-1784
State of Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations. In General Assembly, December session, A.D. 1783: Whereas the most honorable the Congress of the United States ... did resolve, that one million two hundred thousand dollars be raised by the several states, and applied towards paying the interest due on certificates issued from the loan-office ... Be it therefore enacted ... that the keeper of the continental loan-office in this state ... consolidate all the loan-office certificates ... and certify the value of each