$163 Bounty! Spinola's Empire Brigade! Hillhouse Light Infantry! Recruits wanted for Comp'y I., Captain John B. Honstain.
Creator / Contributor
Honstain, John B. ; Avery, William B. ; Bagley, A. L.
$163 Bounty! Spinola's Empire Brigade! Hillhouse Light Infantry! Recruits wanted for Comp'y I., Captain John B. Honstain.
Creator / Contributor
Honstain, John B. ; Avery, William B. ; Bagley, A. L.
Deutsche Jäger-Eliten-Compagnie! Drittes Regiment, Spinola's Empire Brigade, commandirt von Colonel F.X. Braulick und Lieut. Colonel Leverich.
Creator / Contributor
Braulick, F. X. ; Leverich, Lieut. ; Dittrich, Hugo ; Lafontaine, L.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Empire Zouaves! N.Y.S.V. The company is formed under orders from His Excellency the Governor, and to be commanded by the undersigned officers, who have seen active service for the last fifteen months ...
Creator / Contributor
Freeman, Samuel J. ; Cooper, H. C. ; Zimandy, A. P.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Fall in! Fall in! Fall in! Senatorial Regiment Colonel Anthony Conk. Recruits wanted to fill up a company of this regiment, under command of officers who have seen service in the field.
Creator / Contributor
Conk, Anthony ; Swift, J. W. ; Rogers, E.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Fall in! Fall in! Fall in! Senatorial regiment Colonel Anthony Conk. Recruits wanted to fill up Company E, of this regiment, under the command of officers who have seen service in the field.
Creator / Contributor
Conk, Anthony ; Blackburn, J. M.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
No party! Union forever! All friends of the Union, favorable to the election of Wadsworth and Tremain and of supporting the Government in all just measures for the suppression of the Rebellion, are requested to attend a Meeting at Todd's Hall. …
Creator / Contributor
Wadsworth, Jas. ; Bowerman, Henry A. ; Pirnie, P. M.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Senatorial Regiment, Col. Anthony Conk. Patriots to the rescue. To arms! To arms! The Union, the Constitution, and the enforcement of the laws.
Creator / Contributor
Conk, Anthony ; Wilson, Adolph ; Keefer, Henry ; Buchholtz, Geo. A.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Senatorial Regiment, Colonel Anthony Conk. Recruits wanted for Company A, to serve for three years or during the war, under experience officers.
Creator / Contributor
Conk, Anthony ; Bogart, Gilbert ; Miller, Theodore
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Senatorial Regiment, Colonel Anthony Conk. Recruits wanted for Company A, to serve for three years or during the war, under experienced officers.
Braulick, F. X. ; Schoening, O. von ; Mertz, Heinrich
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Stanton Legion W.H. Allen, Commander. $25 bounty as soon as mustered in service. 25 government bounty 48 hours after being sworn in. 25 State Bounty as soon as the Regiment is completed. 50 Bounty from Common Council before leaving the State.
Creator / Contributor
Allen, William H. ; Burgess, John T. ; Averill, E. D. ; Young, 2nd Lieut.