Copy of a letter sent Fr. The Othello, Cap'n Sweet
Creator / Contributor
Mairez, Francis ; Cooper, David ; Anderson, Captain ; Knowles, John, Captain ; Othello (Brig) ; Venus (Snow)
Sales of seventy five Negroes imported in the Brigt. Othello George D. Sweet Master on Account of Messrs. Sam'l & Will'm Vernons, Rhode Island
Creator / Contributor
Mairez, Francis ; Cooper, David ; Sweet, George Dunbar ; Vernon, William, 1719-1806 ; Vernon, Samuel, 1711-1792 ; Christie, George ; Rutherfurd, Thomas ; Gentle, Robert ; Davidson, Andrew ; Cunningham, Andrew ; Cunningham, John ; Brown, Peter ; Gray, John ; Priest, John ; Wood, Jonathan ; Moyston, Jeremiah ; Bullock, William ; Clarke, Robert ; Smart, Alexander ; Trought, Nicholas ; Rachael ; Hawkins, George ; Smith, John ; Sherriffe, Alexander ; Libert, Mrs. ; Shore, George ; Mitchell, John ; Scott, George ; Lugg, James ; Othello (Brig)
[Letter from John Knowles to Messrs. Samuel and William Vernon]
Creator / Contributor
Knowles, John, Captain ; Vernon, William, 1719-1806 ; Vernon, Samuel, 1711-1792 ; Bleven, Captain ; Bowers, Captain ; Ellery, Captain ; Vernon, Samuel, Jr. ; Mairez, Francis ; Smith, George ; Charlotte (Brig)
[Slave inventory and log for the Brig Othello]
Creator / Contributor
Sweet, George Dunbar ; Othello (Brig)
[Unsigned letter to Capt. George Sweet]
Creator / Contributor
Vernon, William, 1719-1806 ; Vernon, Samuel, 1711-1792 ; Hazzard, George ; Mairez, Francis ; Cooper, David ; Borden, Captain ; Sweet, George Dunbar ; Stevenson & Went
[Unsigned letter to Messrs. Mairez & Cooper]
Creator / Contributor
Vernon, William, 1719-1806 ; Allen, Benjamin, Captain ; Vernon, Samuel, Jr. ; Brown, Captain ; Johnson, Samuel ; Mairez, Francis ; Cooper, David ; Venus (Brig) ; Stevenson & Went ; Mairez & Cooper