$150 Bounty! Spinola's Empire Brigade! Hillhouse Light Infantry! Col. P.J. Claassen, commanding 2d Reg't. 40 good men wanted immediately to fill up a company.
Creator / Contributor
Claassen, P. J. ; Cummings, W. R.
$150 Bounty! Spinola's Empire Brigade! Hillhouse Light Infantry! Col. P.J. Claassen, commanding 2d Reg't. 40 good men wanted immediately to fill up a company.
Creator / Contributor
Claassen, P. J. ; Cummings, W. R.
$163 Bounty! Spinola's Empire Brigade! Hillhouse Light Infantry! Recruits wanted for Comp'y I., Captain John B. Honstain.
Creator / Contributor
Honstain, John B. ; Avery, William B. ; Bagley, A. L.
$163 Bounty! Spinola's Empire Brigade! Hillhouse Light Infantry! Recruits wanted for Comp'y I., Captain John B. Honstain.
Creator / Contributor
Honstain, John B. ; Avery, William B. ; Bagley, A. L.
$225 Bounty, Senatorial Regiment Colonel Anthony Conk. Company F, of this fine regiment, is in want of a few more able-bodied men to fill up its ranks!
Creator / Contributor
Conk, Anthony ; Perry, Edgar ; Stafford, Fred H. ; Spencer, Augustus J.
$225 Bounty, Senatorial Regiment Colonel Anthony Conk. Company F, of this fine regiment, is in want of a few more able-bodied men to fill up its ranks.
Creator / Contributor
Conk, Anthony ; Perry, Edgar ; Stafford, Fred H. ; Spencer, Augustus J.
$225 bounty. Second Senatorial Regiment Col. Conk Command'g. Wanted! 30 able-bodied men for Company B.
Creator / Contributor
Conk, Anthony ; Phillips, Howard ; Cummings, J. Oliver
Armée du general F. Sigel. Avis aux etrangers les Francais, Italiens, Allemands, Espagnols et les autres etrangers peuvent s'enroler dans un regiment actuellement en campagne dans la Virginie.
Creator / Contributor
Sigel, Franz, 1824-1902 ; Saviatti, Ercole
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Attention recruits $177 in bounties & advance pay. United States advance bounty $25, United States advance pay, 13, United States enlistment fee, 4, New York State bounty, 50, Sixth District Committee bounty, 10, total, advance pay and bounties, $102 …
Creator / Contributor
Smith, James E. ; Ferrero, Col.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Attention, Volunteers! A limited number of good men wanted to fill up Company D, attached to Col. Gregory's Reciment [sic].
Creator / Contributor
Sinex, Jos. H. ; Diehl, Jas. B. ; Faust, H. B.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Camp Lacey. Visit of Gov. Curtin! Presentation of Reg'l Colors ...
Creator / Contributor
Davis, W. W. H. ; Curtin, Andrew Gregg, 1815-1894
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Civil and military Union mass meeting! Rally for the Union! The citizens of Buck County, favorable to the Constitution, Government and Union, will assemble in the splendid grove of David Doan, in Plumstead Township, near the village of Danborough …
Creator / Contributor
Kelly, William D. ; Cassidy, Lewis C. ; Dougherty, Daniel ; Rich, Josiah ; Carr, Samuel ; Hall, Benjamin ; Leatherman, Jacob ; Skelton, John H. ; Collum, Asher S. ; Smith, Chas. ; Michener, Elliot
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Das Sechste Senatorial-Distrikt Regiment, Perkin's Rifles, Oberst W. Mayer. Hauptquartier: 46 & 48 East Houston Str. Eine seltene Gelegenheit für activen Dienst! Dieses Regiment wird speziell für General Sigel …
Creator / Contributor
Mayer, William ; Sigel, Franz, 1824-1902
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Fall in! Fall in! Fall in! Senatorial regiment Colonel Anthony Conk. Recruits wanted to fill up Company E, of this regiment, under the command of officers who have seen service in the field.
Creator / Contributor
Conk, Anthony ; Blackburn, J. M.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Fifth Ward. A mass meeting of the loyal citizens of the Fifth Ward will be held in Library Street, on Tuesday evening, at 7 1/2 o'clock.
Creator / Contributor
Fitzgerald, Col. ; Watson, John ; Nicholson, William
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
First National Volunteers. Col. William Gurney, of the First U.S. Chasseurs, now raising a crack regiment. Boys, don't be drafted get your bounty!
Creator / Contributor
Geary, John White, 1819-1873 ; Schauffler, Edward W.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Fourth Senatorial Dist. Regiment! Colonel Peter McDermott, Adjutant Geo. W. Warner. 50 able-bodied men wanted for this regiment, which offers inducements equal to any now being organized.
Creator / Contributor
McDermott, Peter ; Warner, George W. ; Creighton, Fred
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Fourth Senatorial Dist. Regiment! Colonel Peter McDermott. (Late major Excelsior Brigade, and of Mexican War.) Adjutant Geo. W. Warner. (Late Captain, 15th N.Y.V.) Headquarters, City Assembly Rooms, Broadway.
Creator / Contributor
McDermott, Peter ; Warner, George W. ; Murphy, Michael C.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Latest news from Washington! The rebels swarming on the Potomac! 'Boys there's the enemy! And we must beat them, or Molly Stark sleeps a widow to-night! Forward!'--General Stark's speech to his soldiers before the Battle of Bennington.