Beginning on the road from Williamsburgh to Hanover, one mile 54 chains + 20 links from Duncastle towards Hanover, thence across the Pamunky at Ruffin’s Ferry to a Brick Church. No 125 A / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; (Route back from Virginia) Beginning on the road from Williamsburgh to Hanover, one mile 54 chains + 20 links from Duncastle towards Hanover, thence across the Pamunky at Ruffin’s Ferry to a Brick Church. No 125 A ; Route from Virginia A. B. C. D. E. F. G H. I K & a 1/2 sheet C. 125 ; Begining on the road from Williamsburgh to Hanover, one mile 54 Ch. + 20 Links from Duncastle towards Hanover thence Cross the Pamunky at Ruffins Ferry to a brick Church. A No. 125
Creator / Contributor
De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
From Alexandria to near Colchester. No 124, M / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; Route to York in Virginia, A B C D E F G H I K L M [N O P Q] R S T U. 124 ; From Alexandria to near Colchester. M No 124
Creator / Contributor
De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
From Allen’s Ordinary through Williamsburgh to York. No 124, U / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; Route to York in Virginia, A B C D E F G H I K L M [N O P Q] R S T U. 124 ; From Allens ordinary through Williamsburgh to York. U No 124
Creator / Contributor
De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
From Aylett’s Mill past Ayletts Warehouses across Todd’s Bridge and Moroscosick No 125, C / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; ROUTE Back from VIRGA. From Ayletts Mill past Ayletts Warehouses Cross Todds bridge & Morscosick. C No 125 ; Route from Virginia A. B. C. D. E. F. G H. I K & a 1/2 sheet C. 125 ; From Ayletts Mill past Ayletts Warehouses Cross Todds bridge & Morscosick. C No 125
Creator / Contributor
De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
From Colchester Past Dumfries to Stafford Court House. No 124, N / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; Route to York in Virginia, A B C D E F G H I K L M [N O P Q] R S T U. 124 ; From Colchester past Dumfries to Stafford Courthouse. N No 124
Creator / Contributor
De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
From Head Lynche’s Ordinary across the Pamunky River to some distance past Hanover Court House. No 124, Q / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; Route to York in Virginia, A B C D E F G H I K L M [N O P Q] R S T U. 124 ; From Head Lynchs’s ordinary Cross the Pamunky river to some distance past hanover Courtho[use] Q No 124
Creator / Contributor
De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
From John Hampton’s on the road from Todd’s Bridge to the Redhouse (see Sheet C) past Gardiners Ordinary Beverly’s Mill and Sneeds Ordinary + across the Rappahannock River at Port Royal Town. No 125, D / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; THE Route back from VIRGINIA From John Hamptons on the Road from Todds bridge to the redhouse (see Sheet C) past Gardeners ordy, Beverly’s Mill & Sneeds ordy + Across the Rappahannock river at Port Royal Town. D No. 125 ; Route from Virginia A. B. C. D. E. F. G H. I K & a 1/2 sheet C. 125 ; From John Hamptons on the Road from Todds bridge to the redhouse (see Sheet C) past Gardeners ordy, Beverly’s Mill & Sneeds ordy + Across the Rappahannock river at Port Royal Town. D No. 125
Creator / Contributor
De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
From Johnson’s Tubmill past New Kent Ct. He. to Thomas Rawson’s Ordinary. No 124, S / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; From Johnson’s Tubmill past New Kent Court House to Thomas Rawson’s Ordinary. No 124, S ; Route to York in Virginia, A B C D E F G H I K L M [N O P Q] R S T U. 124 ; From Johnsons Tubmill past New Kent Courthouse to Thomas Rawsons Ordinary. S No 124
Creator / Contributor
De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
From Stafford Ct House past Falmouth Fredericksburgh + Todds Oridnary to the Mattapoyne thence down the same to near the Bowling Green Ordinary. No 124, O / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; From Stafford Courthouse past Falmouth Fredericksburgh and Todds ordinary to the Mattaponye thence down the same to near the Bowlinggreen ordinary. O No 124 ; Route to York in Virginia, A B C D E F G H I K L M [N O P Q] R S T U. 124 ; From Stafford Courthouse past Falmouth Fredericksburgh & Todds ordinary to the Mattaponye thence down the same to near the Bowlinggreen ordinary. O No 124
Creator / Contributor
De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
From near Hanover Court House through Hanover + New Castle Towns to near Johnson’s Tubmill on Mere de cum. No 124, R / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; From near Hanover Court House through Hanover and New Castle Towns to near Johnson’s Tubmill on Meredecum. No 124, R ; Route to York in Virginia, A B C D E F G H I K L M [N O P Q] R S T U. 124 ; From near Hanover Courthouse through Hanover + New Castle Towns to near Johnsons Tubmill on Meredecun. R No 124
Creator / Contributor
De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
From near Port Royal to Hooes Ferry on the Potowmac River. No 125, E / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; ROUTE back from VIRGINAIA From near Portroyal to Hooes Ferry on the Patowmack river. E No. 125 ; Route from Virginia A. B. C. D. E. F. G H. I K & a 1/2 sheet C. 125 ; From near Portroyal to Hooes Ferry on the Patowmack river. E No. 125
Creator / Contributor
De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
From near Rawson’s Ordinary past Duncastle alias Birds Ordinary, to near Allen’s Ordinary. No 124, T / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; Route to York in Virginia, A B C D E F G H I K L M [N O P Q] R S T U. 124 ; From near Rawsons ordinary past Duncastle alias Birds ordinary to near Allens oridnary. T No- 124
Creator / Contributor
De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
From near a Brick past King William Ct. He. and the Burnt Ordinary to near Ayletts Mills. No 125, B / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; From near a Brick past King William Ct. He. and the Burnt Ordinary to near Ayletts Mills. No 125, B ; Route from Virginia A. B. C. D. E. F. G H. I K & a 1/2 sheet C. 125 ; From near a brick Church past King William Courthouse + the burnt Ordy. to near Ayletts Mill. B No. 125
Creator / Contributor
De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
From the Bowling Green Ordinary past the Red House across the Mattaponye past Burke’s Ordinary to near Head Lynche’s Ordinary. No 124, P / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; Route to York in Virginia, A B C D E F G H I K L M [N O P Q] R S T U. 124 ; From the B[o]wlinggreen ordinary past the Redhouse a[cross] the Mattapony[e] past Burkes ordinary to near Head Lynch’s ordinary. P No 124
Creator / Contributor
De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
The Route back from VIRGA. No 125, C. / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; The route back from Virginia. No. 125, C ; Route from Virginia A. B. C. D. E. F. G H. I K & a 1/2 sheet C. 125
Creator / Contributor
De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.