$204 in bounties! Cost what it may, the nation must be saved! To join the 36th Regiment New York Volunteers, commanded by Colonel W.H. Brown.
Creator / Contributor
Brown, W. H. ; Moore, G. H.
$204 in bounties! Cost what it may, the nation must be saved! To join the 36th Regiment New York Volunteers, commanded by Colonel W.H. Brown.
Creator / Contributor
Brown, W. H. ; Moore, G. H.
$225 Bounty, Senatorial Regiment Colonel Anthony Conk. Company F, of this fine regiment, is in want of a few more able-bodied men to fill up its ranks!
Creator / Contributor
Conk, Anthony ; Perry, Edgar ; Stafford, Fred H. ; Spencer, Augustus J.
$225 Bounty, Senatorial Regiment Colonel Anthony Conk. Company F, of this fine regiment, is in want of a few more able-bodied men to fill up its ranks.
Creator / Contributor
Conk, Anthony ; Perry, Edgar ; Stafford, Fred H. ; Spencer, Augustus J.
$225 bounty. Second Senatorial Regiment Col. Conk Command'g. Wanted! 30 able-bodied men for Company B.
Creator / Contributor
Conk, Anthony ; Phillips, Howard ; Cummings, J. Oliver
12th New-York State Artillery ... Wm. A. Howard Col. Com'dg. ... This regiment now being organized under the command of a United States officer of tried experience, offers superior inducements to recruits, as it is a favorite branch of the service. …
Creator / Contributor
Howard, William A. ; Bragg, Capt.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
A great rush. Cost what it may, the nation must be saved! To join the 36th Regiment New York Volunteers; commanded by Colonel W.H. Brown.
Creator / Contributor
Brown, W. H. ; Moore, G. H.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
A great rush. Cost what it may, the nation must be saved! To join the 36th Regiment New York Volunteers; commanded by Colonel W.H. Brown.
Creator / Contributor
Brown, W. H. ; Moore, G. H.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Corcoran Zouaves 4th Reg't Empire Brigade! Brig. Gen. Spinola, Command'g. Recruits wanted for Company B, James C. Burke, Colonel.
Creator / Contributor
Spinola, Francis Barretto ; Burke, James C. ; Treadwell, W. A. ; Haight, F. R. ; Jernejan, F.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Empire Zouaves! N.Y.S.V. The company is formed under orders from His Excellency the Governor, and to be commanded by the undersigned officers, who have seen active service for the last fifteen months ...
Creator / Contributor
Freeman, Samuel J. ; Cooper, H. C. ; Zimandy, A. P.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Jack Tars, Ahoy!! Let us open the Potomac! Wanted immediately for Co. I, 5th Regiment, Excelsior Brigade, 50 able-bodied seamen.
Creator / Contributor
Graham, Chas. K. ; Wilkinson, Arthur
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Order No. 1 The Camden Regiment will be mustered in on the 15th inst. at Trenton.
Creator / Contributor
Reynolds, John ; Grapewine, T. R. ; Lanning, S. P.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Philadelphia City Guard! 157th Reg't P.V. Col. Wm. A Gray. 40 able-bodied men for Co. B., to complete the roll of the Company, attached to this popular Regiment, now encamped near the city.
Creator / Contributor
Gray, William A. ; Bard, E. Milford ; White, R. G.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Phoenix Regiment! Corcoran Zouaves! 4th Reg't Empire Brigade! Brig. Gen. Spinola, command'g. Recruits wanted for Company B, James C. Burke, Col.
Creator / Contributor
Spinola, Francis Barretto ; Burke, James C. ; Treadwell, W. A. ; Haight, F. R.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Recruits Wanted! Halleck Guard! Col. Elias Peissner. First Reg't for the war! Already in camp in Turtle Bay Park. Lieut. Schwerin is authorized to receive recruits at the recruiting office of this Co.
Creator / Contributor
Peissner, Elias ; Schwerin, Lieut.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Richmond Co. and New York arouse! Town of Castleton in particular! Now is your time to join a first-rate company in first-rate Richmond Co. Regiment, and be ready for the war in a few days.
Creator / Contributor
Tompkins, Minthorne ; Cox, Mark ; Carroll, James ; Cunliff, Richard
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Richmond Co. arouse! Town of Castleton in particular! Now is your time to join a first-rate company in a first-rate Richmond Co. Regiment, and be ready for the war in a few days.
Creator / Contributor
Tompkins, Minthorne ; Cox, Mark ; Carroll, James ; Cunliff, Richard
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Sigel Sharp-Shooters! Spinola's Brigade! Organized under special authority, the regiment will be commanded by officers who have all seen active service. Pay from $13 to $21 per month.
Creator / Contributor
Braulick, F. X. ; Wiederhold, Louis ; Pujol, Louis
Braulick, F. X. ; Schoening, O. von ; Mertz, Heinrich
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Sixth Regiment N.Y.S.M. Governor's Guard Col. Jos. C. Pinckney. This regiment, having just returned from a tour of three months' duty, is now reorganizing for the War!