Covention [sic] at Concord, Sept. 22, 1779 for stating the prices of sundry articles: At a convention of delegates, met at Concord, for the state of New-Hampshire, on Wednesday the 22d of September, A.D. 1779,--for the purpose of endeavouring to lay some plan to appreciate the paper currency,-- ; Convention at Concord, Sept. 22, 1779 for stating the prices of sundry articles
Creator / Contributor
Convention begun and held at Concord (1779 Sept. 22-23) ; Fowle, Zechariah ; d. 1784 ; Langdon, John ; 1741-1819
In committee, July 14, 1779: Resolved, that the plan for stopping emissions be printed in hand-bills, and distributed for the consideration of the public; and that a town-meeting be held in the state house yard, on Monday the 26th instant, at ten o'clock in the forenoon
Creator / Contributor
Philadelphia (Pa.) ; Henry, William ; 1729-1786 ; Bradford, Thomas ; 1745-1838 ; Zabriskie, John
Oppression: a poem. Or, New-England's lamentation of the dreadful extortion and other sins of the times: Being a serious exhortation to all to repent and turn from the evil of their ways, if they would avert the terrible and heavy judgments of the Almighty that hang over America at this alarming and distressing day ; Come all you friends to goodness, I pray you do attend
Creator / Contributor
Russell, Ezekiel ; 1743-1796
Providence, July 26, 1779. Sir; By the annexed vote of the town of Providence, you will perceive the anxious desire they possess of having the purposes therein expressed carried into execution
Creator / Contributor
Providence (R.I.) ; Committee of Correspondence. ; Bowen, Jabez ; 1739-1815 ; Carter, John ; 1745-1814
A new touch on the times: Well adapted to the distressing situation of every sea-port town ; Our best beloved they are gone