At a General Assembly of the governor and Company of the state of Connecticut, : holden at Hartford, by adjournment, on the 12th day of February, A.D. 1778. : An act for raising two brigades for the defence of this state.
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Connecticut. General Assembly
At a General Assembly of the governor and Company of the state of Connecticut, : holden at Hartford, by adjournment, on the 2d Thursday of January, A.D. 1778, recto
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Connecticut. General Assembly ; Wyllys, George, 1710-1796
At a General Assembly of the governor and Company of the state of Connecticut, : holden at Hartford, by adjournment, on the 2d Thursday of January, A.D. 1778, verso
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Connecticut. General Assembly ; Wyllys, George, 1710-1796
At a General Assembly of the governor and Company of the state of Connecticut, : holden at Hartford, by adjournment, on the 2d Thursday of January, A.D. 1778.
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Connecticut. General Assembly ; Wyllys, George, 1710-1796
At a General Assembly of the governor and company of the state of Connecticut, holden at Hartford, on thesecond [sic] Thursday of May, 1781. : An act, in further addition to an act, intitled, "An act for filling up this state’s quota of the Continental Army."
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Connecticut ; Hudson, Barzillai, 1741-1823 ; Goodwin, George, 1757-1844 ; Connecticut. Act for filling up and compleating this state’s quota of the Continental Army
By His Excellency Elias Boudinot, Esquire, president of the United States in Congress assembled. A proclamation. : Whereas a body of armed soldiers in the service of the United States, and quartered in the barracks of this city, having mutinously renounced their obedience to their officers ... I do ... summon the honourable the delegates composing the Congress of the United States ... to meet in Congress on Thursday the twenty-sixth day of June instant, at Princeton ... in order that further and more effectual measures may be taken for suppressing the present revolt ... Given under my hand and seal at Philadelphia, in the state of Pennsylvania, this twenty-fourth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three ...
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United States. Continental Congress ; Boudinot, Elias, 1740-1821 ; Claypoole, David C., 1757?-1849
Committee chamber, New-York, August 22, 1775. : The Provincial Congress of the colony of New-York, on the 9th of August, instant, passed the following resolves, viz. ...
Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In Senate, February 26, 1781. : Whereas it is of the utmost importance that the quota of men required by a resolve of the 2d of December last, be speedily compleated; and as the mode of classing has been more successful in procuring the men than any other measure: therefore, resolved, that the assessors of every deficient town ... where the mode of classing has not been adopted, be, and they hereby are authorized and directed immediately upon the receipt hereof, to class their inhabitants ..., verso
Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In Senate, February 26, 1781. : Whereas it is of the utmost importance that the quota of men required by a resolve of the 2d of December last, be speedily compleated; and as the mode of classing has been more successful in procuring the men than any other measure: therefore, resolved, that the assessors of every deficient town ... where the mode of classing has not been adopted, be, and they hereby are authorized and directed immediately upon the receipt hereof, to class their inhabitants ...
Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In Senate, February 26, 1781. : Whereas it is of the utmost importance that the quota of men required by a resolve of the 2d of December last, be speedily compleated; and as the mode of classing has been more successful in procuring the men than any other measure: therefore, resolved, that the assessors of every deficient town ... where the mode of classing has not been adopted, be, and they hereby are authorized and directed immediately upon the receipt hereof, to class their inhabitants ..., recto
In Congress, 27th May, 1778. : Establishment of the American Army. I. Infantry. Resolved, that each battalion of infantry shall consist of nine companies ... II. Artillery ... III. Cavalry ... IIII. Provost …
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United States. Continental Congress ; Thomson, Charles, 1729-1824 ; Dunlap, John, 1747-1812
In Congress, 27th May, 1778. : Establishment of the American Army. I. Infantry. Resolved, that each battalion of infantry shall consist of nine companies ... II. Artillery ... III. Cavalry ... IIII. Provost …, recto
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United States. Continental Congress ; Thomson, Charles, 1729-1824 ; Dunlap, John, 1747-1812
In Congress, 27th May, 1778. : Establishment of the American Army. I. Infantry. Resolved, that each battalion of infantry shall consist of nine companies ... II. Artillery ... III. Cavalry ... IIII. Provost …, verso
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United States. Continental Congress ; Thomson, Charles, 1729-1824 ; Dunlap, John, 1747-1812
In Congress, April 1, 1777 : For the better regulating the pay of the army, resolved, that the paymaster or deputy paymaster general shall pay no money but by warrants from the commanders in chief in their respective departments, countersigned by their respective secretaries ...
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United States. Continental Congress ; Thomson, Charles, 1729-1824 ; Dunlap, John, 1747-1812
In Congress, April 14, 1777. : Resolved, that from and after the publication hereof, the second article of the 8th section, the first article of the 11th section, the 8th article of the 14th section, and the 2d article of the 18th section, of the Rules and articles for the better government of the troops ... passed in Congress, the 20th day of September, one thousand, seven hundred, and seventy-six, shall be, and they are hereby repealed, and that the four following articles be substituted ...
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United States. Continental Congress ; Dunlap, John, 1747-1812 ; United States. Continental Congress. Rules and articles for the better government of the troops
In Congress, April 29, 1777. : Resolved, that it be recommended to the several states forthwith to order the sums advanced by them for recruiting the Continental battalions …
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United States. Continental Congress ; Dunlap, John, 1747-1812
In Congress, May 27, 1778. : establishment of the American Army
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United States. Continental Congress ; Dunlap, John, 1747-1812
In Congress, May 27, 1778. : establishment of the American Army, recto
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United States. Continental Congress ; Dunlap, John, 1747-1812
In Congress, May 27, 1778. : establishment of the American Army, verso
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United States. Continental Congress ; Dunlap, John, 1747-1812