100 colored men wanted, for non-commissioned officers & clerks for United States colored regiments, organizing in the south-west.
Creator / Contributor
Wagner, Louis
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
200 Substitutes wanted! Also fifty colored substitutes the highest prices paid, and fairly dealt with.
Creator / Contributor
Briggs, John C.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
24 men wanted! Bounty, $602. Cash down, 300. Besides state pay of per month of $6.00 and from the United States, 13.00. Colored men---will be mustered into Colored Regiments and receive the same bounties.
Creator / Contributor
Potts, John W.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Color'd men wanted! Bounty, $602. Cash down, 350. Besides State, and United States pay, &c.
Creator / Contributor
Henry, James S.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Fifty-five men wanted! Bounty, $602. Cash down, 300. Besides State pay per month of $6.00, and from the United States 13.00. Colored men, will be mustered into colored regiments; and receive the same bounties.
Creator / Contributor
Henry, James S.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Men of color, to arms! : a call by Frederick Douglass
Creator / Contributor
Douglass, Frederick, 1818-1895
Rally! Rally! Rally! To men of color! Authority has been received to raise a regiment of men of color for 100 days. Rally, men of color, at once for your country. Arm for the defence of your homes!
Creator / Contributor
Taggart, John Henry, 1821-
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
[Letter to Lysander Spooner, Esq.]
Creator / Contributor
Stearns, Geo. L. (George Luther), 1809-1867 ; Spooner, Lysander, 1808-1887 ; Howe, S. G. (Samuel Gridley), 1801-1876 ; Bird, F. W. (Francis William), 1809-1894 ; Clarke, James Freeman, 1810-1888 ; Phillips, Wendell, 1811-1884 ; Heyward, E. H. ; Stone, James M., d. 1880