Boston, 26th of June, 1775. : This town was alarmed on the 17th instant at break of day, by a firing from the Lively ship of war; and a report was immediately spread that the rebels had broke ground, and were raising a battery on the heights of the peninsula of Charlestown, against the town of Boston. ...
By His Excellency the Hon. Thomas Gage, Esq; : governor, and commander in chief in and over his Majesty’s province of Massachusetts-Bay, and vice admiral of the same. A proclamation. Whereas the infatuated multitudes ... I do hereby in his Majesty’s name, offer and promise, his most gracious pardon to all persons who shall forthwith lay down their arms ... excepting only ... Samuel Adams and John Hancock ... Given at Boston, this twelfth day of June ... 1775. / By His Excellency’s command, Tho’s Flucker, scr’y. Tho’s Gage. ; God save the king.
Colony of Massachusett’s-Bay, 1776. : We the subscribers, do each of us severally for ourselves, profess, testify and declare, before God and the world, that we verily believe that the war, resistance and opposition in which the United American Colonies are now engaged, against the fleets and armies of Great-Britain, is on the part of said colonies, just and necessary. And we do hereby severally promise, covenant and engage ...
Creator / Contributor
Massachusetts ; Edes, Benjamin, 1732-1803 ; Massachusetts. Test act
Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In Senate, February 26, 1781. : Whereas it is of the utmost importance that the quota of men required by a resolve of the 2d of December last, be speedily compleated; and as the mode of classing has been more successful in procuring the men than any other measure: therefore, resolved, that the assessors of every deficient town ... where the mode of classing has not been adopted, be, and they hereby are authorized and directed immediately upon the receipt hereof, to class their inhabitants ..., verso
Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In Senate, February 26, 1781. : Whereas it is of the utmost importance that the quota of men required by a resolve of the 2d of December last, be speedily compleated; and as the mode of classing has been more successful in procuring the men than any other measure: therefore, resolved, that the assessors of every deficient town ... where the mode of classing has not been adopted, be, and they hereby are authorized and directed immediately upon the receipt hereof, to class their inhabitants ...
Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In Senate, February 26, 1781. : Whereas it is of the utmost importance that the quota of men required by a resolve of the 2d of December last, be speedily compleated; and as the mode of classing has been more successful in procuring the men than any other measure: therefore, resolved, that the assessors of every deficient town ... where the mode of classing has not been adopted, be, and they hereby are authorized and directed immediately upon the receipt hereof, to class their inhabitants ..., recto
In Provincial Congress, Concord, April 12, 1775. : Whereas the preservation of our country from slavery, depends under God, on an effectual execution of the continental and provincial measures for that purpose: Resolved, that there be now appointed for each county in this colony, a committee consisting of five persons ..., recto
In Provincial Congress, Concord, April 12, 1775. : Whereas the preservation of our country from slavery, depends under God, on an effectual execution of the continental and provincial measures for that purpose: Resolved, that there be now appointed for each county in this colony, a committee consisting of five persons ..., verso
In Provincial Congress, Concord, April 12, 1775. : Whereas the preservation of our country from slavery, depends under God, on an effectual execution of the continental and provincial measures for that purpose: Resolved, that there be now appointed for each county in this colony, a committee consisting of five persons ...
In Provincial Congress, Watertown, May 15th, 1775. : Whereas some of the inhabitants of this colony, and most of them such as have been inimical to the constitution and interest of the same, are now ... taking steps to remove themselves and effects out of this colony ...
Creator / Contributor
Massachusetts. Provincial Congress ; Edes, Benjamin, 1732-1803
In the House of Representatives, June 26, 1776. : Whereas repeated applications have been made by the Honorable Congress to this Court, to procure a sum of hard money, to be forthwith sent into Canada, for the support of our army ... Resolved, that ... the friends of America ... sign subscription-papers, purporting what sum in hard money each man is willing to exchange for Continental bills ... In Council, June 27, 1776. Read and concurr’d. ..., verso
In the House of Representatives, June 26, 1776. : Whereas repeated applications have been made by the Honorable Congress to this Court, to procure a sum of hard money, to be forthwith sent into Canada, for the support of our army ... Resolved, that ... the friends of America ... sign subscription-papers, purporting what sum in hard money each man is willing to exchange for Continental bills ... In Council, June 27, 1776. Read and concurr’d. ...
In the House of Representatives, June 26, 1776. : Whereas repeated applications have been made by the Honorable Congress to this Court, to procure a sum of hard money, to be forthwith sent into Canada, for the support of our army ... Resolved, that ... the friends of America ... sign subscription-papers, purporting what sum in hard money each man is willing to exchange for Continental bills ... In Council, June 27, 1776. Read and concurr’d. ..., recto
In the House of Representatives, November 1, 1776. : Ordered, that the following address from the General Court of this state, to the officers and private soldiers who are gone from thence and are serving in the American army, be printed in two thousand hand-bills ...
New-York, Sunday 23d April, 1775. The following interesting advices, were this day received here, : by two vessels from Newport, and by an express by land
State of Massachusetts-Bay. In the House of Representatives, April 20, 1778. : Resolve for filling up and compleating the fifteen battalions of Continental troops, directed to be raised in the state of Massachusetts-Bay, pages [1] and [4]
Creator / Contributor
Massachusetts. General Court ; Powars, Edward Eveleth ; Willis, Nathaniel, 1755-1831
State of Massachusetts-Bay. In the House of Representatives, April 20, 1778. : Resolve for filling up and compleating the fifteen battalions of Continental troops, directed to be raised in the state of Massachusetts-Bay, pages [2] and [3]
Creator / Contributor
Massachusetts. General Court ; Powars, Edward Eveleth ; Willis, Nathaniel, 1755-1831
State of Massachusetts-Bay. In the House of Representatives, April 20, 1778. : Resolve for filling up and compleating the fifteen battalions of Continental troops, directed to be raised in the state of Massachusetts-Bay.
Creator / Contributor
Massachusetts. General Court ; Powars, Edward Eveleth ; Willis, Nathaniel, 1755-1831
State of Massachusetts-Bay. In the House of Representatives, April 20, 1778. : Whereas Congress by their resolve of February 18th, 1778, has called upon this state for thirteen hundred of the Militia thereof, with other states, to fortify and secure the passes of the North-River ...
Creator / Contributor
Massachusetts. General Court ; Powars, Edward Eveleth ; Willis, Nathaniel, 1755-1831
State of Massachusetts-Bay. In the House of Representatives, April 30th, 1777. : Whereas this court have undoubted intelligence that our enemies are determined ... to enslave the inhabitants of America ... Resolved, that in such towns ... as have not already ... inlisted a number of able-bodied men ... shall on the said 15th day of May, call their several companies together, and endeavour to compleat the same ..., recto
Creator / Contributor
Massachusetts. General Court ; Edes, Benjamin, 1732-1803