$100 Bounty! Wanted, forty sober, reliable, able bodied men, for Company D, Old 4th New Jersey Regiment, to be mustered in service on Monday, August 26, 1861. …
Creator / Contributor
Maxwell, William R., 1825?-1864
24 men wanted! Bounty, $602. Cash down, 300. Besides state pay of per month of $6.00 and from the United States, 13.00. Colored men---will be mustered into Colored Regiments and receive the same bounties.
Creator / Contributor
Potts, John W.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
25 more men wanted to fill up Company A, Camden Regiment, now sworn in, and under pay in Camp Olden, near Trenton.
Creator / Contributor
Meves, C.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Old New-Jersey Fourth! This Regiment has been accepted, and some of the companies mustered in.
Creator / Contributor
Lee, R. H. ; Jackson, Capt. ; Mickle, Capt. ; Moore, Capt. ; Baker, Capt. ; Goodwin, Thomas ; Cassady, James M.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
One more grand rally for the flag! Men wanted immediately for nine months to fill up Company A, N. Jersey volunteers.