Search Results
Displaying (1 - 9 of 9)
- Title
- Sails of 90 Slaves viz. 83 on Acct. of the Brig Royall Charlotte for the owners
- Creator / Contributor
- Durant, Cornelius ; Vernon, William, 1719-1806 ; Vernon, Samuel, 1711-1792 ; Taylor, William ; Taylor, Edward ; McAvoy, Christopher ; Sobotker, Johannes ; Korthwright, Cornelius ; Wood, Peter ; Barry, Thomas ; Hendrickson, Cornelius ; Hylegar ; McDonald, Tarrence ; Tarrell, Faughry ; O'Gara, John ; Thalbitzer, Charles Henry ; Durant, Cornelius ; Herring, Dr. ; Meers, Dr. ; Whitehead, Joshua ; Lord, Jonathan ; Royal Charlotte (Brig) ; Samuel & William Vernon & Co.
- Title
- Sales 66 Negroes Receiv'd [of] the Brig Othello, Capt. John Duncan & Sold on Accot. Mss. Samuel and William Vernon, Merchts. Rhode Island [by] Adams & Griffin
- Creator / Contributor
- Adams & Griffin ; Vernon, William, 1719-1806 ; Vernon, Samuel, 1711-1792 ; Griffin, Corbin ; Cambell, Niel ; Donald, Robert ; Boyd, Walter ; Hankley, James ; Atkins, Samuel ; Ward, William ; Foese, John ; Brittain, John ; Farmer, Isham ; Elliss, Jesse ; Wood, Drury ; Ball, Lewis ; Cocke, Bowler ; Renard, Richard ; White, David ; Strong, William ; Puryear, Hezekiah ; Stewart, Alexander ; West, Robert ; Woods, Richard ; Stewart, Alexander ; Hendley, William ; Cox, Hickinson ; Smith, William ; Miss, Joseph ; Adams, Richard ; Lichter, Giles ; Price, Leonard ; Fortune, John ; Whitlone, William ; Walker, William ; Whitlock, James ; Austin, Archer ; William, Thomas ; Montgomery, John ; Thacher, Pettus ; Posey, Richard ; Palmer, John ; Hinley, William ; DuVal, Samuel ; Eubank, John ; Davis, Richard ; Christian, William ; Othello (Brig) ; Samuel Woods & Co. ; Richard Woods & John McKiand ; Baine McKane & Co.
- Title
- Sales of 52 Negro's Imported in the Schooner Little Sally Capt. William Taylor and sold on acct. of Messrs. Saml. & Wm. Vernon & Co. Merchts. Newport Rhode Island
- Creator / Contributor
- Adams, Richard ; Vernon, William, 1719-1806 ; Vernon, Samuel, 1711-1792 ; Taylor, William, Captain ; Lyon, Peter ; Firbush, William ; Ashley, John ; Watkins, Thomas ; Massie, William ; Burton, William Allen ; Woollen, Joseph ; Stone, William ; Mitchel, Samuel ; Martin, John ; Wills, William ; Bacon, Harwood ; Moore, Obediah ; Poor, Robert ; Strange, John ; Price, Samuel ; Harwood, John, Jr. ; Anderson ; Hopper, John ; Gordon, Robert ; Colley, Charles ; Spears, Robert ; Faris, Jacob ; Hooper, Thomas ; Hundley, Jacob ; Wood, John ; Little Sally (Schooner)
- Title
- Sales of a cargo of slaves rec'd [of the] Brig Royall Charlotte, William Pinniger master, there being 95 in number, priviledge slaves included, viz.
- Creator / Contributor
- Durant, Cornelius ; Pinniger, William ; McAvoy, Christopher ; Sobotker, Johannes ; Kortwright, Cornelius ; Wood, Peter ; Berry, Thomas ; Hendrickson, Cornelius ; Bogge, Soren ; Hylegar ; McDonald, Tarrence ; Tarrell, Faughry ; O'Gara, John ; Aitken, Charles ; Thalbitzer, Charles Henry ; Durant, Cornelius ; Herring, Dr. ; Mears, Dr. ; Whitehead, Joshua ; Lord, Jonathan ; Welch, Nicholas ; Barry, Andrew ; Berry, Thomas ; Easton, Captain ; Cradock, James ; Stillman, Samuel ; Bead, Edward ; Royal Charlotte (Brig)
- Title
- Sales of seventy five Negroes imported in the Brigt. Othello George D. Sweet Master on Account of Messrs. Sam'l & Will'm Vernons, Rhode Island
- Creator / Contributor
- Mairez, Francis ; Cooper, David ; Sweet, George Dunbar ; Vernon, William, 1719-1806 ; Vernon, Samuel, 1711-1792 ; Christie, George ; Rutherfurd, Thomas ; Gentle, Robert ; Davidson, Andrew ; Cunningham, Andrew ; Cunningham, John ; Brown, Peter ; Gray, John ; Priest, John ; Wood, Jonathan ; Moyston, Jeremiah ; Bullock, William ; Clarke, Robert ; Smart, Alexander ; Trought, Nicholas ; Rachael ; Hawkins, George ; Smith, John ; Sherriffe, Alexander ; Libert, Mrs. ; Shore, George ; Mitchell, John ; Scott, George ; Lugg, James ; Othello (Brig)
- Title
- Sales of seventy five Negroes imported in the Othello George Dunbar Sweet Master on Account of Sam. & William Vernons Merchants Rhode Island
- Creator / Contributor
- Sweet, George Dunbar ; Vernon, William, 1719-1806 ; Vernon, Samuel, 1711-1792 ; Christie, George ; Rutherford, Thomas ; Gentle, Robert ; Davidson, Andrew ; Cunningham, John ; Browne, Peter ; Gray, John ; Preist, John ; Wood, Jonathan ; Mostyn, Jeremiah ; Bullock, William ; Clarke, Robert ; Smart, Alexander ; Trought, Nicholas ; Rachael ; Hawkins, George ; Smith, John ; Sherriffe, Alexander ; Libert, Elizabeth ; Shore, George ; Mitchell, John ; Scott, George ; Lugg, James ; Weaver, Nicholas ; Wight, Edward ; Purchas, William ; Nail, Jonathan ; Wiles, Ephraim ; Wilson, Abiathar ; Magee, Paul ; Dougan, Robert ; Roe, John ; Hunt, Michael ; Welcome, Jacob ; Wallace, Thomas ; Cooper, David ; Mairez, Francis ; Othello (Brig) ; Watson & Wannup
- Title
- [Letter from Adams & Griffin to Messrs. Saml. & Wm. Vernon]
- Creator / Contributor
- Adams & Griffin ; Vernon, William, 1719-1806 ; Vernon, Samuel, 1711-1792 ; Borden, Captain ; Adams, Thomas ; Farrar, Thomas ; Wood, Thomas ; Halverson, Mr. ; Adams, Richard ; Griffin, William ; Perkins Buchanan & Brown
- Title
- [Signed petition for the Senate and House of Representatives]
- Creator / Contributor
- Loring, Edward G. (Edward Greely), 1802-1890 ; Burns, Anthony, 1834-1862 ; Jackson, Charles, 1775-1855 ; Everett, Edward, 1794-1865 ; Frothingham, N. L. (Nathaniel Langdon), 1793-1870 ; Savage, James, 1784-1873 ; Lawrence, Abbott, 1792-1855 ; Whitwell, Samuel ; Mason, Robert M. ; Lawrence, Amos Adams, 1814-1886 ; Chadwick, Christopher C. ; Mills, Charles H. ; Jackson, Patrick Tracy, 1818-1891 ; Tappan, John G. ; Wilkinson, Arthur ; Bluxome, Joseph W. ; Fernald, Thomas F. ; Horton, William H. ; Brown, Augustus ; Dix, Joseph ; Bassett, John T. ; Woodbury, William ; Davenport, William B. ; Tucker, J. A. ; Kimball, Daniel, 1778-1862 ; Snelling, John ; Sibley, Lawrence E. ; Williams, F. H. ; Phipps, Samuel, Jr. ; Wheeler, Benjamin F. ; Lincoln, Zenas ; Fearing, Andrew C. ; Brown, James P. ; Miles, Henry T. ; Rogers, Charles W. ; Whitney, John, Jr. ; Eldredge, Oliver ; Rgoerson, Robert, Jr. ; Wood, Charles G. ; Mills, Lewis ; Tucker, Alanson, Jr. ; Newton, Ralph W. ; Mackintosh, William H. ; Tilton, John ; Spencer, Henry F. ; Bradbury, John H. ; Fessenden, S. Henry ; Tremere, John N. ; McGilvray, David F. ; Gordon, John P. ; Richardson, William H. ; Maynard, Francis E. ; Hooker, Frederick T. ; Murdock, James M. ; Hall, Gusstavus V. ; Gilbert, Sylvester P. ; Parker, John D. ; Oliver, William C. ; Nichols, Lyman ; Pierce, Nathaniel W. ; Fearing, J. G. ; Wheeler, Morrill S. ; Murdock, Oscar ; Whiting, Joseph J. ; Kehoe, William ; Bliss, James W. ; Snelling, George L. ; Wellington, Alfred A. ; Sampson, George R. ; Tappan, Lewis W. ; Faucon, Edward H. ; Foster, William H. ; Davis, Charles ; Lyman, George S. ; Barry, Horace W. ; Nevers, E. Wyman ; Adams, John ; McLellan ; Allen, Samuel S. ; Purser, C. P. ; Seger, Benjamin ; Gifford, Alden ; Clark, J. Theodore ; Wheeler, Samuel ; Hay, Joseph ; Yeaton, Benjamin ; Thacher, William S. ; Hastings, Albert W. ; Haviland, Thomas P. ; Brown, Charles H. ; Humphrey, Benjamin ; Williams, Robert B. ; Morton, William H. ; Dimmock, John L. ; Curtis, C. ; Wyeth, John ; Emery, N. H. ; Wales, Thomas B. ; Bacon, F. ; Coolidge, Samuel F. ; Lovett, Augustus ; Welch, Francis ; Loring, William J. ; Grant, Patrick ; Reynolds, William B. ; Darling, C. ; Apthorp, Charles W. ; Merrill, C. Judson ; Tuckerman, N. C. ; Lee, James, Jr. ; Smith, John T. ; Sumner, T. P. ; Hatch, Samuel ; Bent, N. H. ; Hastings, E. G., Jr. ; Gurney, S. ; Conant, F., Mrs. ; White, Henry H. ; Ayer, Thomas P. ; Hall, Timothy ; Davis, Frederick C. ; Larkin, Charles ; Preston, Elisha ; Williams, Arthur ; Davis, James W. ; Bailey, Henry E. ; Kingman, Abner ; Barnard, George M. ; Curtis, Caleb T. ; Felton, Luther H. ; Wiggin, James S. ; Shelton, Philo S. ; Gibbs, Nathan B. ; Pritchard, J. ; Brid, John A. ; F. Skinner & Co. ; Alfred B. Hall & Co.