Volume 2, Register of Manumissions of Slaves in New York City, June 18, 1816-May 28, 1818, page 102 and [inserted page "103"]
Creator / Contributor
New-York Society for Promoting the Manumission of Slaves, and Protecting Such of Them has Have Been, or May Be Liberated ; Brown, Mary ; Patterson, Maria ; Panton, Francis ; Morton, Jacob, 1761-1836 ; Radcliff, Jacob, 1764-1844 ; Riker, Richard, 1773-1842 ; Peggy ; Bachman, John ; Ten Broeck, Dirck ; Pinckney, Elijah T. ; Wortman, T. ; Jacob, 1761-1836 ; Radcliff, Jacob, 1764-1844 ; Riker, Richard, 1773-1842
[Loose account pages]
Creator / Contributor
Van Ness, Peter ; Lewis, Nickculs ; Emrigh, Jurry ; Ten Broeck, Dirck ; Van Ostrande, Arent ; Stopplebeen, Jacob ; Rowe, John ; Schinkle, Jonas ; Mantell, Wynant ; Scott, John ; Clapper, Jurrey