City of New-York,} ss. Personally appeared before me Benjamin Blagge, one of His Majesty’s jusices of the Peace for the city and county of New-York, : Isaac Sears, and Paschal N. Smith ... who being severally sworn, depose and say, that since the shutting up of the port of Boston, neither of them have ... supplied, or cause to be supplied the army at Boston ...
Creator / Contributor
Blagge, Benjamin ; Sears, Isaac, 1730-1786 ; Smith, Paschal N.
To the publick. We the committee, who were appointed by a large number of our respectable fellow-citizens ... : to prevent the Messrs. Murrays involving others in a breach of the association, do humbly report--that no such line ought to, or can, in our opinion, be drawn up by us ...
Creator / Contributor
Van Zandt, Jacobus ; Imlay, John ; Smith, Paschal N. ; Alner, James ; Hughes, Hugh, d. 1804 ; Van Dyke, Francis ; Woodward, John