Sewall, Samuel E. (Samuel Edmund), 1799-1888 ; Loring, Ellis Gray, 1803-1858 ; May, Samuel J. (Samuel Joseph), 1797-1871 ; New-England Anti-Slavery Society ; Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society
Creator / Contributor
Wright, Elizur, 1804-1885 ; Tappan, John, 1781-1871 ; Flint, Waldo, 1794-1879 ; Carleton, William ; Scudder, Charles, 1789-1861 ; Southwick, Phillip R. ; Ward, Artemas, 1762-1847 ; Jackson, James, 1777-1867 ; Jackson, P. T. (Patrick Tracy), 1780-1847 ; Lowell, John Amory, 1798-1881 ; Goodwin, Ozias ; Ward, Thomas W. (Thomas Wren), 1786-1858 ; Mills, James K. ; Wolcott, J. H. ; Ticknor, George, 1791-1871 ; Eliot, Samuel Atkins, 1798-1862 ; Fisher, John D. (John Dix), 1797-1850 ; Quincy, Josiah, 1710-1784 ; Quincy, Josiah, 1744-1775 ; Bartlett, Sidney, 1799-1889 ; Curtis, Benjamin Robbins, 1809-1874 ; Loring, Caleb, 1689-1756 ; Chapman, Jonathan, 1807-1848 ; Parker, Daniel P. ; Armstrong, Samuel Turell, 1784-1850 ; Waterston, Robert, 1778-1869 ; Pray, Isaac C. ; Lawrence, Abbott, 1792-1855 ; Appleton, Samuel, 1766-1853 ; Brimmer, Martin, 1793-1847 ; Shaw, Robert G. (Robert Gould), 1776-1853 ; Appleton, William, 1786-1862 ; Appleton, Nathan, 1779-1861 ; Gray, John Chipman, 1793-1881 ; May, Samuel J. (Samuel Joseph), 1797-1871 ; Surgis, Russell, 1805-1887 ; Jackson, Charles, 1775-1855 ; Massachusetts State Texas Committee ; Edwards & Stoddard ; Whiton & March ; Rice & Thaxter ; Fairbank Loring & Co.
Evening of May 29th at Cherden [Chardon?] Street, Boston, 1839
Creator / Contributor
Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society ; Jackson, Francis, 1789-1861 ; Robinson, Christopher ; Winslow, Nathan ; Spragur, Seth ; Chapman, H. G. ; May, Samuel J. (Samuel Joseph), 1797-1871 ; Fissenden, Samuel ; Borden, N. B. ; Winslow, Isaac ; Fairbanks, Reuben G. ; Bassett, William ; Buffum, James N. ; Southwick, Joseph, 1791-1866 ; Caldwell, Josiah, d. 1864 ; Ashley, William, Jr. ; Sanger, Abner ; Sargent, Henrietta ; Levy, John, b. 1797 ; Blasland, G., Mrs. ; Hutchinson, Jesse, 1802-1853 ; Morse, Mr. ; Bailey, John ; Folson, A. H. ; Johnson, Nathan, Mrs. ; Oler, Reuben H. ; Herrick, J. D. ; Capron, E. F. ; Newall, Abner ; Haskell ; Russell, Mary Ann ; Brown, Michael R. ; Goss, Roswell ; Curtis, John ; Stacy, George T. ; Robeson, Andrew
In Provincial Congress, Watertown, May 5, 1775. : Whereas the term for which this present Congress was chose, expires on the thirtieth instant ... Resolved, that ... the several towns and districts ... forthwith elect and depute as many members, as to them shall seem necessary and expedient, to represent them in a Provincial Congress to be held ... in Watertown, on the 31st day of May instant ...
Creator / Contributor
Massachusetts. Provincial Congress ; Edes, Benjamin, 1732-1803 ; Massachusetts. Provincial Congress. In Provincial Congress, Watertown, May 5, 1775. Whereas His Excellency General Gage …
In Provincial Congress, Watertown, May 5, 1775. : Whereas the term for which this present Congress was chose, expires on the thirtieth instant ... Resolved, that ... the several towns and districts ... forthwith elect and depute as many members, as to them shall seem necessary and expedient, to represent them in a Provincial Congress to be held ... in Watertown, on the 31st day of May instant ...
Creator / Contributor
Massachusetts. Provincial Congress ; Russell, Ezekiel, 1743-1796 ; Massachusetts. Provincial Congress. In Provincial Congress, Watertown, May 5, 1775. Whereas His Excellency General Gage …
Minutes, January 16, 1798-December 12, 1814.
Creator / Contributor
New-York Society for Promoting the Manumission of Slaves, and Protecting Such of Them as Have Been, or May Be Liberated
Collection Title
Records of the New-York Manumission Society, 1785-1849
New-York African Free School records, 1817-1832
Creator / Contributor
New-York African Free-School ; New-York Society for Promoting the Manumission of Slaves, and Protecting Such of Them as Have Been, or May Be Liberated
Collection Title
New-York African Free School records, 1817-1832
New-York African Free School records, Volume 4: Penmanship and drawing studies, 1816-1826
Creator / Contributor
New-York African Free-School ; New-York Society for Promoting the Manumission of Slaves, and Protecting Such of Them as Have Been, or May Be Liberated
Collection Title
New-York African Free School records, 1817-1832
New-York Manumission Society records, 1785-1849
Creator / Contributor
New-York Society for Promoting the Manumission of Slaves, and Protecting Such of Them has Have Been, or May Be Liberated
Collection Title
New-York Manumission Society records, 1785-1849
New-York Manumission Society records, 1785-1849. Volume 1, Minutes of the Committee of Ways and Means, 1810-1838
Creator / Contributor
New-York Society for Promoting the Manumission of Slaves, and Protecting Such of Them as Have Been, or May Be Liberated. Committee of Ways and Means
New-York Manumission Society records, 1785-1849. Volume 10, Minutes of the Standing Committee, March 11, 1807-July 8, 1817
Creator / Contributor
New-York Society for Promoting the Manumission of Slaves, and Protecting Such of Them as Have Been, or May Be Liberated. Standing Committee.
New-York Manumission Society records, 1785-1849. Volume 11, Minutes of the Standing Committee, July 15, 1817-January 11, 1842
Creator / Contributor
New-York Society for Promoting the Manumission of Slaves, and Protecting Such of Them as Have Been, or May Be Liberated. Standing Committee
New-York Manumission Society records, 1785-1849. Volume 2, Register of Manumissions of Slaves in New York City, June 18, 1816-May 28, 1818
Creator / Contributor
New-York Society for Promoting the Manumission of Slaves, and Protecting Such of Them has Have Been, or May Be Liberated ; Mitchell, Samuel ; Betsy ; Morton, John L. ; Radcliff, Jacob, 1764-1844 ; Riker, Richard, 1773-1842
New-York Manumission Society records, 1785-1849. Volume 3, Indentures, 1809-1829
Creator / Contributor
New-York Society for Promoting the Manumission of Slaves, and Protecting Such of Them has Have Been, or May Be Liberated