The Veterans of the Seventh Regiment, 643 Park Avenue, New York 21, New York. March 1, 1954. Dear veterans: The president and board of management announce the date of our annual dinner, April 19, 1954. We are sending you this advance notice so you can make your plans to attend. Full details will be sent to you in the near future. F.J. Delfante, chairman, verso.
Creator / Contributor
Delfante, Frank J. ; New York (State). National Guard. Regiment, 7th
The Veterans of the Seventh Regiment, 643 Park Avenue, New York 21, New York. March 1, 1954. Dear veterans: The president and board of management announce the date of our annual dinner, April 19, 1954. We are sending you this advance notice so you can make your plans to attend. Full details will be sent to you in the near future. F.J. Delfante, chairman, recto.
Creator / Contributor
Delfante, Frank J. ; New York (State). National Guard. Regiment, 7th
The Veterans of the Seventh Regiment, 643 Park Avenue, New York 21, N.Y. RH 4-8180, BU 8-0200. Annual veterans outing - June 12th., weekend at Chequit Inn, Shelter Island, N.Y. Room with bath - three meals - at $8.50 a person per day. Swimming and parking included. (Dinner only - $3.00.) Golf, tennis, fishing and boating available at very reasonable rates. The committee will be waiting for you there. Please make reservations in advance. F.J. Delfante, chairman, verso.
Creator / Contributor
Delfante, Frank J. ; New York (State). National Guard. Regiment, 7th
The Veterans of the Seventh Regiment, 643 Park Avenue, New York 21, N.Y. RH 4-8180, BU 8-0200. Annual veterans outing - June 12th., weekend at Chequit Inn, Shelter Island, N.Y. Room with bath - three meals - at $8.50 a person per day. Swimming and parking included. (Dinner only - $3.00.) Golf, tennis, fishing and boating available at very reasonable rates. The committee will be waiting for you there. Please make reservations in advance. F.J. Delfante, chairman, recto.
Creator / Contributor
Delfante, Frank J. ; New York (State). National Guard. Regiment, 7th
The Veterans of the Seventh Regiment, 643 Park Avenue, New York 21, N.Y. RH 4-8180, BU 8-0200. July 30, 1954. Dear member: Thursday, August 5th., will be the last evening we can get together as the mess and lounge will be closed at the armory for one month. May I have the opportunity of seeing you that evening on or about 6 p.m. Ladies are welcome. Frank J. Delfante, chairman. Frederick S. Benson, president, verso.
Creator / Contributor
Benson, Frederick S. ; Delfante, Frank J. ; New York (State). National Guard. Regiment, 7th
The Veterans of the Seventh Regiment, 643 Park Avenue, New York 21, N.Y. RH 4-8180, BU 8-0200. July 30, 1954. Dear member: Thursday, August 5th., will be the last evening we can get together as the mess and lounge will be closed at the armory for one month. May I have the opportunity of seeing you that evening on or about 6 p.m. Ladies are welcome. Frank J. Delfante, chairman. Frederick S. Benson, president, recto.
Creator / Contributor
Benson, Frederick S. ; Delfante, Frank J. ; New York (State). National Guard. Regiment, 7th
The Veterans of the Seventh Regiment, 643 Park Avenue, New York 21, New York. March 1, 1954. Dear veterans: The president and board of management announce the date of our annual dinner, April 19, 1954. We are sending you this advance notice so you can make your plans to attend. Full details will be sent to you in the near future. F.J. Delfante, chairman.
Creator / Contributor
Delfante, Frank J. ; New York (State). National Guard. Regiment, 7th
The Veterans of the Seventh Regiment, 643 Park Avenue, New York 21, N.Y. RH 4-8180, BU 8-0200. Annual veterans outing - June 12th., weekend at Chequit Inn, Shelter Island, N.Y. Room with bath - three meals - at $8.50 a person per day. Swimming and parking included. (Dinner only - $3.00.) Golf, tennis, fishing and boating available at very reasonable rates. The committee will be waiting for you there. Please make reservations in advance. F.J. Delfante, chairman.
Creator / Contributor
Delfante, Frank J. ; New York (State). National Guard. Regiment, 7th
The Veterans of the Seventh Regiment, 643 Park Avenue, New York 21, N.Y. RH 4-8180, BU 8-0200. July 30, 1954. Dear member: Thursday, August 5th., will be the last evening we can get together as the mess and lounge will be closed at the armory for one month. May I have the opportunity of seeing you that evening on or about 6 p.m. Ladies are welcome. Frank J. Delfante, chairman. Frederick S. Benson, president.
Creator / Contributor
Benson, Frederick S. ; Delfante, Frank J. ; New York (State). National Guard. Regiment, 7th
How to help the blinded, page [1], with illustration.
Creator / Contributor
Wright, Frank ; American-British-French-Belgian Permanent Blind Relief War Fund
To members of the 7th Regiment N.G.S.N.Y. New York, January 4th, 1876. At the meeting of the board of officers held January 3d, 1876, it was resolved that a full dress military and civic reception be given by the Regiment, at the Academy of Music, on the evening of Tuesday, February 8th, 1876, under the direction of the music committee. The net proceeds of the same to be given to C.S. Grafulla, as a testimonial of its appreciation of his faithful and valuable services as bandmaster during the past 20 years ... Louis Fitzgerald, Brt. Lt. Col. and Adj., Benjamin Parr, Lt. Co. D., Frank M. Johnson, Lt. Co. K., music committee.
Creator / Contributor
Fitzgerald, Louis ; Parr, Benjamin ; Johnson, Frank M. ; New York (State). National Guard. Regiment, 7th
New York City: excursion boat 'Frederick de Bary,' undated. Stereograph.
Creator / Contributor
Ingalls, Frank M.
Frank M. Ingalls photograph collection, circa 1901-1930
Creator / Contributor
Ingalls, Frank M.
Anton Seidl (1850-1898).
Creator / Contributor
Eugene, Frank, 1865-1936
Joseph Jefferson (1829-1905).
Creator / Contributor
Eugene, Frank, 1865-1936
Our country now and our country forever!! Citizens of the upper end of Bucks, your country claims your services.
Creator / Contributor
Applebach, Paul ; Fisher, R. Frank ; Thomas, Jos.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
[Manifest of the Steamer Powhatan]
Creator / Contributor
Brashear, Robert B. ; Rogers, John ; Hough, Edward S. ; Pierson, Tom ; Nansum, Moses ; Hawkins, Abraham ; Hodge, Washington ; West, William ; Carter, John ; Morris, Frank ; Thomas, Charles ; Lattimore, Ned ; Smith, Sam ; Pierson, Adeline ; Liles, Catherine ; Swacles, Harriet ; Johnson, Susan ; Brisco, Ann E. ; Brisco, Susan ; Hawkins, Moria ; Bowman, Celia ; Jannings, Leavy ; Jones, Virginia ; Nelson, Moria ; Jones, Nelson ; Louis, Ann E. ; Powhatan (Steamer)
[Birth certificate of a certain male child named Frank]
Creator / Contributor
Westervelt, James D. ; Catharine ; Frank
[Manifest of the Ship Romulus]
Creator / Contributor
Simmons, John M. ; Webster, Joseph ; Green, Edward ; Edlin, Frank ; Edlin, Eliza ; Romulus (Ship)
[Manifest of the Brig Isaac Franklin]
Creator / Contributor
Windsor, Robert N. ; Smith, William ; Green, Edward ; Millaudon, Lawrence ; Lane, George ; Wansey, John ; Gay, John ; Franklin, Judy Ann ; Henry, David ; Alfred, James ; Ann, Mary ; Robinson, John ; Robinson, Mary ; Alexander ; Brown, Henry ; Stevenson, Susan ; Hill, Dennis ; Dines, Elizabeth ; Richards, Susan ; Caines, Mariah ; Rupel, Beckey ; Combes, Fred ; Combes, George ; Combes, Gustus ; Smith, Joe ; Cartwright, Abb ; Harper, William ; Hinson, Sol ; Snowden, James ; Duffin, Nat ; Grayham, Arch ; Hawkins, Frank ; Burnett, Mary ; Johnson, Frank ; Clayitt, Tom ; Discon, Ampry ; White, Liz ; Hobb, Stephen ; Wills, Stephen ; Dorsey, Eliza ; Moran, Minty ; Hill, Ceary Sunty ; Henry, George ; Cumpton, Daniel ; Johnson, Nelson ; Marshal, Davy ; Brooks, Juliett ; Greene, Sam ; Dawylaz, Caroline ; Pait, Shartat ; Craig, Adam ; Snowden, Wayin ; Woodard, Peter ; Hall, Marcus ; Gray, Harry ; Washington, Leanna ; Thomas, Maria ; Smith, Maria ; Reulen, Nancy ; Pasy, Henry ; Johnson, Preston ; Clark, Lewis ; Button, Tom ; Howard, Henry ; Warton, Charles ; Kimaun, Daniel ; Stanton, John ; Moore, John ; Huse, Farley ; Fleming, Isaac ; Munrow, Joshua ; Willis, Tom ; Shepherd, Mat ; Fleming, Eranz ; Gordon, Mary ; Water, John ; Johnson, Sam ; Tooyard, Henry ; Isaac Franklin (Brig)