Taylor, William ; Vernon, William, 1719-1806 ; Vernon, Samuel, 1711-1792 ; Micay, John ; Ramsdale, Abner ; Johnson, Samuel ; Vernon Taylor & Co. ; Royal Charlotte (Brig)
Alex. Jno. Pooler to Brig Royal Charlotte
Creator / Contributor
Pooler, Alexander John ; Obein, John ; Royal Charlotte (Brig)
Brig Royal Charlotte to William Pinniger for Disbursements
Creator / Contributor
Pinniger, William ; Bowen, Captain ; Easton, Captain ; Williams, Thomas ; Fishik, William ; Welch, Nicholas ; Taylor, Thomas Teakle ; Durant, Cornelius ; Campbell, Alexander ; Royal Charlotte (Brig)
Briggantine Royall Charlotte Portage Bills
Creator / Contributor
Taylor, William ; Munro, Jeremiah ; Lester, Joseph ; Geers, Abel ; Strengthfield, Edward ; Gregory, Richard ; Sibbit, George ; Vickery, John ; Bushel, Thomas ; Taylor, Edward ; Pooler, Alexander John ; Smith, Joseph ; Munrow ; Munrow, Jeremiah ; Bushel, Thomas ; Gillis, Alexander ; Royal Charlotte (Brig)
Capt. William Taylor for the Brig Royal Charlotte
Creator / Contributor
Burnell, Lewis ; Taylor, William ; Royal Charlotte (Brig)
Charlotte Browne diary, 1754-1757, 1763-1766
Creator / Contributor
Browne, Charlotte.
Copy's of letters to Messrs. Mairez & Cooper
Creator / Contributor
Vernon, William, 1719-1806 ; Vernon, Samuel, 1711-1792 ; Mairez, Francis ; Cooper, David ; Vernon, Samuel, Jr. ; Allen, Benjamin, Captain ; Hayley, George ; Brown, John, Captain ; Knowles, John, Captain ; Venus (Brig) ; Royal Charlotte (Brig) ; Mairez & Cooper
George Sibbit to Brig Royal Charlotte
Creator / Contributor
Sibbit, George ; Royal Charlotte (Brig)
H. J. Jones Invoice of Sundries Shipped on board Sch. Charlotte, Wm. Sangster, Master. 1799.
Creator / Contributor
Jones, H. J. ; Sangster, William ; Charlotte (Schooner)
Invoice of Cargo Ship'd on the Charlotte for Cadiz
Creator / Contributor
Adams, Richard ; Vernon, William, 1719-1806 ; Vernon, Samuel, 1711-1792 ; Taylor, William ; Royal Charlotte (Brig) ; Samuel & William Vernon & Co.
Invoice of cargo on board the Briggt. Charlotte, Wm. Taylor Mastr. for Africa, Ship't by, and on account and risque of, Wm. Vernon one half, one half Thos. Teakle Taylor & Sam'l Johnson & goes consigned to the said Master
Creator / Contributor
Taylor, William ; Vernon, William, 1719-1806 ; Taylor, Thomas Teakle ; Johnson, Samuel ; Royal Charlotte (Brig)
John Vickery to Brig Royal Charlotte
Creator / Contributor
Vickery, John ; Royal Charlotte (Brig)
Joseph Lester to Brig Royal Charlotte
Creator / Contributor
Lester, Joseph ; Obein, John ; James ; Royal Charlotte (Brig)
Joseph Smith to Brig Royal Charlotte
Creator / Contributor
Smith, Joseph ; Obein, John ; Royal Charlotte (Brig)
Messrs. Saml. & William Vernon & Cy. their acct. currt. With Rich'd Adams
Creator / Contributor
Adams, Richard ; Vernon, William, 1719-1806 ; Vernon, Samuel, 1711-1792 ; Taylor, Thomas Teakle ; Johnson, Samuel ; Dordin, Peter, Captain ; McDonall, John ; Massie, William ; Royal Charlotte (Brig)
Messrs. Saml. and William Vernon & Comp. Acct. Current with Will. Pinniger
Creator / Contributor
Pinniger, William ; Vernon, Samuel, 1711-1792 ; Vernon, William, 1719-1806 ; Tillinghast, Joseph ; Easton, James ; Durant, Cornelius ; Taylor, William ; Beach, Edward ; Talbere, Charles Henry ; Adventure (Schooner) ; Eagle (Schooner) ; Royal Charlotte (Brig)
Messrs. Samuel & Wm. Vernon & Co. in Acct. with Rich'd Adams
Creator / Contributor
Adams, Richard ; Davis, Benjamin ; Littlepage, James ; Deblois, Lewis ; Hibbart, Captain ; Taylor, William ; Vernon, William, 1719-1806 ; Vernon, Samuel, 1711-1792 ; Winston, Anthony ; Massie, William ; Royal Charlotte (Brig) ; Little Sally (Schooner) ; Samuel & William Vernon & Co. ; Smith & Anderson
Mr. Francis Mairez's Receipt for Sundry Notes left in his hands by Captain Knowles Mastr. of our Brigt. Royal Charlotte 1775
Creator / Contributor
Mairez, Francis ; Knowles, John, Captain ; Pelgrave, Ezekiel ; Whittaker, John ; Coveny, Daniel ; Porter, James ; Betterton, Francis ; Roe, John ; Barnet, Hugh ; Vernon, Samuel, 1711-1792 ; Royal Charlotte (Brig) ; Cooper & Stewart
Port charges of the Ship Royal Charlotte, William Taylor Commander
Creator / Contributor
Taylor, William ; Royal Charlotte (Brig)
Portage Bill for the Brigantine Royal Charlotte bound on a voyage to the Coast of Africa & back to Rhode Island
Creator / Contributor
Taylor, William ; Munro, Jeremiah ; Leister, Joseph ; Geers, Abel ; Strengthfield, Edward ; Gregory, Richard ; Sibbit, George ; Vickery, John ; Bushel, Thomas ; Taylor, Edward ; Pooler, Alexander John ; Smith, Joseph ; Humphreys, Richard ; Thompson, John ; Royal Charlotte (Brig)