An address of the Congress to the inhabitants of the United States of America.
Creator / Contributor
United States. Continental Congress ; Laurens, Henry, 1724-1792 ; Thomson, Charles, 1729-1824 ; Watson, Hannah, 1749-1807 ; Goodwin, George, 1757-1844
At a General Assembly of the governor and company of the state of Connecticut, holden at Hartford, on the second Thursday of May, 1779: Resolved, that, Mr. Elijah Hubbard be and he is hereby appointed a sub or state cloathier for this state, to reside with, or near the army ... to receive and distribute the cloathing that shall be furnished for the troops of the Connecticut line, in the Continental Army
Creator / Contributor
Connecticut ; General Assembly. ; Hudson, Barzillai ; 1741-1823 ; Goodwin, George ; 1757-1844
At a General Assembly of the governor and company of the state of Connecticut, holden at Hartford, on the second Thursday of May, 1779. : Resolved, that, Mr. Elijah Hubbard be and he is hereby appointed a sub or state cloathier for this state, to reside with, or near the army ... to receive and distribute the cloathing that shall be furnished for the troops of the Connecticut line, in the Continental Army ...
At a General Assembly of the governor and company of the state of Connecticut, holden at Hartford, on thesecond [sic] Thursday of May, 1781: An act, in further addition to an act, intitled, "An act for filling up this state's quota of the Continental Army." ; Act, in further addition to an act, intitled, "An act for filling up this state's quota of the Continental Army" ; At a General Assembly of the governor and company of the state of Connecticut, holden at Hartford, on the second Thursday of May, 1781 ; Act, in further addition to an act
At a General Assembly of the governor and company of the state of Connecticut, holden at Hartford, on thesecond [sic] Thursday of May, 1781. : An act, in further addition to an act, intitled, "An act for filling up this state’s quota of the Continental Army."
Creator / Contributor
Connecticut ; Hudson, Barzillai, 1741-1823 ; Goodwin, George, 1757-1844 ; Connecticut. Act for filling up and compleating this state’s quota of the Continental Army
At a general assembly of the governor and Company of the state of Connecticut, holden at Hartford, (by adjournment and special order of the governor) on the 6th day of January, A.D. 1780: An act in further addition to a law of this state, entitled, An act to enable the governor to lay an embargo, and for rendering the same when laid effectual ; Act in further addition to a law of this state
At a general assembly of the governor and Company of the state of Connecticut, holden at Hartford, (by adjournment and special order of the governor) on the 6th day of January, A.D. 1780. : An act in further addition to a law of this state, entitled, An act to enable the governor to lay an embargo, and for rendering the same when laid effectual.
Creator / Contributor
Connecticut ; Hudson, Barzillai, 1741-1823 ; Goodwin, George, 1757-1844 ; Connecticut. Act to enable the governor to lay an embargo, and for rendering the same when laid effectual
At a general assembly of the governor and Company of the state of Connecticut, holden at Hartford, (by adjournment and special order of the governor) on the 6th day of January, A.D. 1780. : An act in further addition to a law of this state, entitled, An act to enable the governor to lay an embargo, and for rendering the same when laid effectual, page [1]
Creator / Contributor
Connecticut ; Hudson, Barzillai, 1741-1823 ; Goodwin, George, 1757-1844 ; Connecticut. Act to enable the governor to lay an embargo, and for rendering the same when laid effectual
At a general assembly of the governor and Company of the state of Connecticut, holden at Hartford, (by adjournment and special order of the governor) on the 6th day of January, A.D. 1780. : An act in further addition to a law of this state, entitled, An act to enable the governor to lay an embargo, and for rendering the same when laid effectual, page 2
Creator / Contributor
Connecticut ; Hudson, Barzillai, 1741-1823 ; Goodwin, George, 1757-1844 ; Connecticut. Act to enable the governor to lay an embargo, and for rendering the same when laid effectual
At a meeting of the governor and Council of Safety, holden at Hartford, on the 19th day of June A.D. 1781: Whereas ... His Excellency the governor hath received from His Excellency General Washington, a very pressing and earnest requisition for eight hundred men ... Therefore resolved, by the governor and Council of Safety, that there be forthwith raised in this state, eight hundred able bodied effective men
Creator / Contributor
Council of Safety (Conn.) ; Hudson, Barzillai ; 1741-1823 ; Goodwin, George ; 1757-1844 ; Connecticut ; Governor (1769-1784 : Trumbull).
At a meeting of the governor and Council of Safety, holden at Hartford, on the 19th day of June A.D. 1781. : Whereas ... His Excellency the governor hath received from His Excellency General Washington, a very pressing and earnest requisition for eight hundred men ... Therefore resolved, by the governor and Council of Safety, that there be forthwith raised in this state, eight hundred able bodied effective men ...
Creator / Contributor
Council of Safety (Conn.) ; Hudson, Barzillai, 1741-1823 ; Goodwin, George, 1757-1844 ; Connecticut. Governor (1769-1784 : Trumbull)
At a meeting of the governor and Council of Safety, holden at Hartford, on the 19th day of June A.D. 1781. : Whereas ... His Excellency the governor hath received from His Excellency General Washington, a very pressing and earnest requisition for eight hundred men ... Therefore resolved, by the governor and Council of Safety, that there be forthwith raised in this state, eight hundred able bodied effective men ..., recto
Creator / Contributor
Council of Safety (Conn.) ; Hudson, Barzillai, 1741-1823 ; Goodwin, George, 1757-1844 ; Connecticut. Governor (1769-1784 : Trumbull)
At a meeting of the governor and Council of Safety, holden at Hartford, on the 19th day of June A.D. 1781. : Whereas ... His Excellency the governor hath received from His Excellency General Washington, a very pressing and earnest requisition for eight hundred men ... Therefore resolved, by the governor and Council of Safety, that there be forthwith raised in this state, eight hundred able bodied effective men ..., verso
Creator / Contributor
Council of Safety (Conn.) ; Hudson, Barzillai, 1741-1823 ; Goodwin, George, 1757-1844 ; Connecticut. Governor (1769-1784 : Trumbull)
Catalogus recentium, in Collegio-Yalensi, MDCCLXXXI
Catalogus recentium, in Collegio-Yalensi, MDCCLXXXI
Creator / Contributor
Yale College (1718-1887) ; Hudson, Barzillai ; 1741-1823 ; Goodwin, George ; 1757-1844
In Congress, October 3d, 1776: Resolved, that five millions of continental dollars be immediately borrowed for the use of the United States of America, at the annual interest of four per cent
Creator / Contributor
United States ; Continental Congress. ; Watson, Hannah ; 1749-1807 ; Goodwin, George ; 1757-1844
In Congress, October 3d, 1776. : Resolved, that five millions of continental dollars be immediately borrowed for the use of the United States of America, at the annual interest of four per cent. …
Creator / Contributor
United States. Continental Congress ; Watson, Hannah, 1749-1807 ; Goodwin, George, 1757-1844
Observations on certain documents contained in no. V & VI of "The history of the United States for the year 1796", Appendix, page [i]