"Ancient and honorables Fourth Co." 7th Regt., N.G.S.N.Y. New York, June 18, 1872. At a regular meeting of this association, held at the Armory on the evening of the 14th instant, it was decided, by unanimous vote, to celebrate the anniversary of the company. Members will meet at the Armory of the company (citizens dress) on Tuesday evening, the 25th inst., at 8 o'clock, sharp. By order, W.H. Crocker, captain. Herman G. Carter, secretary.
Creator / Contributor
Carter, Herman G. ; Crocker, W. H. ; New York (State). National Guard. Regiment, 7th
"To the olive drab that broke the line, to these - 'Long life' we say." Annual dinner, Veterans of the Seventh Regiment, commemorating one hundred sixty first anniversary of the Regiment and paying special tribute to the fifty year veterans inducted into federal service, World War I. Monday, May 8, 1967.
Creator / Contributor
New York (State). National Guard. Regiment, 7th
"To the olive drab that broke the line, to these - 'Long life' we say." Annual dinner, Veterans of the Seventh Regiment, commemorating one hundred sixty first anniversary of the Regiment and paying special tribute to the fifty year veterans inducted into federal service, World War I. Monday, May 8, 1967, page [2].
Creator / Contributor
New York (State). National Guard. Regiment, 7th
"To the olive drab that broke the line, to these - 'Long life' we say." Annual dinner, Veterans of the Seventh Regiment, commemorating one hundred sixty first anniversary of the Regiment and paying special tribute to the fifty year veterans inducted into federal service, World War I. Monday, May 8, 1967, page [1].
Creator / Contributor
New York (State). National Guard. Regiment, 7th
"To the olive drab that broke the line, to these - 'Long life' we say." Annual dinner, Veterans of the Seventh Regiment, commemorating one hundred sixty first anniversary of the Regiment and paying special tribute to the fifty year veterans inducted into federal service, World War I. Monday, May 8, 1967, page [3], with Seventh Regiment insignia.
Creator / Contributor
New York (State). National Guard. Regiment, 7th
1806. 1888. The pleasure of your company is requested at a reception, celebrating the 82nd anniversary, Company B 7th Regiment, at the Armory, Monday evening, May 7th, 1888, at nine o'clock.
Creator / Contributor
New York (State). National Guard. Regiment, 7th
1806. 1889. The Second Company, Seventh Regiment, N.G., S.N.Y. Dinner at Delmonico's, Madison Square, to celebrate its 83rd anniversary, and to honor its ex-captain Henry S. Steele. Monday evening, May 6th, 1889, at 6.30 o'clock.
Creator / Contributor
New York (State). National Guard. Regiment, 7th
1806. 1890. The Second Company, Seventh Regiment, N.G., S.N.Y. Dinner at Sherry's, 404 Fifth Ave., to celebrate its 84th anniversary, Tuesday evening, May 6th, 1890, at 6.30 o'clock.
Creator / Contributor
New York (State). National Guard. Regiment, 7th
1806. 1891. The Second Company, Seventh Regiment, N.G., S.N.Y. Dinner at Sherry's, 404 Fifth Ave., to celebrate its 85th anniversary, Wednesday evening, May 6th, 1891, at 6.30 o'clock.
Creator / Contributor
New York (State). National Guard. Regiment, 7th
1806. 1893. The Second Company, Seventh Regiment, N.G., S.N.Y. celebrates its eighty-seventh anniversary by a dinner at Hotel de Logerot, south-west corner Fifth Ave. and 18th St. May 6th, 1893. At 6.30 o'clock.
Creator / Contributor
New York (State). National Guard. Regiment, 7th
1826. 1898. Armory, 84 Fifth Avenue, New York. [Dr. Mr. E.S. Whitbury and ladies]. The Old Guard requests the pleasure of your company at their reception Tuesday evening, January twenty-fifth, Metropolitan Opera House. W.H. Truman, adjutant. L. Ellis Briggs, major commanding.
Creator / Contributor
Truman, W. H. ; Briggs, L. Ellis ; Whitbury, E. S. ; Old Guard of the City of New York
27th Regiment New-York State Artillery. The Fifth National Guard respectfully solicits the honor of [Capt Sam D Dennison's] company, on an excursion for target practice, to Tompkinsville, Staten-Island, on Tuesday, the 27th instant, at 8 o'clock, a.m. Dinner at the Pavilion, at 2 o'clock p.m.
Creator / Contributor
Burt, Nathaniel S. ; Dennison, Sam ; Robinson, James ; Vermilye, Washington R. ; New York (State). Militia. Regiment of Artillery, 27th ; New York (State). National Guard. Regiment, 7th
27th Regiment New-York State Artillery. The Fifth National Guard respectfully solicits the honor of [Capt Sam D Dennison's] company, on an excursion for target practice, to Tompkinsville, Staten-Island, on Tuesday, the 27th instant, at 8 o'clock, a.m. Dinner at the Pavilion, at 2 o'clock p.m., page [1].
Creator / Contributor
Burt, Nathaniel S. ; Dennison, Sam ; Robinson, James ; Vermilye, Washington R. ; New York (State). Militia. Regiment of Artillery, 27th ; New York (State). National Guard. Regiment, 7th
27th Regiment New-York State Artillery. The Fifth National Guard respectfully solicits the honor of [Capt Sam D Dennison's] company, on an excursion for target practice, to Tompkinsville, Staten-Island, on Tuesday, the 27th instant, at 8 o'clock, a.m. Dinner at the Pavilion, at 2 o'clock p.m., page [2], with inscription "Capt Sam D Dennison present."
Creator / Contributor
Burt, Nathaniel S. ; Dennison, Sam ; Robinson, James ; Vermilye, Washington R. ; New York (State). Militia. Regiment of Artillery, 27th ; New York (State). National Guard. Regiment, 7th
7th Regiment military ball, 6th December 1947, recto.
Creator / Contributor
Miller, Kenneth C. ; Pullman, John ; New York (State). National Guard. Regiment, 7th
7th Regiment military ball, 6th December 1947, verso, addressed "Kenneth C. Miller, 141 E. 40th St, New York NY".
Creator / Contributor
Miller, Kenneth C. ; Pullman, John ; New York (State). National Guard. Regiment, 7th
7th Regiment military ball, 6th December 1947.
Creator / Contributor
Miller, Kenneth C. ; Pullman, John ; New York (State). National Guard. Regiment, 7th
A Second Company, Seventh Regiment mess dinner and beefsteak grab for actives and exempts at the Nassau Boat Club, Saturday Nov. 7, 1908, at 6 o'clock p.m.
Creator / Contributor
Froment, Eugene McKinley ; Osenkop, Otto H., Jr. ; New York (State). National Guard. Regiment, 7th
A Second Company, Seventh Regiment mess dinner and beefsteak grab for actives and exempts at the Nassau Boat Club, Saturday Nov. 7, 1908, at 6 o'clock p.m., recto.
Creator / Contributor
Froment, Eugene McKinley ; Osenkop, Otto H., Jr. ; New York (State). National Guard. Regiment, 7th
A Second Company, Seventh Regiment mess dinner and beefsteak grab for actives and exempts at the Nassau Boat Club, Saturday Nov. 7, 1908, at 6 o'clock p.m., verso, with inscription "Cpl. O.H. Osenkop, Jr., 2 E 128 St W, City."
Creator / Contributor
Froment, Eugene McKinley ; Osenkop, Otto H., Jr. ; New York (State). National Guard. Regiment, 7th