Patriotic envelope collection. Series I: Civil War envelopes, 1861-1865.
'If any one attempts to haul down the American flag, shoot him on the spot.'
Collection Title
Patriotic envelope collection. Series I: Civil War envelopes, 1861-1865.
'Let us Alone.'
Collection Title
Patriotic envelope collection. Series I: Civil War envelopes, 1861-1865.
'Secession! Peaceable secession!'
Creator / Contributor
Wells, John G. (John Gaylord), 1821-1880
Collection Title
Patriotic envelope collection. Series I: Civil War envelopes, 1861-1865.
'Strike home! and the world shall revere us, As heroes descended from heroes.'
Collection Title
Patriotic envelope collection. Series I: Civil War envelopes, 1861-1865.
'The Secession Wolf.'
Creator / Contributor
Gates, Jas. (James)
Collection Title
Patriotic envelope collection. Series I: Civil War envelopes, 1861-1865.
'The peoples' candidate for president, Abraham Lincoln.
Collection Title
Patriotic envelope collection. Series I: Civil War envelopes, 1861-1865.
'Young America.'
Collection Title
Patriotic envelope collection. Series I: Civil War envelopes, 1861-1865.
1st Delaware, 12th New Jersey and 14th Connecticut at Stonewall, U.S.A.
Creator / Contributor
[Cooley, Sam A. (Samuel A.)] ; Underwood & Underwood, distributor
Collection Title
Civil War stereographs, 1861-1865.
1st Mass. Heavy Artillery burying the dead at Mrs. Allsop's House, Pine Forest near Spottsylvania Court House, after the battle of 19th May, 1864. [Stereograph]
Creator / Contributor
O'Sullivan, Timothy H., 1840-1882 ; Philp & Solomons ; Gardner, Alexander, 1821-1882, distributor ; E. & H.T. Anthony (Firm), distributor
Collection Title
Civil War stereographs, 1861-1865.
1st Massachusetts Cavalry camp in the woods
Creator / Contributor
Taylor & Huntington
Collection Title
Civil War stereographs, 1861-1865.
300 pound Parrot Gun, in Ft. Chatfield, Morris Island, S.C.
Creator / Contributor
Brady & Co. (Washington, D.C.) ; E. & H.T. Anthony (Firm)
Collection Title
Civil War stereographs, 1861-1865.
5 to one ha.
Creator / Contributor
Collection Title
Patriotic envelope collection. Series I: Civil War envelopes, 1861-1865.
50th N.Y.V. engineers constructing road at Jericho Mills, on south bank of North Anna, Va. General headquarters' train crossing canvas pontoon bridge in the distance, 24th May, 1864