Prize Money! Prize Money! Wanted for the U.S. Marine Corps able-bodied, sober, intelligent men, between the ages of 18 and 35 years, not less than five feet four and a half inches high, and of good character.
Creator / Contributor
Cohen, D. M.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Prize Money! Prize Money! Who wants a chance? Wanted for the U.S. Marine Corps able-bodied, sober, intelligent men, between the ages of 18 and 35 years, not less than five feet four and a half inches high, and of good character.
Creator / Contributor
Garland, A.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Proclamation by the Governor, of New Jersey. I have been expecting a call from the President of the United States, or a request from the Governor of the State now invaded by the rebels, for troops to aid in driving back the invaders …
Creator / Contributor
Robeson, George M. ; DeLaCour, J. L. ; Parker, Joel ; Dickenson, S. M.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Provost Marshal's Office Ninth Congressional Dist. 677 Third Avenue, cor. of E. 46th St. The Honorable Corps, men wanted for the Invalid Corps.
Creator / Contributor
Fry, James B. ; Jenkins, Charles E.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Rally 'round the green flag. The Phoenix Regiment Corcoran Zouaves in the field! Out for the war, as the 4th Reg't of the Empire Brigade, Brigadier General F.B. Spinola. James C. Burke, Colonel.
Creator / Contributor
Spinola, Francis Barretto ; Burke, James C.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Rally Freemen! Rally our country and liberty calls, it is duty to obey. Ho for liberty!
Creator / Contributor
Davis, W. W. H. ; Markley, L. H.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Rally around our flag! At a meeting of the citizens of Lumberville and vicinity held on Wednesday evening, 17th inst., it was unanimously resolved that we call a meeting of the citizens of said place, without distinction of party to convene, at Lumberville ...
Creator / Contributor
Worstal, J. H. ; Thomas, Allen
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Rally for the Union. Grand mass meeting of loyal citizens, Tuesday, 15th inst. on Union Square.
Creator / Contributor
Stevens, John Austin
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Rally! Men! Rally! Volunteers wanted! For 100 days!
Creator / Contributor
Devinney, Michael E., 1840-1925 ; Goldenberg, Charles D. ; Gaskill, John
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Rally! Rally! Rally! To men of color! Authority has been received to raise a regiment of men of color for 100 days. Rally, men of color, at once for your country. Arm for the defence of your homes!
Creator / Contributor
Taggart, John Henry, 1821-
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Rally, boys for the Union, Goodwin's Battery of Breech-loading Light Artillery! Soon to take the field! Let the Rebels take warning! Now is the time to serve your country! No skedaddlers wanted! Fall in boys!
Creator / Contributor
Goodwin, William F.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Recruiting Office, Company B, Scott Legion Regiment, Col. S.W. Black, late Col. of 1st Penn. Reg., Mexican War.
Creator / Contributor
Black, S. W. ; Hefley, James F.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Recruits Wanted! Halleck Guard! Col. Elias Peissner. First Reg't for the war! Already in camp in Turtle Bay Park. Lieut. Schwerin is authorized to receive recruits at the recruiting office of this Co.
Creator / Contributor
Peissner, Elias ; Schwerin, Lieut.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Recruits read! $177 in bounties and advance pay. United States advance bounty $25, United States advance pay, 13, United States enlistment fee, 4, New York State bounty, 50, Sixth District Committee bounty, 10, total, advance pay and bounties, $102. United States bounty when discharged, $75.
Creator / Contributor
Smith, James E. ; Scott, Charles H. ; Thompson, Jno. A.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Recruits wanted 30 able bodied men wanted to fill up Company D, 12th Regiment of N.J. Volunteers, Col. Rob. C. Johnson.
Creator / Contributor
Bard, E. Milford ; Moore, William Henry ; McIlhenney, James L.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Recruits wanted 30 able bodied men wanted! To fill up the Stockton Guards, Co. G, 12th Regt. N.J. Vol. Col. Robt. C. Johnson.
Creator / Contributor
Johnson, Robert C. ; Jobes, S. B. ; Lowe, J. L. ; Troutman, C. E.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Recruits wanted : 35 good men wanted to fill up Company I, Capt. R.H. Lee, of the Sixth New Jersey Reg't known as the Old Fourth in the three month's service, now in active service, being stationed near the Chain Bridge on the Potomac.
Creator / Contributor
Lee, R. H. ; Perkins, Benj. W. ; Maurer, Joseph ; Lee, J. S.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Recruits wanted First Regiment National Volunteers! Colonel Gurney, an able and experienced officer.
Creator / Contributor
Geary, John White, 1819-1873 ; Hull, Sheldon A.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Recruits wanted for Capt. J.W. Hofmann's late Captain commanding Company E, Col. Dare's 23d Regiment, Company, rendezvous, 19th and South Sts.
Creator / Contributor
Hoffmann, J. W.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Recruits wanted for Captain Cogswell's Company of the gallant 2d Regiment. 20 good able men wanted for Captain Cogswell's company, the Andrew Light Guard!