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Civil War posters, 1861-1865
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Recruits Wanted! Halleck Guard! Col. Elias Peissner. First Reg't for the war! Already in camp in Turtle Bay Park. Lieut. Schwerin is authorized to receive recruits at the recruiting office of this Co.
Recruits read! $177 in bounties and advance pay. United States advance bounty $25, United States advance pay, 13, United States enlistment fee, 4, New York State bounty, 50, Sixth District Committee bounty, 10, total, advance pay and bounties, $102. Unite
Recruits wanted 30 able bodied men wanted to fill up Company D, 12th Regiment of N.J. Volunteers, Col. Rob. C. Johnson.
Recruits wanted 30 able bodied men wanted! To fill up the Stockton Guards, Co. G, 12th Regt. N.J. Vol. Col. Robt. C. Johnson.
Recruits wanted : 35 good men wanted to fill up Company I, Capt. R.H. Lee, of the Sixth New Jersey Reg't known as the Old Fourth in the three month's service, now in active service, being stationed near the Chain Bridge on the Potomac.
Recruits wanted First Regiment National Volunteers! Colonel Gurney, an able and experienced officer.
Recruits wanted for Capt. J.W. Hofmann's late Captain commanding Company E, Col. Dare's 23d Regiment, Company, rendezvous, 19th and South Sts.
Recruits wanted for Captain Cogswell's Company of the gallant 2d Regiment. 20 good able men wanted for Captain Cogswell's company, the Andrew Light Guard!
Recruits wanted for the First N.J. Brigade! Fourth, Tenth and Fifteenth regiments
Recruits, read! Extra bounty $10 over all governments' bounties! Fourth Battery N.Y.S. Light Artillery! Easy Service! No muster drill! Not trenches to dig! No heavy loads or knapsacks to carry! Good pay, good rations, and good officers!
Reorganization 5th Reg't N.Y. Vols. Infantry. Duryee's Zouaves! $250 Bounty given for reenlistments. Head-quarters, No. 744 Broadway.
Returned Volunteers, Rally! Rally! Rally! All members of regiments who have been in the service, and will serve again for a short period, not exceeding three months, are requested to meet at the Mercer House, cor. of Broome and Mercer Streets. ...
Richmond Co. and New York arouse! Town of Castleton in particular! Now is your time to join a first-rate company in first-rate Richmond Co. Regiment, and be ready for the war in a few days.
Richmond Co. arouse! Town of Castleton in particular! Now is your time to join a first-rate company in a first-rate Richmond Co. Regiment, and be ready for the war in a few days.
Riflemen attention! The Clinton Rifles, United States Volunteers accepted directly by the United States and for that reason better provided for, Colonel J.A. Page.
Riflemen attention! The Clinton Rifles. Accepted by the Secretary of War, and now in camp at Quarantine Building, Staten Island. J.A. Page, Col. Commanding.
Senatorial Reg't, Col. Anthony Conk. All the bounties as soon as enlisted. Headquarters Comp'y C, No. 202 Fulton Avenue.
Senatorial Regiment, Col. Anthony Conk. Patriots to the rescue. To arms! To arms! The Union, the Constitution, and the enforcement of the laws.
Senatorial Regiment, Colonel Anthony Conk. Recruits wanted for Company A, to serve for three years or during the war, under experience officers.
Senatorial Regiment, Colonel Anthony Conk. Recruits wanted for Company A, to serve for three years or during the war, under experienced officers.
Senatorial Regiment, Colonel Anthony Conk. Strike for your altars and your fires! Strike till the last armed foe expires! Strike for the green graves of your sires! God and our Native Land! Recruits wanted for Co. I.
Seventy-six men must be had before September 3d, to fill the quota of Framingham.
Sickles' Excelsior Brigade! Headquarters, City Hall Park. Yorktown. Williamsburg, May 5th. Fair Oaks, June 1st, Williamsburg road, June 25th, Savage Station, June 29th, White Oak Swamp, June 30th, Charles City Cross-roads, June 30th …
Sickles' Excelsior Brigade! Headquarters, City Hall Park. Yorktown. Williamsburg, May 5th. Fair Oaks, June 1st, Williamsburg Road, June 25th, Savage Station, June 29th, White Oak Swamp, June 30th, Ch's City Cross-Rds., June 30th …
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