Highest Bounty. $227. To all recruits in Capt. Curran's Company, 31 Genesee St.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Infantry wanted for Co. C, 37th Regt. N.J. Vols. Returned volunteers who have served for 9 months who re-enlist, will receive a bounty and premium of $402, in addition to the $200 bounty giving by the county of Burlington …
Creator / Contributor
Jackson, Capt. ; Hugg, James S. ; Myers, William H. ; Hugg, Isaac N., 1840-1902
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Invalid Corps! U.S.A. Recruits wanted, garrison and light duty. Only those soldiers who have been honorably discharged, on account of wounds or disability received in the service, will be enlisted in the Corps of Honor!
Creator / Contributor
Cromie, James ; Powell, Jas. W.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Ira Harris Guard 5th New-York Cavalry. 13 skirmishes and 4 general engagements ... Recruits wanted for this veteran regiment.
Creator / Contributor
De Forest, O.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Irish Legion Brig.-Gen. Corcoran's Brigade! 4th Senatorial Dist. Reg't N.Y.V. Headquarters, cor. 34th Street and 9th Avenue.
Creator / Contributor
Corcoran, Michael, 1827-1863 ; Coyle, John
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Ironsides Regiment. Col. Chas. Gould. Major W.H.L. Barnes, Lieut. Col. A.J.H. Dugane, Adjutant, David Drake, Quartermaster, Frank W. Ballard. Company A. Christopher Pullman, Capt. Head-quarters, 481 3d Avenue.
Creator / Contributor
Gould, Charles ; Barnes, W. H. ; Duganne, A. J. H. ; Pullman, Christopher ; Drake, David
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Jack Tars, Ahoy!! Let us open the Potomac! Wanted immediately for Co. I, 5th Regiment, Excelsior Brigade, 50 able-bodied seamen.
Creator / Contributor
Graham, Chas. K. ; Wilkinson, Arthur
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Jerseymen now is the time to volunteer! And avoid the draft! $727 bounty, $427 to new recruits, $365 cash on muster. 20 good men wanted to complete Co. I, 37th Reg't, N.J. Vols.
Creator / Contributor
Blood, William Otis ; Fuller, Robert
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Jerseymen! To Arms! Don't wait to be drafted! Wanted, recruits to fill up Company C, McClellan Guards!
Creator / Contributor
Price, John P. ; McClellan, George B. (George Brinton), 1826-1885
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Jerseymen! To the Rescue! Fifty able-bodied men wanted for the Camden Guards!
Creator / Contributor
Johnson, Robert C. ; Horsfall, Charles K. ; Armington, Philip M.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Jerseymen! To the rescue! 50 able-bodied men wanted for the Camden Guards! This company has been accepted, and is now attached to the 12st N.J. Regiment, Col. Robt. C. Johnson'
Creator / Contributor
Johnson, Robert C. ; Horsfall, Charles K. ; Armington, Philip M.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Jerseymen, To the Rescue! The First Regiment for the First District, under the [call] of the Governor's [Pr]oclamation.
Creator / Contributor
Pelouze, Charles ; Jackson, E. G. ; Reynolds, John
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Jerseymen, to arms! Gov. Parker has called under arms 12000 of our active militia of the State to serve thirty days unless sooner discharged.
Creator / Contributor
Saunders, W. H.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Jubilee! The Grant & Colfax Club of Oyster Bay, will hold a public meeting at Independence Hall in the village of Oyster Bay, on Monday, Nov. 23d, at 7 1/2 o'clock,, P.M. The public are invited to attend, ladies especially.
Creator / Contributor
Tenney, A. W. ; Prince, L. Bradford ; Summers, Edward ; McCoun, Wm. T. ; Union Glee Club
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Last chance for bounties! Now is the time! The largest bounty ever offered! $89 cash bounty money paid to all who join this Regiment! 30 men wanted immediately for the First Regiment N.Y. Mounted Rifles! Col. C.C. Dodge, now in service at Suffolk, Virginia.
Creator / Contributor
Dodge, C. C. ; Dean, G. H.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Last chance! To Arms! To Arms! Now is the time to enlist! If you wait until the first of September, when the order for drafting will surely be enforced! Married men will lose the state bounty of $6 per month, & single men that of $2.
Creator / Contributor
Shinn, William C. ; Crowell, John O. ; Woodward, James S.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Latest from the army! Lieut. Champion in Delhi for recruits for Fitch's Battery. All bounties paid to those enlisting for this Battery! And paid at the time of enlistment!
Creator / Contributor
Champion, Lieut.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Latest news from Washington! The rebels swarming on the Potomac! 'Boys there's the enemy! And we must beat them, or Molly Stark sleeps a widow to-night! Forward!'--General Stark's speech to his soldiers before the Battle of Bennington.
Creator / Contributor
Smith, C. Sydney ; Longstreet, J. M.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Manhattan Rifles! Lieut. Col. Geo. F. Watson, Comm'dg. Major Jno. M. Freeman. Officers' headquarters, No. 461 Broome St. near Mercer. Recruiting stations, Mercer House, cor. Broome and Mercer; Stuyvesant Hall, 633 Broadway; and at Chester's 38 Ann Street.
Creator / Contributor
Watson, George F. ; Freeman, Jno. M.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Married men, $366 bounty! Single men, $222!! Now is the time! To rally round the flag of the country!