From Junes to Arches & Warwich A. B & B2nd. No 86, B, 2nd by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants [rev. ed.]. ; Road from Junes to Arches & Warwich. 86 ; Index From June’s to Archer and Warwick ; Index From Junes to Archer & Warwich - A. B& B2. 86
Creator / Contributor
Erskine, Robert, 1735-1780 ; De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
From Junes to Archies. No 86, A / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; Road from Junes to Arches & Warwich - A. B & B2d. 86 ; From Junes to Arches & Warwich - A. B & B2d. 86 ; Index From June’s to Archer and Warwick ; Index From Junes to Archer & Warwich - A. B& B2
Creator / Contributor
Erskine, Robert, 1735-1780 ; De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
From Kingston towards Albany. No 93, E / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; From Newborrough to Albany and from Albany to [Fish]kill 20 sheets, A. B. C. D. E. [F. G.] H. I. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. 93 ; From Kingston towards Albany. E No. 93
Creator / Contributor
Erskine, Robert, 1735-1780 ; De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
From Martin Conrod’s past Tohicken Church towards Philadelphia. No 57, B / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; Road from Bethlehem to Broad Ax and Chestnut hill Pennsylvania A, B, C, D & E. 57 ; From Martin Conrods past Tohicken Church toward Philadelphia. No. 57 B ; Whole of 57 from Bethlehem to Chesnut Hill
Creator / Contributor
Erskine, Robert, 1735-1780 ; De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
From McPherson ford to Taylors Ford on Octorara. No 130 (1st) / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants.
Creator / Contributor
Erskine, Robert, 1735-1780 ; Scull, William, fl. 1765 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
From Morristown to Succasunny. No 118, A / John Armstrong DS ; by J Armstrong ; by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; From Morristown towards Sussex Court House A B and C. 118 ; From Morristown towards Sussex C. H. A B & C. 118 ; From Morristown to Succasunny. No: 118 A
Creator / Contributor
De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; Armstrong, John, 1755-1816 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
From Muscanecunk Mountain Past Johnson’s Forge to Easton. No 77 C / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; Roads by Potterstown, Hickery Tavern, Muscanecunk Mountain, Reddingtown Johnstons Forge, Easton A. B. C. D from letter B to the Road from Corriels to Morristown E from near Henry Camps on the Road from Corriels to Morristown to Reddington. 77 ; From Muscanecunk Mountain Past Johnsons Forge to Easton. No 77-C
Creator / Contributor
Erskine, Robert, 1735-1780 ; De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
From Near Chester to Bethlehem, +c. No 69-1st / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; From near Chester to Bethleham 10 Sheets marked 1st, 2d. 3d. &c. 69 ; From Near Chester to Bethlehem No 69 1st Sheet
Creator / Contributor
Erskine, Robert, 1735-1780 ; De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
From Near Head Quarters where the Road goes of thence to Dikins’ Mills toward Worrells Tavern, & Joins the Road Surveyed from Worrels Tavern to Matthew Tenikes on the East side of the Branch. No 71, C / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; Road from Duyckinks Mill to the South Branch both sides of the River A and B. Garisons Somerset Boundbrook from South Branch to Reddington Brokaws C and from near headQuarters to South Branch. 71 ; Road from Duyckinks Mill to the South Branch both sides of the River A & B. Garisons Somerset Boundbrook from South Branch to Reddington Brokaws C & from near headQrs to So. Branch. 71 ; From near Head Quarters where the Road goes to the Dikins Mills, toward Morrell’s Tavern & joins the Road surveyed from Morrell’s Tavern to Matthew Tanckes on the East Side of the Branch ; Road from Duyckink’s Mill to the South Branch Garison’s, Somerset Bound Brook fromm South Branch to Reddington Brokaws & from near headquarters to So. Branch
Creator / Contributor
Erskine, Robert, 1735-1780 ; De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
From Newark thro’ Aquacknonk to Gothum. No 79, B / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants ; this is Surveyd by Mr. Lodge .... ; From Elizabeth townpoint, Newark, Aquackanonck, Wesel, Totowa A, B, & C. 79 ; From Newark thro Aquacknonk to Gothum. N 79 B
Creator / Contributor
Erskine, Robert, 1735-1780 ; De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; Lodge, Benjamin ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
From Newborough towards Albany. No 93, A / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; From Newborrough to Albany and from Albany to [Fish]kill 20 sheets, A. B. C. D. E. [F. G.] H. I. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. 93
Creator / Contributor
Erskine, Robert, 1735-1780 ; De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
From Newborough towds Albany (to Kingston) No 93, D / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; From Newborrough to Albany and from Albany to [Fish]kill 20 sheets, A. B. C. D. E. [F. G.] H. I. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. 93 ; From Newborough towards Albany To Kingston. D No 93
Creator / Contributor
Erskine, Robert, 1735-1780 ; De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
From Newborough towds Albany continued. No 93, B / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; From Newborough towards Albany continued. No 93, B ; From Newborrough to Albany and from Albany to [Fish]kill 20 sheets, A. B. C. D. E. [F. G.] H. I. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. 93
Creator / Contributor
Erskine, Robert, 1735-1780 ; De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
From Newborough towds [Alban]y. No 93, C / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; From Newborough towards Albany. No 93, C ; From Newborrough to Albany and from Albany to [Fish]kill 20 sheets, A. B. C. D. E. [F. G.] H. I. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. 93
Creator / Contributor
Erskine, Robert, 1735-1780 ; De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
From Passaic to Peramus Hackensack + Zabriskie’s. No 116 / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; Between Passaic & Paramus Hackesack & Zabriskies. 116 ; From Passaic to Perames Hackensack Zabris[kies] 116
Creator / Contributor
De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
From Philadelphia through Darby + Chester to the Anchor Tavern. No 124, A / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; Route to York in Virginia, A B C D E F G H I K L M [N O P Q] R S T U. 124 ; From Philadelphia Through Darby & Chester to the Anchor Tavn. A No- 124 ; From Philadelphia through Derby & Chester to the Anchor Tavern
Creator / Contributor
De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
From Piscataway towards Bladensburgh. No 125, H / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; R[oute] from Virginia From Piscataway towards Bladensburgh. No 125 H ; Route from Virginia A. B. C. D. E. F. G H. I K & a 1/2 sheet C. 125 ; From Piscataway towards Bladensburgh. No 125 H
Creator / Contributor
De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
From Pluckemin to Black River. No 117, C / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; From Mt Pleasant to New Germantown & from Pluckemin to Black River A B & C. 117 ; From Pluckemin to Black River. No 117 C
Creator / Contributor
De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
From Pompton towards Watsessing By the Forks and Little Falls. No 67, A / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; Road from Forks Passaic to Scotch Plains A, B C & D. 67 ; From Pompton towards Watsessing By the Forks & Little Falls. No. 67 A ; From Pompton towards West [...] By the Forks and Little Falls
Creator / Contributor
Erskine, Robert, 1735-1780 ; De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
From Ponds Church to Paramus, Totowa, Pompton. No 56, A / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; Roads from Pompton Parmus great falls etc. A and B Sheets ; Roads from Pompton Parmus great falls &c. A & B Sheets. 56 ; From Ponds Church to Peramus Totowa Pompton. No. 56 A ; Road from Pompton Parmus great falls &c. - A & B Sheets
Creator / Contributor
Erskine, Robert, 1735-1780 ; De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.