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United States--Armed Forces--Recruiting, enlistment, etc.--Civil War, 1861-1865
Eagles--Pictorial works
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6th Regiment! Stand by the flag. The subscribers have been authorized to recruit a company for the Sixth Regiment of which Col. O.A. Mack of the Regular Army is Colonel, and Nelson Converse, of Marlborough, Lieut. Colonel.
Jerseymen now is the time to volunteer! And avoid the draft! $727 bounty, $427 to new recruits, $365 cash on muster. 20 good men wanted to complete Co. I, 37th Reg't, N.J. Vols.
Proclamation by the Governor, of New Jersey. I have been expecting a call from the President of the United States, or a request from the Governor of the State now invaded by the rebels, for troops to aid in driving back the invaders …
Volunteers wanted for Battery A, Second N.J. Artillery. The undersigned have been given authority by Adjutant General Stockton to recruit a Battery of Heavy Artillery.
New Regiment. For one year. Jerseymen to arms, don't wait for the draft. Volunteer and get the bounty.
Attention Zouaves! Recruits wanted for Cladek's Zouaves 35th New Jersey Veteran Volunteers.
33d New Jersey Vols. Zouaves! Col. George W. Mindil. $415 Bounty.
33d New Jersey Vols. Col. George W. Mindil. $615 bounty …
33d New Jersey Vols. Col. George W. Mindil : $465 bounty ...
Volunteers wanted for the New Jersey regiments, to fill the quota of Waterford Township, N.J. The best bounty in the State.
Newton Township Camden County. To avoid draft. Fifty dollars bounty will be paid by the Township, in addition to all state or national bounties.
Washington Greys! $63 paid when enrolled in the Comp'y! Wanted!! Men for company A, Washington Greys, twelfth reg't, N.J. Vol's, Col. Rob't C. Johnson, now encamped at Woodbury.
Recruits wanted 30 able bodied men wanted! To fill up the Stockton Guards, Co. G, 12th Regt. N.J. Vol. Col. Robt. C. Johnson.
Recruits wanted 30 able bodied men wanted to fill up Company D, 12th Regiment of N.J. Volunteers, Col. Rob. C. Johnson.
Volunteers wanted. The undersigned propose to raise a Company to be attached to the Olden Legion, Col. William Bryan, of Beverly, New Jersey, accepted by the War Department.
The West Jersey Zouaves Have Marching Orders! 22 active men wanted immediately, to fill up the West Jersey Zouaves, for the Olden Legion, commended by Col. Wm. Bryan.
Recruits wanted : 35 good men wanted to fill up Company I, Capt. R.H. Lee, of the Sixth New Jersey Reg't known as the Old Fourth in the three month's service, now in active service, being stationed near the Chain Bridge on the Potomac.
Artillery, Infantry & Cavalry. Volunteers Wanted to fill the ranks of the different N. Jersey Regiments, from the 1st to the 15th Infantry, 1st Regiment of Cavalry, and 1st and 2nd Batteries of Artillery.
Wanted immediately 25 able-bodied men for the Higbe Guards attached to the Camden Regiment!
Recruits wanted for the First N.J. Brigade! Fourth, Tenth and Fifteenth regiments
Order No. 1 The Camden Regiment will be mustered in on the 15th inst. at Trenton.
Halt! Volunteers Wanted! For the old New Jersey Regiments! Now in the field.
Troops wanted for the 2d N.J. Cavalry to be commanded by Col. Jos. Karge : rally young men! Now is the time to prevent being drafted, and save the compensation allowed volunteers.
Men wanted for the old regiments, New Jersey Vols.
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