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Willis Avenue near 148th Street, Bronx, New York City, December 1921: Brooklyn Shoe, Hudson Fur Manufacturing Company, Klein's Klassy Klothes (Joseph M. Klein), Loft Candy.
Sixth Avenue and West 42nd Street, New York City, December 1922: Hy-lass Veils, Mikado Pencils, Ray Battery.
125th Street between Seventh Avenue and Lenox Avenue, New York City, December 1921: Brooklyn Shoe ['Blyn Shoe'], Brunswick Phonographs and Records. Also storefronts of Ideal Shoe Shop, Christensen School of Rag and Jazz, Orient Movies, Leight Brothers Out
Sixth Avenue and 42nd Street, New York City, December 1921: Chesterfield Cigarettes, Brunswick Phonographs and Records, Thos. Hindley & Son Hardware.
West 47th Street between Broadway and Seventh Avenue, New York City, December 1921: Macy's Department Store, Chalmers Underwear, Royal Tailors.
42nd Street at Fifth Avenue, New York City, December 1921: Goodrich Silvertown Cord Tires.
Third Avenue and East 166th Street, Bronx, New York City, August 1921: Bronx Credit Clothing Company. Also L. Oppenheimer, grocer.
West 47th Street between Broadway and Seventh Avenue, New York City, August 1921: Macy's Department Store, Chalmers Underwear, Royal Tailors.
Eighth Avenue and Cathedral Parkway [i.e. 110th Street], New York City, August 1921: Piedmont Cigarettes, Physical Culture Shoes, Mouquin Vermouth.
Seventh Avenue and West 34th Street, New York City, August 1921: Kaye & Einstein Furriers, Sozodont, Brill Brothers (Kuppenheimer Clothes), Libby's Baths, Penn-Post Hotel, [West Virginia Pulp & Paper Company?].
Seventh Avenue and West 42nd Street, New York City, August 1921: Fatima Cigarettes, Selznick Pictures, Henry H. Curran for Mayor.
Sixth Avenue Between 42nd Street and 43rd Street, New York City, August 1921: Ebling's Malt Tonic, Landay Brothers Phonographs.
Fifth Avenue and E. 42nd Street, New York City, August 1921: Boyshform Brassiere, Bril Brothers (Kuppenheimer Clothes), National Surety Company, Charles Trey (hairdresser), Venus Pencils, Converse Tires. Also empty billboard and one being painted over.
Broadway at West 47th Street, New York City, August 1921: Dodge Brothers Motor Car (Stratton-Bliss Company), Society Brand Clothes at Gimbel Brothers.
Third Avenue and East 166th Street, Bronx, New York City, August 1921: empty billboard. Also L. Oppenheimer, grocer.
Sixth Avenue and West 44th Street, New York City, August 1921: Winter Garden Theatre (Schubert Vaudeville), Century Theatre, Kramer Brothers (butchers), Sozodont Toothpaste (partial).
Sixth Avenue and 42nd Street (opposite Bryant Park), New York City, August 1921: Chesterfield Cigarettes. Wurliter building visible.
Sixth Avenue and 27th Street, New York City, August 1921: Ferond's Hair Grower, Sozodont Toothpaste, Kaye & Einstein Furriers.
Sixth Avenue and 47th Street, New York City, August 1921: empty billboards.
42nd Street at Fifth Avenue, New York City, August 1921: Goodrich Silvertown Cord Tires.
Sixth Avenue and 42nd Street, New York City, August 1921: Van-Hart Shoes, American Lung Association, J.H. Maguire (optician), Korry-Krome Shoe Soles.
Seventh Avenue and West 47th Street, New York City, August 1921: Dodge Brothers Motor Car (Stratton-Bliss Company), National Exchanges, Inc., Merit Film Corporation. Also storefront for United Cigar Stores.
East 42nd Street and Fifth Avenue, New York City, 1921: Fatima Cigarettes, Venus Pencils, Dr. Lawton's Fat Reducer, Brill Brothers (Kuppenheimer), National Surety Company, Brusnwick Phonographs and Records, Charles Frey (hairdresser), Alton Beach Realty (
Sixth Avenue and 42nd Street, New York City, 1921: Christmas Seals, Van-Hart Shoes, American Lung Association, J.H. Maguire (optician), Korry-Krome Shoe Soles.
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