At a General Assembly of the governor and Company of the state of Connecticut: holden at Hartford, by adjournment, on the 12th day of February, A.D. 1778. : An act for raising two brigades for the defence of this state ; Act for raising two brigades for the defence of this state
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Connecticut ; General Assembly.
Online version
Know all men by these presents, that we [blank] are held and firmly bound to [blank] president of the Congress of the United Colonies of New-Hampshire, Massachusetts-Bay, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New-York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, the counties of Newcastle, Kent, and Sussex on Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North-Carolina, South-Carolina, and Georgia, to be paid to the said [blank] ... in trust for the use of the said United Colonies
Online version
At a General Assembly of the governor and Company of the state of Connecticut, holden at Hartford, on the second Thursday of May, 1781: An act for raising supplies for the use of this state and the Continental Army, until the first day of January next ; Act for raising supplies for the use of this state and the Continental Army, until the first day of January next ; Act for raising supplies for the use of this state
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In Congress, May 14, 1777: Resolved, I. That the quarter-master general of the army be authorized and empowered to appoint one commissary of forage for the army, and one for each of the military departments therof
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United States ; Continental Congress. ; Dunlap, John ; 1747-1812
Online version of p. [1]
Online version of p. [2]
Scale of depreciation: agreeable to an act of the commonwealth of Massachusetts to be observed as a rule for settling the rate of depreciation on all contracts both publick and private, made on or since the first day of January, 1777
Online version of recto
Online version of verso
In committee, July 14, 1779: Resolved, that the plan for stopping emissions be printed in hand-bills, and distributed for the consideration of the public; and that a town-meeting be held in the state house yard, on Monday the 26th instant, at ten o'clock in the forenoon
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Philadelphia (Pa.) ; Henry, William ; 1729-1786 ; Bradford, Thomas ; 1745-1838 ; Zabriskie, John
Online version
State of Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations. In Council of War, July 1, 1777: Whereas blankets are wanted for the men raised in the fifteen months brigade of this state
Creator / Contributor
Rhode Island ; Council of War. ; Carter, John ; 1745-1814 ; Ward, Henry ; 1732-1797
Online version
State of Massachusetts-Bay. In the House of Representatives, June 10, 1778: Whereas it appears that our enemies intend to wreath [sic] their vengeance ... and to that end have made several excursions lately from Rhode-Island ... Resolved, that eighteen hundred men be raised ; State of Massachusetts Bay. In the House of Representatives, June 10, 1778
Creator / Contributor
Massachusetts ; General Court. ; Powars, Edward Eveleth ; Willis, Nathaniel ; 1755-1831