Oppression: a poem. Or, New-England's lamentation of the dreadful extortion and other sins of the times: Being a serious exhortation to all to repent and turn from the evil of their ways, if they would avert the terrible and heavy judgments of the Almighty that hang over America at this alarming and distressing day ; Come all you friends to goodness, I pray you do attend
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Russell, Ezekiel ; 1743-1796
Paris, May 18, 1778: Gentlemen, Certain intelligence having been received, that eleven British ships of war ... are in the road of St. Hellens, near Portsmouth, bound for North-America
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Franklin, Benjamin ; 1706-1790 ; Adams, John ; 1735-1826 ; Thomson, Charles ; 1729-1824 ; United States ; Continental Congress.
Peace. Salem, February 21, 1783: By Captain John Osgood in twenty-nine days from Martinico (arrived this day) we have the Martinico gazette of the 9th and 16th of January, from which we have translated the following interesting intelligence relative to peace
Pennsylvania War-Office, Philadelphia, May 2d, 1777: Application having been made to this board by the Honorable Major General Schuyler for assistance in procuring blankets
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Pennsylvania ; Board of War. ; Dunlap, John ; 1747-1812
Philadelphia, July 20, 1776. By an express arrived yesterday from South-Carolina, we have the following important intelligence: Extract of a letter from Fort Johnson, South-Carolina, July, 2, 1776
Creator / Contributor
Towne, Benjamin ; d. 1793 ; McKesson, John ; 1734-1798
Philadelphia. In Congress, May 21, 1776: Resolved, that all persons taken in arms on board any prize, be deemed prisoners, to be taken care of by the supreme executive power in each colony to which they are brought, whether the prize be taken by vessels fitted out by the Continent, or by others ; In Congress, May 21, 1776
Creator / Contributor
United States ; Continental Congress. ; Thomson, Charles ; 1729-1824 ; Dunlap, John ; 1747-1812
To the public: On the 17th day of May, 1781, the following plan was submitted to the consideration of the United States in Congress assembled: Plan for establishing a national bank, for the United States of North-America ; Plan for establishing a national bank, for the United States of North-America
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Morris, Robert ; 1734-1806 ; United States ; Continental Congress. ; Bank of North America
Postscript to the New-York packet, of May 14, 1778 ; New York packet, and the American advertiser
Creator / Contributor
Loudon, Samuel ; 1727?-1813
Proclamation: Whereas it hath pleased Almighty God ... to assist and support the United States of America in their important struggle for liberty ... It is therefore recommended ... to set apart the thirteenth day of December next ... as a day of thanksgiving and prayer ... Done in Congress this twenty-sixth day of October ... one thousand seven hundred and eighty one
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United States ; Continental Congress. ; Connecticut ; Governor (1769-1784 : Trumbull). ; Green, Timothy ; 1737-1796 ; McKean, Thomas ; 1734-1817
Proclamation. Whereas it hath pleased Almighty God the Father of all mercies: It is therefore recommended to the several states to set apart Thursday the seventh day of December next to be observed as a day of public thanksgiving and prayer ... Done in Congress, this eighteenth day of October, 1780
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United States ; Continental Congress. ; Connecticut ; Governor (1769-1784 : Trumbull) ; Trumbull, Jonathan ; 1710-1785
Proposals made to the non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the Pennsylvania Line, at Trenton, January 7, 1781: His Excellency Joseph Reed, Esquire, President, and the Honourable Brigadier-General Potter, of the Council of Pennsylvania, having heard the complaints of the soldiers ... are fully authorized to redress reasonable grievances
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Pennsylvania ; Supreme Executive Council. ; Reed, Joseph ; 1741-1785 ; Potter, James ; 1729-1789
Providence, July 26, 1779. Sir; By the annexed vote of the town of Providence, you will perceive the anxious desire they possess of having the purposes therein expressed carried into execution
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Providence (R.I.) ; Committee of Correspondence. ; Bowen, Jabez ; 1739-1815 ; Carter, John ; 1745-1814
Die Repräsentanten der Vereinigten Staaten von America, im Congress versammelt, an das Volk überhaupt, und an die Einwohner Pennsylvaniens und der angrenzenden Staaten insbesondere
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United States ; Continental Congress. ; Hancock, John ; 1737-1793 ; Miller, John Henry ; 1702-1782
Resolves of the Honourable Continental Congress: (Published by order of the General Committee, for the city and county of Albany.) ; Tory act
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United States ; Continental Congress. ; Thomson, Charles ; 1729-1824
Scale of depreciation: agreeable to an act of the commonwealth of Massachusetts to be observed as a rule for settling the rate of depreciation on all contracts both publick and private, made on or since the first day of January, 1777
Sir, The opinion which General Washington and all the general officers of our army entertain of the designs of General Howe against this state
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Pennsylvania ; Council of Safety. ; Wharton, Thomas ; 1735-1778 ; Lacey, John ; 1755-1814
Some observations relating to the establishment of schools: agreed to by the committee, to be laid for consideration before the Yearly Meeting
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Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends ; Benezet, Anthony ; 1713-1784 ; Zane, Isaac ; 1743-1795
State of Connecticut, General Assembly, October 23, 1777. In the Lower House, ordered, that the articles of convention between Major General Gates, and Lieutenant-General Burgoyne, be printed and dispensed to the several towns in this state ; Articles of convention between Lieutenant-General Burgoyne and Major-General Gates
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Connecticut ; General Assembly. ; Burgoyne, John ; 1722-1792 ; Gates, Horatio ; 1728-1806
State of Connecticut, in America. To [blank] constable of [blank] and collector of the state tax for said town, for the year 1780, greeting: Whereas the General Assembly of this state, in May, 1780, granted a rate or tax of six pence on the pound
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Connecticut ; Treasury Dept. ; Lawrence, John ; 1719-1802 ; Baldwin, David
State of Massachusetts-Bay. In the House of Representatives, April 30th, 1777: Whereas this court have undoubted intelligence that our enemies are determined ... to enslave the inhabitants of America ... Resolved, that in such towns ... as have not already ... inlisted a number of able-bodied men ... shall on the said 15th day of May, call their several companies together, and endeavour to compleat the same
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Massachusetts ; General Court. ; Edes, Benjamin ; 1732-1803