In committee, July 14, 1779: Resolved, that the plan for stopping emissions be printed in hand-bills, and distributed for the consideration of the public; and that a town-meeting be held in the state house yard, on Monday the 26th instant, at ten o'clock in the forenoon
Creator / Contributor
Philadelphia (Pa.) ; Henry, William ; 1729-1786 ; Bradford, Thomas ; 1745-1838 ; Zabriskie, John
In the House of Representatives, June 26, 1776: Whereas repeated applications have been made by the Honorable Congress to this Court, to procure a sum of hard money, to be forthwith sent into Canada, for the support of our army ... Resolved, that ... the friends of America ... sign subscription-papers, purporting what sum in hard money each man is willing to exchange for Continental bills ... In Council, June 27, 1776. Read and concurr'd
Creator / Contributor
Massachusetts ; General Court. ; Danielson, Timothy. ; Lowell, John ; 1743-1802 ; Edes, Benjamin ; 1732-1803
In the House of Representatives, November 1, 1776: Ordered, that the following address from the General Court of this state, to the officers and private soldiers who are gone from thence and are serving in the American army, be printed in two thousand hand-bills
Creator / Contributor
Massachusetts ; General Court. ; Bowdoin, James ; 1726-1790 ; Edes, Benjamin ; 1732-1803
Manifesto and proclamation: To the members of the Congress, the members of the general assemblies or conventions of the several colonies ... and all others, free inhabitants of the said colonies ... By the Earl of Carlisle, Sir Henry Clinton, and William Eden, Esq; ... commissioners to treat, consult, and agree upon the means of quieting the disorders now subsisting in certain of the colonies, plantations, and provinces in North-America
Creator / Contributor
Great Britain ; Commissioners to Treat, Consult, and Agree upon the Means of Quieting the Disorders in Now Subsisting in Certain of the Colonies, Plantations, and Provinces in North-America. ; United States ; Continental Congress. ; Carlisle, Frederick Howard ; 1748-1825 ; Clinton, Henry ; 1738?-1795 ; Auckland, William Eden ; 1744-1814 ; Rivington, James ; 1724-1802 ; Smith
New-York, April 23, 1777. Song for St. George's Day. Tune, Hail England, Old England ; Song for St. George's Day ; For ages the nations beheld with surprize
Creator / Contributor
Odell, Jonathan ; 1737-1818 ; Onderdonk Paper Mill
New-York, Dec. 13, 1776. To the public: Considerations on the present revolted state of America, addressed to its inhabitants at large ; New York, Dec. 13, 1776. To the public
Creator / Contributor
Camillus. ; Macdonald, Donald ; d. 1782 ; Cameron, Alexander ; d. 1789
New-York, October 30, 1776. To the King's Most Excellent Majesty: The humble address of the high sheriff, gentlemen, clergy, and freeholders of the county of Devonshire, England ; New York, October 30, 1776. To the King's Most Excellent Majesty
Creator / Contributor
Macdonald, Donald ; d. 1782 ; Cameron, Alexander ; d. 1789 ; Devon (England) ; Great Britain ; Sovereign (1760-1820 : George III)
New-York, [blank] This is to certify, that the bearer [blank] has, in my presence, subscribed to the declaration, agreeable to the terms of their Excellencies the Commissioners proclamation, dated at New-York, 30th November, 1776 ; New-York, This is to certify, that the bearer has, in my presence, subscribed to the declaration ; New York, [blank] This is to certify, that the bearer [blank] has, in my presence, subscribed to the declaration
Creator / Contributor
Macdonald, Donald ; d. 1782 ; Ketcham, John ; Tryon, William ; 1729-1788 ; New York (Colony) ; Governor (1771-1780 : Tryon).
Observations on the slaves and the indented servants, inlisted in the army, and in the navy of the United States
Creator / Contributor
Antibiastes. ; Steiner, Melchior ; d. 1807? ; Cist, Charles ; 1738-1805
On this day of renown, all joys shower down
Creator / Contributor
Gaine, Hugh ; 1726 or 7-1807 ; Odell, Jonathan ; 1737-1818
Paris, May 18, 1778: Gentlemen, Certain intelligence having been received, that eleven British ships of war ... are in the road of St. Hellens, near Portsmouth, bound for North-America
Creator / Contributor
Franklin, Benjamin ; 1706-1790 ; Adams, John ; 1735-1826 ; Thomson, Charles ; 1729-1824 ; United States ; Continental Congress.
Pennsylvania War-Office, Philadelphia, May 2d, 1777: Application having been made to this board by the Honorable Major General Schuyler for assistance in procuring blankets
Creator / Contributor
Pennsylvania ; Board of War. ; Dunlap, John ; 1747-1812
Philadelphia, January 27, 1781: My late engagements of a public nature have prevented my taking earlier notice of a report ... that I had or was concerned in trading to New-York. I declare it to be false and scandalous
Creator / Contributor
Reed, Joseph ; 1741-1785
Philadelphia, July 20, 1776. By an express arrived yesterday from South-Carolina, we have the following important intelligence: Extract of a letter from Fort Johnson, South-Carolina, July, 2, 1776
Creator / Contributor
Towne, Benjamin ; d. 1793 ; McKesson, John ; 1734-1798
Philadelphia. In Congress, May 21, 1776: Resolved, that all persons taken in arms on board any prize, be deemed prisoners, to be taken care of by the supreme executive power in each colony to which they are brought, whether the prize be taken by vessels fitted out by the Continent, or by others ; In Congress, May 21, 1776
Creator / Contributor
United States ; Continental Congress. ; Thomson, Charles ; 1729-1824 ; Dunlap, John ; 1747-1812
Proposals made to the non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the Pennsylvania Line, at Trenton, January 7, 1781: His Excellency Joseph Reed, Esquire, President, and the Honourable Brigadier-General Potter, of the Council of Pennsylvania, having heard the complaints of the soldiers ... are fully authorized to redress reasonable grievances
Creator / Contributor
Pennsylvania ; Supreme Executive Council. ; Reed, Joseph ; 1741-1785 ; Potter, James ; 1729-1789
Providence, July 26, 1779. Sir; By the annexed vote of the town of Providence, you will perceive the anxious desire they possess of having the purposes therein expressed carried into execution
Creator / Contributor
Providence (R.I.) ; Committee of Correspondence. ; Bowen, Jabez ; 1739-1815 ; Carter, John ; 1745-1814
Die Repräsentanten der Vereinigten Staaten von America, im Congress versammelt, an das Volk überhaupt, und an die Einwohner Pennsylvaniens und der angrenzenden Staaten insbesondere
Creator / Contributor
United States ; Continental Congress. ; Hancock, John ; 1737-1793 ; Miller, John Henry ; 1702-1782
Resolves of the Honourable Continental Congress: (Published by order of the General Committee, for the city and county of Albany.) ; Tory act
Creator / Contributor
United States ; Continental Congress. ; Thomson, Charles ; 1729-1824
Sir, The opinion which General Washington and all the general officers of our army entertain of the designs of General Howe against this state
Creator / Contributor
Pennsylvania ; Council of Safety. ; Wharton, Thomas ; 1735-1778 ; Lacey, John ; 1755-1814