Manifesto and proclamation: To the members of the Congress, the members of the general assemblies or conventions of the several colonies ... and all others, free inhabitants of the said colonies ... By the Earl of Carlisle, Sir Henry Clinton, and William Eden, Esq; ... commissioners to treat, consult, and agree upon the means of quieting the disorders now subsisting in certain of the colonies, plantations, and provinces in North-America
Creator / Contributor
Great Britain ; Commissioners to Treat, Consult, and Agree upon the Means of Quieting the Disorders in Now Subsisting in Certain of the Colonies, Plantations, and Provinces in North-America. ; United States ; Continental Congress. ; Carlisle, Frederick Howard ; 1748-1825 ; Clinton, Henry ; 1738?-1795 ; Auckland, William Eden ; 1744-1814 ; Rivington, James ; 1724-1802 ; Smith
Sir, The opinion which General Washington and all the general officers of our army entertain of the designs of General Howe against this state
Creator / Contributor
Pennsylvania ; Council of Safety. ; Wharton, Thomas ; 1735-1778 ; Lacey, John ; 1755-1814
At a general assembly of the governor and Company of the state of Connecticut, holden at Hartford, (by adjournment and special order of the governor) on the 6th day of January, A.D. 1780: An act in further addition to a law of this state, entitled, An act to enable the governor to lay an embargo, and for rendering the same when laid effectual ; Act in further addition to a law of this state
The second section of the articles of war: Whatsoever officer or soldier shall presume to use traiterous or disrespectful words ... : The sixth section of the articles of war. All officers and soldiers, who having received pay ... : The oath of fidelity
Creator / Contributor
Great Britain ; Army. ; Rivington, James ; 1724-1802
In Convention of the Representatives of the State of New-York. September 21, 1776: Whereas divers of the inhabitants of this state have, by the wicked arts and insiduous [sic] and corrupt practices of William Tryon, Esq; late governor of the colony of New-York, and his adherents, been seduced to take part with our enemies ... Resolve, that a committee be appointed for the express purpose of enquiring into, detecting and defeating all conspiracies
Creator / Contributor
New York (State) ; Convention of the Representatives ; (1776-1777) ; Loudon, Samuel ; 1727?-1813 ; McKesson, John ; 1734-1798
An address of the Congress to the inhabitants of the United States of America
Creator / Contributor
United States ; Continental Congress. ; Massachusetts ; Council. ; Laurens, Henry ; 1724-1792 ; Powars, Edward Eveleth ; Willis, Nathaniel ; 1755-1831
In Council of Safety, for the state of New-York, Kingston, August 13, 1777: Whereas many people have taken the benefit of the late act of grace, merely to avoid the punishment of their crimes ... Resolved therefore, that every person, who has heretofore taken the oath of allegiance to this state ... who shall hereafter be convicted of having done any act contrary to the tenor of such oath, shall be deemed guilty of felony, without benefit of clergy
Creator / Contributor
New York (State) ; Council of Safety. ; Van Cortlandt, Pierre ; 1721-1814 ; Holt, John ; 1721-1784
In Congress, September 16, 1776: Resolved, that eighty-eight battalions be enlisted as soon as possible, to serve during the present war, and that each state furnish their respective quotas in the following proportions, viz
Creator / Contributor
United States ; Continental Congress. ; Hancock, John ; 1737-1793 ; Dunlap, John ; 1747-1812
Committee of Safety, New-York, January 27, 1776: Instructions to the colonels, and other officers, for inlistment of four new battalions in the Continental service, for the defence of the colony of New-York ; Committee of Safety, New York, January 27, 1776
Creator / Contributor
New York (State) ; Committee of Safety. ; Loudon, Samuel ; 1727?-1813 ; Gaine, Hugh ; 1726 or 7-1807 ; Varick, Richard ; 1753-1831 ; Forbes, William A. ; Van Hook, Arondt ; d. 1798? ; Fairley, J. S. ; Woodhull, Nathaniel ; 1722-1776
Providence, July 26, 1779. Sir; By the annexed vote of the town of Providence, you will perceive the anxious desire they possess of having the purposes therein expressed carried into execution
Creator / Contributor
Providence (R.I.) ; Committee of Correspondence. ; Bowen, Jabez ; 1739-1815 ; Carter, John ; 1745-1814
By the United States of America, in Congress assembled, March 22d, 1783: On the report of a committee to whom was referred a motion of Mr. Dyer, together with the memorial of the officers of the army
Creator / Contributor
United States ; Continental Congress.
Paris, May 18, 1778: Gentlemen, Certain intelligence having been received, that eleven British ships of war ... are in the road of St. Hellens, near Portsmouth, bound for North-America
Creator / Contributor
Franklin, Benjamin ; 1706-1790 ; Adams, John ; 1735-1826 ; Thomson, Charles ; 1729-1824 ; United States ; Continental Congress.