Road from Garrison’s Tavern to Somerset Ct He. and from Somerset to Vanness’s Mills, + from Van Vess’s Mills to near Boundbrook. No. 71, B / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; Road from Duyckinks Mill to the South Branch both sides of the River A and B. Garisons Somerset Boundbrook from South Branch to Reddington Brokaws C and from near headQuarters to South Branch. 71 ; Road from Garrison’s Tavern to Somerset Court House and from Somerset to Vanness’s Mills, and from Van Vess’s Mills to near Boundbrook. No. 71, B ; Road from Duyckinks Mill to the South Branch both sides of the River A & B. Garisons Somerset Boundbrook from South Branch to Reddington Brokaws C & from near headQrs to So. Branch. 71 ; Road from Garrisons Tavern to Somerset Court House. And from near Somerset to Vannesss Mills, & from Vannesss Mills to near Bound Brook. B N-71 ; Road from Garrison’s Tavern to Somerset Ct. He and from Somerset to Van Nep’s Mill & from Van Nep’s Mill to Broundbrook ; Title as given by Heusser: Road from Duyckink’s Mill to the South Branch Garison’s, Somerset Bound Brook, from South Branch to Reddington Brokaws & from near headquarters to So. Branch
Creator / Contributor
Erskine, Robert, 1735-1780 ; De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
Road from James Sippingwills thro’ Slabtown, Black Horse, Crosswicks, Allantown, Hightstown and Cranbury to near the Cross Roads. No. 87, G / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; Road from near Somerset [Court] house by Penny town, [to the] Different Ferrys to Trenton, to Bristol Philadelphia, Coopers Ferry, Mount holly, Allenstown, Cranburry & Brunswick A, B, C, D, E, F, G, & H. & from Chestnut Hill to Philada. 87 ; Road from Jas. Sippingwills thro. Slabtown, Black Horse, Crosswicks, Allen Town, Hights Town & Cranbury to near the Cross Roads. No. 87. G ; Road from James Sippingwills thro. Slattown, Black Horse, Crosswicks, Allentown, Hightstown and Cranbury to near Cross Road. No. 87. G
Creator / Contributor
Erskine, Robert, 1735-1780 ; De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
Road from Kembles to Chatham. No 104, A / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; Roads about Camp Morristown A. B. C. D. & E From near Chatham to Horseneck. 104 ; Roads about Cam Morristown A. B. C. D. & E From near Chatham to Horseneck. 104 ; Fragment of From Kimbles to Chatham. A No 104
Creator / Contributor
Erskine, Robert, 1735-1780 ; De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
Road from Morristown thro’ Jockey Hollow. No 104, B / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; Roads about Camp Morristown A. B. C. D. & E From near Chatham to Horseneck. 104 ; Roads about Cam Morristown A. B. C. D. & E From near Chatham to Horseneck. 104 ; Road from Morristown through Jockey Hol[low] No. B
Creator / Contributor
Erskine, Robert, 1735-1780 ; De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
Road from Morristown to Sussex continued to Amos Petits. No 118, C / by J Armstrong ; by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; From Morristown towards Sussex Court House A B and C. 118 ; From Morristown towards Sussex C. H. A B & C. 118 ; Road from Morristown to Sussex continued to Amos Pettits. No - 118 C
Creator / Contributor
De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; Armstrong, John, 1755-1816 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
Road from Mount Bethel Meeting House to near Quibbletown and from Quibbletown to Brunswick. No 70, D / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; From Mt. Bethel M. Hse. to near Quibbletown and from Quibbletown to Brunswick. D ; Road from Duyckinks mill to Germantown[;]. B. From Cross Roads through Pluckimin towards Morristown; C. Past Baskenridge and from B[ebout]s towds Quibbletown; D from Mt Bethel M. Hse. to near Quibbletown and from Quibbletown to Brunswick. E. from Brunswick to Bound brook; F from Bround Brook to Duyckinks Mill. 70 ; Road from Mount Bethel Meeting House to near Quibbletown & from Qibbletown to Brunwick [sic] D No-70
Creator / Contributor
Erskine, Robert, 1735-1780 ; De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
Road from Mr TenEikes towards Germantown, past the Clothier General. No 70, A / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; Road from Duyckinks mill to Germantown[;]. B. From Cross Roads through Pluckimin towards Morristown; C. Past Baskenridge and from B[ebout]s towds Quibbletown; D from Mt Bethel M. Hse. to near Quibbletown and from Quibbletown to Brunswick. E. from Brunswick to Bound brook; F from Bround Brook to Duyckinks Mill. 70 ; Road from Mr. Ten Eikes toward Germantown past the Clother Genl. A ; Road from Mr. Ten Eykes toward Germantown, past the Clothier General
Creator / Contributor
Erskine, Robert, 1735-1780 ; De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
Road from Norris’s Tavern in Morristown past the Park of Artillery to Genl Knoxs Quarters. No 104, D / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; Roads about Camp Morristown A. B. C. D. & E From near Chatham to Horseneck. 104 ; Roads about Cam Morristown A. B. C. D. & E From near Chatham to Horseneck. 104 ; R[o]ad from Norris.s Tavern in Morristown past the [Par]k of Artillery, to Genl. Knox.s Quarters. 104 D
Creator / Contributor
Erskine, Robert, 1735-1780 ; De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
Road from Penny Town to Slack’s Ferry and from do. to Trenton and Howell’s Ferries. No 87, B / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; Road from Penny Town to Slack’s Ferry and from ditto to Trenton and Howell’s Ferries. No 87, B ; Road from near Somerset [Court] house by Penny town, [to the] Different Ferrys to Trenton, to Bristol Philadelphia, Coopers Ferry, Mount holly, Allenstown, Cranburry & Brunswick A, B, C, D, E, F, G, & H. & from Chestnut Hill to Philada. 87
Creator / Contributor
Erskine, Robert, 1735-1780 ; De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
Road from Peter Schuylers to the Forks and Horse Neck at Henry Pierce’s, + from the Forks to To[t]oway Bridge, past the Great Falls of the Passaick. No 48, 2nd / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; Road from Rockaway Bridge to Horseneck to Totawa falls and up to Pompton three pieces. 48 ; From Rockaway Bridge to Horseneck to Totawa falls & up to Pompton 3 p,s’ 48 ; Road from [D]r Peter Schuylers to the Forks + Horse Neck at Henry Peircs & from the Forks to Totoway Bridge Past the Great Falls of the Passaic. No. 48, 2d
Creator / Contributor
Erskine, Robert, 1735-1780 ; De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
Road from Pompton by the Warwick Road to Morristown, up Pompton River Past Charlotteburgh Iron Works No 90, A / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; From near Warwick to Morristown, Booneton, & from Pompton by Charlotteburg Iron works, Ne[wfound]land to the Warwick Road, A. B; C. 90 ; Road from Pompton [b]y the Warwick Road to Mor[ristown] up Pompton River past Charlotteburgh Ironworks. No. 90. A / ; Road from Pompton by the Warwick Road to Morristown, up Pompton River Past Charlotteburg Iron Works
Creator / Contributor
Erskine, Robert, 1735-1780 ; De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
Road from Quibbletown to Amboy; and places by bearings. No 55 / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants ; pr Capt. Scull. ; Road from Qubbletown to Amboy & places by Bearings. 55 ; Road from Quibbletown to Amboy & Places by bearings
Creator / Contributor
Erskine, Robert, 1735-1780 ; Scull, William, fl. 1765 ; De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
Road from Ram Garrison’s to Near Penny town. No 87, A / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; Road from near Somerset [Court] house by Penny town, [to the] Different Ferrys to Trenton, to Bristol Philadelphia, Coopers Ferry, Mount holly, Allenstown, Cranburry & Brunswick A, B, C, D, E, F, G, & H. & from Chestnut Hill to Philada. 87 ; Road from Ram Garrisons to near Penny Town. No. 87-A ; Road from Ram Garrison’s to Near Pennytown
Creator / Contributor
Erskine, Robert, 1735-1780 ; De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
Road from Raway Meeting House to Westfield, from Westfield towards the Short Hills. No 75, C / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; Morristown, Bottlehill, Chatham, Spring field, Elizabeth town, Raway, Westfield towards Short Hills A, B & C. 75 ; Road from Raway Meeting House to Wes[ ... ] toward the Short Hills C-
Creator / Contributor
Erskine, Robert, 1735-1780 ; De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
Road from Ringwood to Slott’s on the New Windsor Road. No 41 / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; Road from Ringwood to Slotts Maces &c. 41 ; [Road fro]m Ringwood to Sluts [on the new] Windsor Road. No 41
Creator / Contributor
Erskine, Robert, 1735-1780 ; De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
Road from Springfield to Elizabeth town. No 75, B / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; Morristown, Bottlehill, Chatham, Spring field, Elizabeth town, Raway, Westfield towards Short Hills A, B & C. 75 ; Road from Springfield To Elizabeth Town. B-75 ; Road from Springfield to Elizabethtown
Creator / Contributor
Erskine, Robert, 1735-1780 ; De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
Road from near B Tavern to the White House. No 72, A / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; Road from Duyckinks Mill to the White house Potterstown Germantown Lamatunck A and B. 72 ; From Duyckinks Mill to the White house Potterstown Germantown Lamatunck A & B. 72 ; Road from near Bartrons Tavern to the White House. A No-72 ; From Duyckinks Mill White House Potterstown Germantown Lamatunck
Creator / Contributor
Erskine, Robert, 1735-1780 ; De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
Road from near Genl Wines to Morristown and from sd road to Boonton thence down the Rockaway River until it joins a road surveyd by Mr Lodge. No 90. B / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; Road from near General Wines to Morristown and from said road to Boonton thence down the Rockaway River until it joins a road surveyd by Mr Lodge. No 90. B ; From near Warwick to Morristown, Booneton, & from Pompton by Charlotteburg Iron works, Ne[wfound]land to the Warwick Road, A. B; C. 90 ; Road from near Genl. Wines’s to Morristown & from sd. Road to Boonton thence Down the Rockaway River until it Joins a Road Surveyed [by] Mr. Lodge - near [...] Mills. No. 90 B
Creator / Contributor
Erskine, Robert, 1735-1780 ; De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
Road from near Morristown through Bottle Hill and Chatham towards Springfield. No 75, A / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; Morristown, Bottlehill, Chatham, Spring field, Elizabeth town, Raway, Westfield towards Short Hills A, B & C. 75
Creator / Contributor
Erskine, Robert, 1735-1780 ; De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.
Road from near the 14 M. S. from Burlington thro’ Moorstown & Mount Holly to one James Sippingwill’s. No 87, F / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. ; Road from near Somerset [Court] house by Penny town, [to the] Different Ferrys to Trenton, to Bristol Philadelphia, Coopers Ferry, Mount holly, Allenstown, Cranburry & Brunswick A, B, C, D, E, F, G, & H. & from Chestnut Hill to Philada. 87 ; Road from near the 14 M. S. from Burlington thro’ Moors Town & Mount Holly to one James Sippingwills No. 87. E
Creator / Contributor
Erskine, Robert, 1735-1780 ; De Witt, Simeon, 1756-1834 ; De Witt, Richard Varrick ; United States. Continental Army. Surveying Dept.