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United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Posters
United States--Armed Forces--Recruiting, enlistment, etc.--Civil War, 1861-1865
Eagles--Pictorial works
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Now in the field! Look at the Bounties! United States advance bounty $25, United States advance pay 13, United States enlistment fee 4, New York State bounty 50, New York City 50, Sixth District Committee bounty 10, total, advance pay and bounties, $152.
Notice, now is the time! A large amount paid in cash to any one who brings a recruit! 2d Reg't Spinola's Empire Brigade! Hillhouse Light Infantry, Col. P.J. Classen, Com'd'g.
Notice! The conscription will soon commence! Avoid it, and secure the bounties, and help to man the forts! Awake! The enemy are upon us! And Volunteer in the 12th N.Y. Artillery! Colonel W.A. Howard, Commanding.
Notice to enrolled men! All persons whose names appear upon the United States enrollment list for the Town of Natick, who claim to be aliens, non-residents and overage [sic]!
Notice of drafting the quotas of certain of the townships of the County of Camden for the nine months service not having been filled by volunteers, I shall proceed to make a draft to fill such deficiency at the court house, in the city of Camden, …
Newton Township Camden County. To avoid draft. Fifty dollars bounty will be paid by the Township, in addition to all state or national bounties.
New Regiment. For one year. Jerseymen to arms, don't wait for the draft. Volunteer and get the bounty.
New Jersey Recruiting Station. By authority of the Commander in Chief, of New Jersey, (Governor Olden), the undersigned has opened a recruiting station for the state of New Jersey at No. 106 Federal St., Camden N.J. ... The New Jersey volunteers are now o
Neunzehnte Ward, Brooklyn, E.D. Deutsche!! Sichert euch die Ward-Bounty von $25.00 nebst allen anderen Bounties.
National Guard meeting. The members of the Camden National Guard are requested to meet at Odd Fellow's Hall, on Friday evening next, June 12th, 1863.
Mounted Riflemen. Able bodied men between the age of 18 and 45, desirous of volunteering for the present war, under the command of an experienced captain, will report themselves for enlistment at the office of Mickle and Cassidy.
Mounted Rifle Rangers! Good first class men wanted in the Squadron of Rifle Rangers to be attached to Gen. Butler's Division, equestrians and sharp shooters.
Middle Ward drafted men! A meeting will be held at the City Hall on Tuesday Ev'g, Feb. 28, at 7 1-2 o'clock, to make arrangements to fill the quota of the ward with volunteers.
Middle Ward Draft! An adjourned meeting of the drafted men and citizens, will be held on Thursday evening, March 20, 1865, at 7 1-2 o'clock at the City Hall, Federal Street above Fourth.
Metropolitan New-York Cavallerie! Kommt! Tretet ein! Lasst euch nicht zwingen! Rekruten verlangt! Für dieses neue Regiment.
Metropolitan New York Cavalry! Recruits wanted for this new regiment. Bounty $150.
Metropolitan New York Cavalry! Come in, boys, out of the draft! Recruits wanted for this new regiment. Bounty $150.
Men wanted for the old regiments, New Jersey Vols.
Men wanted for the Invalid Corps. Only those faithful soldiers who, from wounds or the hardship of war, are not longer fit for active duty will be received in this Corps of Honor.
Men wanted for West Philad'a Greys, at Commissioners' Hall, West Philadelphia. J.H. Gardiner, Captain.
Men of the Keystone State Rally for its defence!
McClellan Infantry, headquarters, corner of Centre Street and Tryon Row, opposite the Park.
Manhattan Rifles! Lieut. Col. Geo. F. Watson, Comm'dg. Major Jno. M. Freeman. Officers' headquarters, No. 461 Broome St. near Mercer. Recruiting stations, Mercer House, cor. Broome and Mercer; Stuyvesant Hall, 633 Broadway; and at Chester's 38 Ann Street.
Latest from the army! Lieut. Champion in Delhi for recruits for Fitch's Battery. All bounties paid to those enlisting for this Battery! And paid at the time of enlistment!
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