State of Massachusetts-Bay. In the House of Representatives, April 30th, 1777: Whereas this court have undoubted intelligence that our enemies are determined ... to enslave the inhabitants of America ... Resolved, that in such towns ... as have not already ... inlisted a number of able-bodied men ... shall on the said 15th day of May, call their several companies together, and endeavour to compleat the same
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Massachusetts ; General Court. ; Edes, Benjamin ; 1732-1803
In Congress, October 3d, 1776: Resolved, that five millions of continental dollars be immediately borrowed for the use of the United States of America, at the annual interest of four per cent
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United States ; Continental Congress. ; Watson, Hannah ; 1749-1807 ; Goodwin, George ; 1757-1844
By the Honorable Jonathan Trumbull, Esquire, captain-general, and commander in chief of the state of Connecticut, in America. A proclamation: Whereas the Honorable Continental Congress have resolved that eight battalions of troops be raised ... each non-commissioned officer and soldier, inhabitants of this state, who shall inlist himself ... shall be entitled to have and receive, not only the bounty, wages and allowances, offered by Congress ... but also all such further encouragements as are offered and granted by the General Assembly of this state ... Given under my hand in New-Haven, the sixth day of November, anno Domini, 1776
State of Massachusetts-Bay. In the House of Representatives, January 26th, 1777: Ordered, that the following address be printed, and a copy thereof sent to each minister of the gospel within this state ... To the people of Massachusetts-Bay. Friends and countrymen! When a people within reach of the highest temporal happiness human nature is capable of, are in danger of having it wrested from them ; To the people of Massachusetts-Bay
Creator / Contributor
Massachusetts ; General Court. ; Edes, Benjamin ; 1732-1803 ; Skinner, Aaron. ; Taintor, Charles M. (Charles Micaiell) ; b. 1817
New-York, April 23, 1777. Song for St. George's Day. Tune, Hail England, Old England ; Song for St. George's Day ; For ages the nations beheld with surprize
Creator / Contributor
Odell, Jonathan ; 1737-1818 ; Onderdonk Paper Mill
A state of the receipts and expenditures of public monies upon warrants from the superintendant of finance, from the 1st of January 1782, to the 1st of January 1783
Creator / Contributor
United States ; Register of the Treasury. ; Nourse, Joseph ; 1754-1841 ; Claypoole, David C. ; 1757?-1849
Proposals made to the non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the Pennsylvania Line, at Trenton, January 7, 1781: His Excellency Joseph Reed, Esquire, President, and the Honourable Brigadier-General Potter, of the Council of Pennsylvania, having heard the complaints of the soldiers ... are fully authorized to redress reasonable grievances
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Pennsylvania ; Supreme Executive Council. ; Reed, Joseph ; 1741-1785 ; Potter, James ; 1729-1789
In the House of Representatives, November 1, 1776: Ordered, that the following address from the General Court of this state, to the officers and private soldiers who are gone from thence and are serving in the American army, be printed in two thousand hand-bills
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Massachusetts ; General Court. ; Bowdoin, James ; 1726-1790 ; Edes, Benjamin ; 1732-1803
At a General Assembly of the governor and Company of the state of Connecticut: holden at Hartford, by adjournment, on the 2d Thursday of January, A.D. 1778
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Connecticut ; General Assembly. ; Wyllys, George ; 1710-1796
Supplement to the New-York gazetteer no. 44: Peace! Liberty! and Independence! : Philadelphia March 24, 1783. Yesterday arrived, after a passage of 32 days from Cadiz, a French sloop of war commanded by M. de Quesne, with the agreeable intelligence of peace. The particular articles respecting this happy and glorious event are as follows. The principle articles of the preliminaries of the peace of the 20th of January, 1783 ; New-York gazetteer, or, Northern intelligencer
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Balentine, Solomon ; Webster, Charles Richard ; 1762-1834 ; Great Britain ; 1783 Jan. 20.
At a General Assembly of the governor and company of the state of Connecticut, holden at Hartford, on thesecond [sic] Thursday of May, 1781: An act, in further addition to an act, intitled, "An act for filling up this state's quota of the Continental Army." ; Act, in further addition to an act, intitled, "An act for filling up this state's quota of the Continental Army" ; At a General Assembly of the governor and company of the state of Connecticut, holden at Hartford, on the second Thursday of May, 1781 ; Act, in further addition to an act
To [blank] captain, or to the chief officer of the [blank] company in the [blank] regiment in this colony. Greeting: In pursuance of the direction of an act of the General Assembly, passed in December 1775, you are hereby ordered, first giving proper notice, to call together the company or train band under your command, and view and examine their arms and ammunition ... Given under my hand at [blank] the [blank] day of [blank] A.D. 177[blank]
Head quarters, Peeks-kill, general orders for the army under the command of Brigadier General M'Dougall: The rank and file of each company will be equally divided among the serjeants
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United States ; Continental Army. ; Loudon, Samuel ; 1727?-1813
In Congress, April 1, 1777: For the better regulating the pay of the army, resolved, that the paymaster or deputy paymaster general shall pay no money but by warrants from the commanders in chief in their respective departments, countersigned by their respective secretaries
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United States ; Continental Congress. ; Thomson, Charles ; 1729-1824 ; Dunlap, John ; 1747-1812
In Congress, April 14, 1777: Resolved, that from and after the publication hereof, the second article of the 8th section, the first article of the 11th section, the 8th article of the 14th section, and the 2d article of the 18th section, of the Rules and articles for the better government of the troops ... passed in Congress, the 20th day of September, one thousand, seven hundred, and seventy-six, shall be, and they are hereby repealed, and that the four following articles be substituted
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United States ; Continental Congress. ; United States ; Continental Congress ; Dunlap, John ; 1747-1812
By the Honorable Major-General Putnam, commander of the forces of the United American States, at and near the White-Plains. A proclamation: Whereas some soldiers of the Continental Army ... have been led to desert their country's service ... Given under my hand at head-quarters, this 17th of November ... 1777
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United States ; Continental Army. ; Putnam, Israel ; 1718-1790 ; Loudon, Samuel ; 1727?-1813
In Committee of Safety, for the state of New-York. Fish-Kills, Oct. 9, 1776: Resolved, that the persons hereafter mentioned, be appointed to purchase at the cheapest rate, in their several counties, all the coarse woollen cloth, linsey-woolsey, blankets
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New York (State) ; Committee of Safety. ; Benson, Robert ; 1739-1823 ; Loudon, Samuel ; 1727?-1813
In Congress, Wednesday, April 3, 1776: Instructions to the commanders of private ships or vessels of war, which shall have commissions or letters of marque and reprisal, authorising them to make captures of British vessels and cargoes
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United States ; Continental Congress. ; Hancock, John ; 1737-1793
By His Excellency William Livingston, Esquire ... proclamation: Whereas some of the justices of the peace of this state have been too remiss in discharging the duty required of them ... I have therefore thought fit ... to issue this proclamation, hereby strictly charging and commanding all justices of the peace within the same, to carry the said act into execution so far as to them it doth appertain. ... Given under my hand, and seal at arms at Maddonfield, the fifth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven
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New Jersey ; Governor (1776-1790 : Livingston). ; Livingston, William ; 1723-1790
War Office (Williamsburg) August 17, 1779: Sir, It is a matter of no small moment to the salvation of this country, that the act passed last session Assembly, for providing a defence for this commonwealth, be carried into effect with all possible expedition