Vernon, Samuel, 1711-1792 ; Vernon, William, 1719-1806 ; Magee, Paul
Policy of Insurance on Sloop Carolina & Cago Gilbert Fuller Mastr. For Africa & Havanna on accot. Of Messrs. Edward Dickens &c. of Providence
Creator / Contributor
Dickens, Edward ; Allen, Samuel ; Allen, Cyrus ; Clifford, Benjamin ; Fuller, Gilbert ; Gardner, Caleb, 1739-1806 ; Clarke, Peleg, d. 1797 ; Vernon, Samuel, 1711-1792 ; Vernon, William, 1719-1806 ; Robinson, James ; Gibbs, George ; Gibbs, George, Jr., Fowler, Christopher ; Champlin, George ; Martin, Simeon ; Champlin, Christopher ; Vernon Gardner & Co. ; Carolina (Sloop) ; Gibbs & Channing
Sails of 90 Slaves viz. 83 on Acct. of the Brig Royall Charlotte for the owners
Creator / Contributor
Durant, Cornelius ; Vernon, William, 1719-1806 ; Vernon, Samuel, 1711-1792 ; Taylor, William ; Taylor, Edward ; McAvoy, Christopher ; Sobotker, Johannes ; Korthwright, Cornelius ; Wood, Peter ; Barry, Thomas ; Hendrickson, Cornelius ; Hylegar ; McDonald, Tarrence ; Tarrell, Faughry ; O'Gara, John ; Thalbitzer, Charles Henry ; Durant, Cornelius ; Herring, Dr. ; Meers, Dr. ; Whitehead, Joshua ; Lord, Jonathan ; Royal Charlotte (Brig) ; Samuel & William Vernon & Co.
Sails of Merchndize, Cargo of the Brig'n Royall Charlotte
Creator / Contributor
Pinniger, William ; Vernon, William, 1719-1806 ; Vernon, Samuel, 1711-1792 ; Taylor, Thomas Teakle ; Royal Charlotte (Brig)
Sales 66 Negroes Receiv'd [of] the Brig Othello, Capt. John Duncan & Sold on Accot. Mss. Samuel and William Vernon, Merchts. Rhode Island [by] Adams & Griffin
Creator / Contributor
Adams & Griffin ; Vernon, William, 1719-1806 ; Vernon, Samuel, 1711-1792 ; Griffin, Corbin ; Cambell, Niel ; Donald, Robert ; Boyd, Walter ; Hankley, James ; Atkins, Samuel ; Ward, William ; Foese, John ; Brittain, John ; Farmer, Isham ; Elliss, Jesse ; Wood, Drury ; Ball, Lewis ; Cocke, Bowler ; Renard, Richard ; White, David ; Strong, William ; Puryear, Hezekiah ; Stewart, Alexander ; West, Robert ; Woods, Richard ; Stewart, Alexander ; Hendley, William ; Cox, Hickinson ; Smith, William ; Miss, Joseph ; Adams, Richard ; Lichter, Giles ; Price, Leonard ; Fortune, John ; Whitlone, William ; Walker, William ; Whitlock, James ; Austin, Archer ; William, Thomas ; Montgomery, John ; Thacher, Pettus ; Posey, Richard ; Palmer, John ; Hinley, William ; DuVal, Samuel ; Eubank, John ; Davis, Richard ; Christian, William ; Othello (Brig) ; Samuel Woods & Co. ; Richard Woods & John McKiand ; Baine McKane & Co.
Sales of 15 Slaves Rec'd [by] the Royal Charlotte belonging to Messrs. Saml. and Wm. Vernon, Merchts. R. Island, Octr. 1763 and sold [by] Richd. Adams
Creator / Contributor
Adams, Richard ; Vernon, William, 1719-1806 ; Vernon, Samuel, 1711-1792 ; Allen, Isham ; Elam, Richard ; Binford, John ; Cockie, James ; Clopton, Benjamin ; Ragland, Pettis ; Wadlow, William ; Clarke, Benjamin ; Whitlock, James ; Wood, John ; Daniel, Walter, Jr. ; Martin, Sherwood ; Royal Charlotte (Brig)
Sales of 52 Negro's Imported in the Schooner Little Sally Capt. William Taylor and sold on acct. of Messrs. Saml. & Wm. Vernon & Co. Merchts. Newport Rhode Island
Creator / Contributor
Adams, Richard ; Vernon, William, 1719-1806 ; Vernon, Samuel, 1711-1792 ; Taylor, William, Captain ; Lyon, Peter ; Firbush, William ; Ashley, John ; Watkins, Thomas ; Massie, William ; Burton, William Allen ; Woollen, Joseph ; Stone, William ; Mitchel, Samuel ; Martin, John ; Wills, William ; Bacon, Harwood ; Moore, Obediah ; Poor, Robert ; Strange, John ; Price, Samuel ; Harwood, John, Jr. ; Anderson ; Hopper, John ; Gordon, Robert ; Colley, Charles ; Spears, Robert ; Faris, Jacob ; Hooper, Thomas ; Hundley, Jacob ; Wood, John ; Little Sally (Schooner)
Sales of 8 Slaves Remains of a Cargo Imported in the Little Sally Capt. Wm. Taylor, July 1763 and sold by Rich'd Adams on Acct. Messrs. Sam. & Wm. Vernon & Co. R. Island
Creator / Contributor
Adams, Richard ; Vernon, William, 1719-1806 ; Vernon, Samuel, 1711-1792 ; Taylor, William, Captain ; Fry, John ; Hancock, Robert ; Martin, William ; Clopton, Benjamin ; Taylor, William ; Clarke, Benjamin ; Little Sally (Schooner)
Sales of 9 new Negro men, 6 women, 13 boys, and 13 girls, Imported in the Briggantine Othello, Thomas Rogers master and put into by hands for sale by said Rogers on account of his owners, Messrs. Samuel and William Vernon, Merchants in Rhode Island
Creator / Contributor
Willock, Alexander ; Vernon, William, 1719-1806 ; Vernon, Samuel, 1711-1792 ; Rogers, Thomas, Captain ; Young, William ; Barnes, Christian ; Christian ; Robert ; George, William ; Page, Richard ; Finnie, John ; Slainey, Johnna ; Gray, Elizabeth ; Brachenridge, William ; Roach, Caesar ; Marnan, Thomas ; Keating, James ; Othello (Brig)
Sales of Indigo the Sloop Nancy [...] Peter Dordin from Hyspaniola
Creator / Contributor
Dordin, Peter ; Vernon, William, 1719-1806 ; Vernon, Samuel, 1711-1792 ; Robinson, Rowland ; Ward, Samuel ; Ginedo, Lewis ; Nancy (Sloop)
Sales of seventy five Negroes imported in the Brigt. Othello George D. Sweet Master on Account of Messrs. Sam'l & Will'm Vernons, Rhode Island
Creator / Contributor
Mairez, Francis ; Cooper, David ; Sweet, George Dunbar ; Vernon, William, 1719-1806 ; Vernon, Samuel, 1711-1792 ; Christie, George ; Rutherfurd, Thomas ; Gentle, Robert ; Davidson, Andrew ; Cunningham, Andrew ; Cunningham, John ; Brown, Peter ; Gray, John ; Priest, John ; Wood, Jonathan ; Moyston, Jeremiah ; Bullock, William ; Clarke, Robert ; Smart, Alexander ; Trought, Nicholas ; Rachael ; Hawkins, George ; Smith, John ; Sherriffe, Alexander ; Libert, Mrs. ; Shore, George ; Mitchell, John ; Scott, George ; Lugg, James ; Othello (Brig)
Sales of seventy five Negroes imported in the Othello George Dunbar Sweet Master on Account of Sam. & William Vernons Merchants Rhode Island
Creator / Contributor
Sweet, George Dunbar ; Vernon, William, 1719-1806 ; Vernon, Samuel, 1711-1792 ; Christie, George ; Rutherford, Thomas ; Gentle, Robert ; Davidson, Andrew ; Cunningham, John ; Browne, Peter ; Gray, John ; Preist, John ; Wood, Jonathan ; Mostyn, Jeremiah ; Bullock, William ; Clarke, Robert ; Smart, Alexander ; Trought, Nicholas ; Rachael ; Hawkins, George ; Smith, John ; Sherriffe, Alexander ; Libert, Elizabeth ; Shore, George ; Mitchell, John ; Scott, George ; Lugg, James ; Weaver, Nicholas ; Wight, Edward ; Purchas, William ; Nail, Jonathan ; Wiles, Ephraim ; Wilson, Abiathar ; Magee, Paul ; Dougan, Robert ; Roe, John ; Hunt, Michael ; Welcome, Jacob ; Wallace, Thomas ; Cooper, David ; Mairez, Francis ; Othello (Brig) ; Watson & Wannup
Sales of the Brigantine Othello's Cargo Including Duty
Creator / Contributor
Thornton, John ; Yates, Charles ; Vernon, William, 1719-1806 ; Vernon, Samuel, 1711-1792 ; Kirk, Jeremiah ; Mitchell, George ; Taite, James ; Burdine, Originald ; Thornton, John ; Towleson, George ; Moss, Moses ; Allan, Thomas ; Blair, Alexander ; Morris, Stephen ; Gatewood, Henry ; Thornton, John ; Thatcher, Thomas ; Partlow, John ; Gatewood, Henry ; Grigsby, William ; Blair, Alexander ; Murphey, Peter ; Williams, Barnett ; Clark, John ; Brown, Dixon ; Thornton, Francis ; George, Parnick ; Abbett, John ; Power, Peter ; Goodall, John ; Dickinson, Edward ; Sullivan, Francis ; Pearle, William ; Hawkins, Joseph ; Drummond, Andrew ; Thornton, Frances ; Allan, Thomas ; Othello (Brig)
Sales of the Brigantine Othello's Cargo Including Duty
Creator / Contributor
Thornton, John ; Yates, Charles ; Vernon, William, 1719-1806 ; Vernon, Samuel, 1711-1792 ; Kirk, Jeremiah ; Mitchell, George ; Taite, James ; Burdine, Originald ; Thornton, John ; Towelson, George ; Moss, Moses ; Allan, Thomas ; Blair, Alexander ; Morris, Stephen ; Gatewood, Henry ; Thornton, John ; Thatcher, Thomas ; Partlow, John ; Grigsby, William ; Murphey, Peter ; Williams, Barnett ; Clark, John ; Brown, Dixon ; Thornton, Francis ; George, Parnick ; Abbett, John ; Power, Peter ; Goodall, John ; Dickinson, Edward ; Sullivan, Francis ; Pearle, William ; Hawkins, Joseph ; Drummond, Andrew ; Thornton, Frances ; Allan, Thomas ; Othello (Brig)
Schonner Active Trading Booke 1769, Jany 25th 1769
Creator / Contributor
Vernon, Samuel, 1711-1792 ; Vernon, William, 1719-1806 ; Dordin, Peter, Captain ; Brew, Richard, fl. 1768 ; Drew, Governor ; Mills, Richard ; Carter, John ; Simons, George ; Allen, Thomas ; Donald, William ; Active (Schooner)