In Provincial Congress, New-York, May 31, 1776. : Whereas the present government of this colony by Congress and committees ... and whereas the Continental Congress did resolve … [copy 1]
Creator / Contributor
New York (Colony). Provincial Congress ; Benson, Robert, 1739-1823 ; Holt, John, 1721-1784 ; United States. Continental Congress
In Provincial Congress, New-York, May 31, 1776. : Whereas the present government of this colony by Congress and committees ... and whereas the Continental Congress did resolve … [copy 2]
Creator / Contributor
New York (Colony). Provincial Congress ; Benson, Robert, 1739-1823 ; Holt, John, 1721-1784 ; United States. Continental Congress
In Provincial Congress, New-York, October [blank] 1775. : Sir, In order that timely assistance may be had, in case of an invasion on this colony, directions will be given by the Congress, for erecting beacons at some, and cannon in other places of the colony, to alarm the country ... [copy 1]
Creator / Contributor
New York (Colony). Provincial Congress ; Holt, John, 1721-1784 ; Woodhull, Nathaniel, 1722-1776 ; L. V. G.
In Provincial Congress, New-York, October [blank] 1775. : Sir, In order that timely assistance may be had, in case of an invasion on this colony, directions will be given by the Congress, for erecting beacons at some, and cannon in other places of the colony, to alarm the country ...
Creator / Contributor
New York (Colony). Provincial Congress ; Holt, John, 1721-1784 ; Woodhull, Nathaniel, 1722-1776 ; L. V. G.
In Provincial Congress, New-York, October [blank] 1775. : Sir, In order that timely assistance may be had, in case of an invasion on this colony, directions will be given by the Congress, for erecting beacons at some, and cannon in other places of the colony, to alarm the country ... [copy 2]
Creator / Contributor
New York (Colony). Provincial Congress ; Holt, John, 1721-1784 ; Woodhull, Nathaniel, 1722-1776 ; L. V. G.
Instructions for the inlisting of men [copy 1]
Creator / Contributor
New York (Colony). Provincial Congress ; Holt, John, 1721-1784 ; Livingston, Peter Van Brugh, 1710-1792
Instructions for the inlisting of men [copy 2], recto.
Creator / Contributor
New York (Colony). Provincial Congress ; Holt, John, 1721-1784 ; Livingston, Peter Van Brugh, 1710-1792 ; Concklin, Philip ; Grenell, John ; Philipse, William
Instructions for the inlisting of men [copy 2], verso.
Creator / Contributor
New York (Colony). Provincial Congress ; Holt, John, 1721-1784 ; Livingston, Peter Van Brugh, 1710-1792 ; Concklin, Philip ; Grenell, John ; Philipse, William
Instructions for the inlisting of men [copy 3], recto.
Creator / Contributor
New York (Colony). Provincial Congress ; Holt, John, 1721-1784 ; Livingston, Peter Van Brugh, 1710-1792 ; Yates, Abraham, 1724-1796 ; Vrooman, Peter B. ; Wempel, Myndert A. ; Fonda, Jellis, 1729-1791 ; Ten Eyck, Barent J.
Instructions for the inlisting of men [copy 3], verso.
Creator / Contributor
New York (Colony). Provincial Congress ; Holt, John, 1721-1784 ; Livingston, Peter Van Brugh, 1710-1792 ; Yates, Abraham, 1724-1796 ; Vrooman, Peter B. ; Wempel, Myndert A. ; Fonda, Jellis, 1729-1791 ; Ten Eyck, Barent J.
Instructions for the inlisting of men.
Creator / Contributor
New York (Colony). Provincial Congress ; Holt, John, 1721-1784 ; Livingston, Peter Van Brugh, 1710-1792 ; Yates, Abraham, 1724-1796 ; Concklin, Philip ; Grenell, John ; Philipse, William ; Vrooman, Peter B. ; Wempel, Myndert A. ; Fonda, Jellis, 1729-1791 ; Ten Eyck, Barent J.
Le congrès de la colonie de la Nouvèlle-York assemblé, le 25 de mai 1775. : Vu que les ennemis de la liberté de l’Amèrique …
Creator / Contributor
New York (Colony). Provincial Congress ; Benson, Robert, 1739-1823 ; Livingston, Peter Van Brugh, 1710-1792 ; Holt, John, 1721-1784 ; New York (Colony). Provincial Congress. In Provincial Congress, New-York, June 2, 1775. Friends and countrymen. French
New-York, 16th March, 1775. : Gentlemen, The late Congress having deemed it expedient, that, in the present critical state of American affairs, another should be held at Philadelphia, the 10th of May next …
Creator / Contributor
Committee of Observation (New York, N.Y.) ; Low, Isaac, 1735-1791 ; Holt, John, 1721-1784
New-York, April 29, 1775, : a general association, agreed to, and subscribed by the freeholders, freemen, and inhabitants of the city and county of New-York. Persuaded, that the salvation of the rights and liberties of America depends, under God, on the firm union of its inhabitants ...
Creator / Contributor
Holt, John, 1721-1784
New-York, Committee-chamber, Wednesday, April 26th, 1775. : The Committee having taken into consideration the commotions occasioned by the sanguinary measures pursued by the British Ministry …
Creator / Contributor
Committee of Observation (New York, N.Y.) ; Low, Isaac, 1735-1791 ; Holt, John, 1721-1784
New-York, November 13th, 1775. Yesterday arrived an express from our army in Canada, : by whom we have the following important intelligence.
Creator / Contributor
Preston, Charles ; Holt, John, 1721-1784
No placemen, pensioners, ministerial hirelings, popery, nor arbitrary power! : To the freemen and freeholders of the city and county of New-York.
Creator / Contributor
Phileleutheros ; Holt, John, 1721-1784
Siddur (Sephardic). Sabbath. English. Prayers for Shabbath, Rosh-Hashanah and Kippur, or, The Sabbath, the beginning of the year, and the Day of Atonements; : with the Amidah and Musaph of the Moadim, or solemn seasons, according to the order of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews. Translated by Isaac Pinto.
Creator / Contributor
Pinto, Isaac, 1720-1791 ; Holt, John, 1721-1784
Sir, By virtue of the authority vested in us by certain resolutions of the Congress of the colony of New-York, of the [blank] day of June, in the year of our Lord, 1776, reciting, that whereas there are in this colony, divers persons, who ... have been considered by their countrymen in a suspicious light: We do therefore, in pursuance of the said resolutions, summon you to appear before us, at [blank] on [blank] day of [blank] at [blank] o'clock, in the [blank] noon. of the said day, to shew cause, (if any you have) why you should be considered as a friend to the American cause
Creator / Contributor
New York (Colony) ; Provincial Congress. ; Committee on Loyalists. ; Holt, John ; 1721-1784 ; Fowler, Solomon ; Gansevoort, Leonard ; 1751-1810 ; Livingston, Philip ; 1716-1778 ; Tredwell, Thomas ; 1743-1831 ; Graham, Lewis ; Morris, Gouverneur ; 1752-1816 ; Randall, Thomas ; 1711-1780
Sir, By virtue of the authority vested in us by certain resolutions of the Congress of the colony of New-York, of the [blank] day of June, in the year of our Lord, 1776, reciting, that whereas there are in this colony, divers persons, who ... have been considered by their countrymen in a suspicious light ... : We do therefore, in pursuance of the said resolutions, summon you to appear before us, at [blank] on [blank] day of [blank] at [blank] o’clock, in the [blank] noon. of the said day, to shew cause, (if any you have) why you should be considered as a friend to the American cause ..., recto
Creator / Contributor
New York (Colony). Provincial Congress. Committee on Loyalists ; Holt, John, 1721-1784 ; Fowler, Solomon ; Gansevoort, Leonard, 1751-1810 ; Livingston, Philip, 1716-1778 ; Tredwell, Thomas, 1743-1831 ; Graham, Lewis ; Morris, Gouverneur, 1752-1816 ; Randall, Thomas, 1711-1780