In Committee of Safety, for the state of New-York. Fish-Kills, Oct. 9, 1776: Resolved, that the persons hereafter mentioned, be appointed to purchase at the cheapest rate, in their several counties, all the coarse woollen cloth, linsey-woolsey, blankets
Creator / Contributor
New York (State) ; Committee of Safety. ; Benson, Robert ; 1739-1823 ; Loudon, Samuel ; 1727?-1813
In Congress, 27th May, 1778: Establishment of the American Army. I. Infantry. Resolved, that each battalion of infantry shall consist of nine companies ... II. Artillery ... III. Cavalry ... IIII. Provost
Creator / Contributor
United States ; Continental Congress. ; Thomson, Charles ; 1729-1824 ; Dunlap, John ; 1747-1812
In Congress, April 1, 1777: For the better regulating the pay of the army, resolved, that the paymaster or deputy paymaster general shall pay no money but by warrants from the commanders in chief in their respective departments, countersigned by their respective secretaries
Creator / Contributor
United States ; Continental Congress. ; Thomson, Charles ; 1729-1824 ; Dunlap, John ; 1747-1812
In Congress, April 14, 1777: Resolved, that from and after the publication hereof, the second article of the 8th section, the first article of the 11th section, the 8th article of the 14th section, and the 2d article of the 18th section, of the Rules and articles for the better government of the troops ... passed in Congress, the 20th day of September, one thousand, seven hundred, and seventy-six, shall be, and they are hereby repealed, and that the four following articles be substituted
Creator / Contributor
United States ; Continental Congress. ; United States ; Continental Congress ; Dunlap, John ; 1747-1812
In Congress, April 14, 1779: Whereas Congress, on the twenty-first day of August last, did resolve, that when any persons are desirous of going within the enemy's lines, they shall apply to the executive power of the state to which they belong ... Resolved, that any officer, who shall permit a person to go within the enemy's lines without such recommendation ... shall thereby forfeit his commission
Creator / Contributor
United States ; Continental Congress. ; Hall & Sellers ; Thomson, Charles ; 1729-1824 ; Hall, David ; 1755-1821 ; Sellers, William ; 1725?-1804 ; Gates, Horatio ; 1728-1806
In Congress, April 14th, 1778: Resolved, that the commissary general of purchases have full power to appoint and remove every officer in his department
Creator / Contributor
United States ; Continental Congress.
In Congress, April 23, 1778: Whereas persuasion and influence, the example of the deluded or wicked, the fear of danger, or the calamities of war, may have induced some of the subjects of these states to join, aid or abet the British forces in America
Creator / Contributor
United States ; Continental Congress. ; Hall, David ; 1755-1821 ; Hall, William ; 1752-1834 ; Sellers, William ; 1725?-1804 ; McKesson, John ; 1734-1798
In Congress, April 29, 1777: Resolved, that it be recommended to the several states forthwith to order the sums advanced by them for recruiting the Continental battalions
Creator / Contributor
United States ; Continental Congress. ; Dunlap, John ; 1747-1812
In Congress, April 3, 1776: Resolved, that every person intending to set forth and fit out a private ship or vessel of war, and applying for a commission or letters of marque and reprisal for that purpose, shall produce a writing, subscribed by him, containing the name, and tonnage or burthen of the ship or vessel, the number of her guns, with their weight of metal
Creator / Contributor
United States ; Continental Congress. ; Dunlap, John ; 1747-1812 ; Hancock, John ; 1737-1793
In Congress, February 3, 1778: Resolved, that every officer, who holds or shall hereafter hold a commission or office from Congress, shall take and subscribe the following oath or affirmation
Creator / Contributor
United States ; Continental Congress. ; Thomson, Charles ; 1729-1824
In Congress, January 13, 1779: We cannot review the progress of the revolution which has given freedom to America, without admiring the goodness and gratefully acknowledging the interposition of Divine Providence
Creator / Contributor
United States ; Continental Congress. ; Thomson, Charles ; 1729-1824 ; Dunlap, John ; 1747-1812
In Congress, January 17, 1776: Resolved, that the colonels of the several battalions, ordered to be raised, do immediately order their officers on recruiting service, to such parts where they are best known and have the greatest probability of success
Creator / Contributor
United States ; Continental Congress. ; Dunlap, John ; 1747-1812
In Congress, June 9, 1778: Whereas doubts have arisen, as to the sum which shall be paid for the rations, which now may be due and owing to officers in the service of these states ... resolved, that the value of the rations due since the first day of last January till the first instant, be estimated at one third of a dollar
Creator / Contributor
United States ; Continental Congress. ; Hall, David ; 1755-1821 ; Hall, William ; 1752-1834 ; Sellers, William ; 1725?-1804
In Congress, March 23, 1779: Ordinance for regulating the cloathing department for the armies of the United States ; In Congress, March 23, 1779: Ordinance for regulating the clothing department for the armies of the United States
Creator / Contributor
United States ; Continental Congress. ; Hall & Sellers
In Congress, May 14, 1777: Resolved, I. That the quarter-master general of the army be authorized and empowered to appoint one commissary of forage for the army, and one for each of the military departments therof
Creator / Contributor
United States ; Continental Congress. ; Dunlap, John ; 1747-1812
In Congress, May 2, 1780: Instructions to the captains and commanders of private armed vessels which shall have commissions or letters of marque and reprisal
Creator / Contributor
United States ; Continental Congress. ; Thomson, Charles ; 1729-1824 ; Franklin, Benjamin ; 1706-1790
In Congress, May 21, 1776: Resolved, that all persons taken in arms on board any prize, be deemed prisoners, to be taken care of by the supreme executive power in each colony to which they are brought, whether the prize be taken by vessels fitted out by the Continent, or by others
Creator / Contributor
United States ; Continental Congress. ; Thomson, Charles ; 1729-1824 ; Dunlap, John ; 1747-1812
In Congress, May 27, 1778: establishment of the American Army ; Establishment of the American Army
Creator / Contributor
United States ; Continental Congress. ; Dunlap, John ; 1747-1812
In Congress, October 3d, 1776: Resolved, that five millions of continental dollars be immediately borrowed for the use of the United States of America, at the annual interest of four per cent
Creator / Contributor
United States ; Continental Congress. ; Watson, Hannah ; 1749-1807 ; Goodwin, George ; 1757-1844
In Congress, September 16, 1776: Resolved, that eighty-eight battalions be enlisted as soon as possible, to serve during the present war, and that each state furnish their respective quotas in the following proportions, viz
Creator / Contributor
United States ; Continental Congress. ; Hancock, John ; 1737-1793 ; Dunlap, John ; 1747-1812