Know all men by these presents, that we [blank] are held and firmly bound to [blank] president of the Congress of the United Colonies of New-Hampshire, Massachusetts-Bay, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New-York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, the counties of Newcastle, Kent, and Sussex on Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North-Carolina, South-Carolina, and Georgia, to be paid to the said [blank] ... in trust for the use of the said United Colonies
Online version
At a General Assembly of the governor and Company of the state of Connecticut: holden at Hartford, by adjournment, on the 12th day of February, A.D. 1778. : An act for raising two brigades for the defence of this state ; Act for raising two brigades for the defence of this state
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Connecticut ; General Assembly.
Online version
Manifesto and proclamation: To the members of the Congress, the members of the general assemblies or conventions of the several colonies ... and all others, free inhabitants of the said colonies ... By the Earl of Carlisle, Sir Henry Clinton, and William Eden, Esq; ... commissioners to treat, consult, and agree upon the means of quieting the disorders now subsisting in certain of the colonies, plantations, and provinces in North-America
Creator / Contributor
Great Britain ; Commissioners to Treat, Consult, and Agree upon the Means of Quieting the Disorders in Now Subsisting in Certain of the Colonies, Plantations, and Provinces in North-America. ; United States ; Continental Congress. ; Carlisle, Frederick Howard ; 1748-1825 ; Clinton, Henry ; 1738?-1795 ; Auckland, William Eden ; 1744-1814 ; Rivington, James ; 1724-1802 ; Smith
Online version of verso
Online version of recto
In Congress, February 3, 1778: Resolved, that every officer, who holds or shall hereafter hold a commission or office from Congress, shall take and subscribe the following oath or affirmation
Creator / Contributor
United States ; Continental Congress. ; Thomson, Charles ; 1729-1824
Online version
In Congress, Wednesday. April 3, 1776: Instructions to the commanders of private ships or vessels of war, which shall have commissions or letters of marque and reprisal, authorising them to make captures of British vessels and cargoes
Creator / Contributor
United States ; Continental Congress. ; Jay, John ; 1745-1829
Online version of copy 2
Online version of copy 1
From the Bristol gazette of October 10, 1782: At the request of many friends, we have obtained the consent of Mr. Cruger to print the substance of his speech on going out of office, as it was taken down at the time of delivering it in the Guildhall, (on the 29th of Sept.) and was nearly as follows
Creator / Contributor
Cruger, Henry ; 1739-1827 ; Oakley, Walton Livingston ; Oakley, Matilda C. Cruger
Online version
A list of the fortunate numbers in the New-York Poor Lottery: which finished drawing on Wednesday the 15th of May, 1782, under the inspection of Captains Linus King, Frederick Rhinelander, and Robert Dale, who were appointed by authority for that purpose, being a true copy from the checque, compared with the clerks books
Creator / Contributor
New-York Poor Lottery ; Rivington, James ; 1724-1802
Online access
State of New-York. Head-quarters, Poughkeepsie, July 1st, 1781. General orders: The Legislature having by law, passed at the present session, enacted, that a further levy of troops for the defence of the state ... should be immediately raised ... His Excellency the governor therefore orders that the commanding officers of the respective regiments, do forthwith proceed to the raising of these men
Creator / Contributor
New York (State) ; Governor (1777-1795 : Clinton). ; Clinton, George ; 1739-1812 ; Holt, John ; 1721-1784 ; Benson, Robert ; 1739-1823
Online version
To the inhabitants of the city and county of New-York: My friends and countrymen, When I behold a few restless men, endeavouring to throw all things into confusion