To the patriotic young men of New Jersey. $100 Bounty $3.50 per month allowed for Clothing. $6.00 per month for a married man.
Creator / Contributor
Bryan, William ; Clark, R. Graham ; Axe, William Hamilton ; Hugg, Joseph S.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
To war! To war! 43rd Regiment, N.Y.S.V. Commanded by Col. Vinton, formerly Capt. 16th Inf., U.S.A. Stand by our flag! Recruits wanted to join this first class regiment, now in active service at Washington.
Creator / Contributor
Vinton, Col. ; Reid, G. W.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Treason and rebellion or the constitution the union & the laws! Which will you choose? The freemen of old Bucks are respectfully invited to meet in council at the Court House, in Doylestown, on Friday evening next …
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Troops wanted for the 2d N.J. Cavalry to be commanded by Col. Jos. Karge : rally young men! Now is the time to prevent being drafted, and save the compensation allowed volunteers.
Creator / Contributor
Karge, Joseph ; Pelouze, Charles ; Haines, Alfred ; Herman, E. A.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Twenty-five men wanted immediately for the West Jersey Rifles, No. 2, now on duty at Harrisburg.
Creator / Contributor
Scovel, James M., 1833-1904
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
U. S. Marine Corps. Recruiting Service. Wanted for the United States Marine Corps! Able-bodied unmarried men, between the ages of 21 and 35 years not less than 5 feet 4 1/2 inches high, and of good character.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
U.S. Army & Navy Recruiting Agency, No. 113 Market Street, Camden , N.J. The largest cash bounties paid to volunteers or substitutes going in the Army or Navy.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Union mass meeting! A grand rally of the patriotic citizens of the counties of Bucks and Montgomery, who are in favor of the maintenance of our Constitution and laws, at whatever cost, will be held at Hatboro', Montgomery County …
Creator / Contributor
Cassidy, Lewis ; Kelly, William D. ; Smyser, Daniel M. ; Bonsall, Harry W.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
United States Army! Largest bounty ever offered. Able-bodied men wanted! For the Fifteenth U.S. Infantry! Join this veteran regiment whose colors have been triumphantly borne in all the glorious achievements of our Western Armies.
Creator / Contributor
Burns, George H.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Veteran Volunteers! 17th Regiment, N.Y.S.V. reorganizing. $550 bounty to those who re-enlist! Old soldiers! Now is your time!
Creator / Contributor
Grower, William T. C.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Volunteer and avoid the draft, bounty $718.
Creator / Contributor
Wilson, George E. ; Pelouze, Capt. ; Fields, Charles J., 1834-1864 ; Jackson, E. G.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Volunteer! Volunteer! Avoid the draft! 121st Regiment P. V. Accepted for three years or the war, Col. Chapman Biddle.
Creator / Contributor
Biddle, Chapman ; Rosengarten, J. G.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Volunteer! Volunteer! Avoid the draft! 121st Regiment, P.V. Accepted for three years or the war, Col. Chapman Biddle.
Creator / Contributor
Biddle, Chapman ; Rosengarten, J. G.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Volunteers Attention! Boston British Volunteer Company!! 50 able bodied men wanted to fill up the above company. Apply at the rooms of the Boston British Drill Club.
Creator / Contributor
Davis & Farmer
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Volunteers Wanted! The following liberal offers are made to all who may desire to enlist in the Old Volunteer Regiments from this state.
Creator / Contributor
Buchanan, Robert C., 1811-1878 ; Fox, John
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Volunteers Wanted! The following liberal offers are made to all who may desire to enlist in the Old Volunteer regiments from this state.
Creator / Contributor
Buchanan, Robert C., 1811-1878
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Volunteers Wanted! Wanted! Cameronian Guards, Company F. Col. George P. M'Lean's regiment, H.E. Wilkinson, Capt.
Creator / Contributor
M'Lean, George P. ; Wilkinson, H. E.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Volunteers and substitutes wanted! Highest cash bounties paid, with choice of regiments, infantry, cavalry or artillery, for one, two or three years.
Creator / Contributor
Devinney, Michael E., 1840-1925
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Volunteers for nine months. Men wanted immediately for nine months to fill up Company B, N. Jersey Volunteers.
Creator / Contributor
Brown, J. K.
Collection Title
Civil War posters, 1861-1865
Volunteers for nine months. Men wanted immediately, for nine months to fill up Company B, N. Jersey Volunteers.