Second Company songs. Seventh Regiment, N.G.N.Y., page [4] of cover, blank.
Creator / Contributor
Farnham, William T. ; New York (State). National Guard. Regiment, 7th
Second Company songs. Seventh Regiment, N.G.N.Y., page [4] of cover, blank.
Creator / Contributor
Farnham, William T. ; New York (State). National Guard. Regiment, 7th
Second Company, Seventh Regiment N.G.N.Y. Active Company - Exempt Members Society, joint committee on the 104th anniversary reunion and dinner. New York, April 19th, 1910, recto.
Creator / Contributor
New York (State). National Guard. Regiment, 7th
Second Company, Seventh Regiment N.G.N.Y. Active Company - Exempt Members Society, joint committee on the 104th anniversary reunion and dinner. New York, April 19th, 1910, verso.
Creator / Contributor
New York (State). National Guard. Regiment, 7th
Second Company, Seventh Regiment N.G.N.Y. Active Company - Exempt Members Society, joint committee on the 104th anniversary reunion and dinner. New York, April 19th, 1910.
Creator / Contributor
New York (State). National Guard. Regiment, 7th
Seventh Regiment National Guard S.N.Y. Co. 2. Menu … Sherry's, May 6th, 1890, recto.
Creator / Contributor
New York (State). National Guard. Regiment, 7th
Seventh Regiment National Guard S.N.Y. Co. 2. Menu … Sherry's, May 6th, 1890, verso, blank, with inscriptions.
Creator / Contributor
New York (State). National Guard. Regiment, 7th
Seventh Regiment National Guard S.N.Y. Co. 2. Menu … Sherry's, May 6th, 1890.
Creator / Contributor
New York (State). National Guard. Regiment, 7th
Seventh Regiment's completed century. The famous gray uniforms were devised by accident. Celebration of the centennial is going on to-day--how the command grew out of a nucleus of four separate companies--in one hundred years the Regiment has helped "make history."
Creator / Contributor
Clarke, Greenleaf ; New York post
Seventh Regiment's completed century. The famous gray uniforms were devised by accident. Celebration of the centennial is going on to-day--how the command grew out of a nucleus of four separate companies--in one hundred years the Regiment has helped "make history."
Creator / Contributor
Clarke, Greenleaf ; New York post
Seventh's glorious day crowned by Taft. Brings praise from President on Regiment's 100th anniversary. 2,253 dine in Armory. Brilliant parade earlier in the day cheered by throngs in Fifth Avenue--waiters strike.
Creator / Contributor
New York Times Company
Seventh's unique 100 years. Holds a place apart among national guard regiments. Its membership carefully picked from the days of its founding--owns its armory and practically self-supporting--great work in home riots.
Taft honor guest at 7th centennial. Will represent President at celebration of old regiment. Two thousand guests at great banquet.
Taft reviews gallant Seventh. Secretary of war sees 2,400 men in line in 100th anniversary celebration parade. Crowds cheer mightly as Regiment passes. Organization makes brave show as veterans and active men swing up Fifth Avenue.
Creator / Contributor
New York Evening Telegram
Talking it over… Easy way to go places and do things, page [1].
Creator / Contributor
New York Telephone Company
Talking it over… Easy way to go places and do things, page [2].
Creator / Contributor
New York Telephone Company
Talking it over… Easy way to go places and do things, page [3].
Creator / Contributor
New York Telephone Company
Talking it over… Easy way to go places and do things, page [4].
Creator / Contributor
New York Telephone Company
Talking it over… Easy way to go places and do things.
Creator / Contributor
New York Telephone Company
The 7th Regiment to celebrate its one hundredth birthday. Almost one thousand graduates from its ranks have received army commissions, and not a few of these have won high military honors.