Colony of Massachusett's-Bay, 1776: We the subscribers, do each of us severally for ourselves, profess, testify and declare, before God and the world, that we verily believe that the war, resistance and opposition in which the United American Colonies are now engaged, against the fleets and armies of Great-Britain, is on the part of said colonies, just and necessary. And we do hereby severally promise, covenant and engage
Creator / Contributor
Massachusetts ; Edes, Benjamin ; 1732-1803 ; Massachusetts
In Council. Philadelphia, February 3d, 1779: Present, His Excellency Joseph Reed, Esq. president, Hon. George Bryan, Esq. ... This board having maturely considered the general tenor and course of the military command exercised by Major General Arnold, in this city and state
In Congress, June 9, 1778: Whereas doubts have arisen, as to the sum which shall be paid for the rations, which now may be due and owing to officers in the service of these states ... resolved, that the value of the rations due since the first day of last January till the first instant, be estimated at one third of a dollar
Creator / Contributor
United States ; Continental Congress. ; Hall, David ; 1755-1821 ; Hall, William ; 1752-1834 ; Sellers, William ; 1725?-1804
To all gentlemen volunteers, who prefer liberty to slavery, and are hearty friends to the grand American cause
Creator / Contributor
Massachusetts ; State Train of Artillery. ; Crafts, Thomas. ; Powars, Edward Eveleth ; Willis, Nathaniel ; 1755-1831
The civil authority and select-men of the town of Groton: met agreeable to the direction of an act of the General Assembly of this state, passed at Hartford, 12th Feb. 1778, for regulating the price of labour, internal produce, manufactures, and inn-keepers within said town, which is as follows, viz
To all adherents to the British government and followers of the British Army commonly called Tories, who are at present within the city and county of New-York: Messieurs Tories, As all your delusive prospects of conquest, plunder and revenge are now forever vanished
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Brutus. ; McDougall, Alexander ; 1732-1786 ; Morton, William ; d. 1796? ; Horner, Samuel ; 1758?-1786
New-York, [blank] This is to certify, that the bearer [blank] has, in my presence, subscribed to the declaration, agreeable to the terms of their Excellencies the Commissioners proclamation, dated at New-York, 30th November, 1776 ; New-York, This is to certify, that the bearer has, in my presence, subscribed to the declaration ; New York, [blank] This is to certify, that the bearer [blank] has, in my presence, subscribed to the declaration
Creator / Contributor
Macdonald, Donald ; d. 1782 ; Ketcham, John ; Tryon, William ; 1729-1788 ; New York (Colony) ; Governor (1771-1780 : Tryon).
Covention [sic] at Concord, Sept. 22, 1779 for stating the prices of sundry articles: At a convention of delegates, met at Concord, for the state of New-Hampshire, on Wednesday the 22d of September, A.D. 1779,--for the purpose of endeavouring to lay some plan to appreciate the paper currency,-- ; Convention at Concord, Sept. 22, 1779 for stating the prices of sundry articles
Creator / Contributor
Convention begun and held at Concord (1779 Sept. 22-23) ; Fowle, Zechariah ; d. 1784 ; Langdon, John ; 1741-1819
In Provincial Congress for the colony of New-York, the [blank] day of [blank] 1776: To [blank] Greeting: By virtue of the authority reposed in us, we do hereby nominate, authorize, constitute and appoint you [blank] of the [blank] hereby requiring you ... subscribe in presence of the chairman ... the rules and orders for regulating the militia of the colony of New-York, recommended by the Provincial Congress on the 22d day of August 1775
Creator / Contributor
New York (Colony) ; Provincial Congress. ; Hasbrouck, Abraham ; Benson, Robert ; 1739-1823 ; Woodhull, Nathaniel ; 1722-1776
In Congress, April 3, 1776: Resolved, that every person intending to set forth and fit out a private ship or vessel of war, and applying for a commission or letters of marque and reprisal for that purpose, shall produce a writing, subscribed by him, containing the name, and tonnage or burthen of the ship or vessel, the number of her guns, with their weight of metal
Creator / Contributor
United States ; Continental Congress. ; Dunlap, John ; 1747-1812 ; Hancock, John ; 1737-1793
At a General Assembly of the governor and Company of the state of Connecticut, holden at Hartford, by special order of His Excellency the governor, on the 13th day, of August A.D. 1777
Creator / Contributor
Connecticut ; General Assembly. ; Watson, Ebenezer ; 1744-1777
George the Third, by the grace of God, of Great-Britain, France, and Ireland ... Whereas, by a statute made and passed ... An act to prohibit all trade and intercourse with the colonies ... and also two acts made in the last session ... and whereas by a certain other statute ... An act for enabling the commissioners ... to grant commissions ... to take and make prizes ... three of our commissioners ... by their warrant ... the fourth day of June, in the year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy-eight ... appointed our trusty and well-beloved William Tryon
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Great Britain ; Sovereign (1760-1820 : George III) ; New York (Colony) ; Governor (1771-1780 : Tryon). ; New York (State) ; Governor (1780-1783 : Robertson) ; Surprize (Schooner) ; St. Patrick (Schooner) ; Trimmer (Schooner) ; Tryon, William ; 1729-1788 ; Bayard, Robert. ; Rivington, James ; 1724-1802 ; Brien, Mathew ; McDonald, James ; Etherington, Robert ; Philips, Jonathan ; Ross, David ; Stewart, William ; Robertson, James ; 1717-1788 ; Whatman, James ; 1741-1798
In Congress, April 14th, 1778: Resolved, that the commissary general of purchases have full power to appoint and remove every officer in his department
Creator / Contributor
United States ; Continental Congress.
State of Massachusetts-Bay. In the House of Representatives, August 8, 1777. : Whereas by the loss of the important fortress of Ticonderoga, a way is open to the ravages of our cruel and inveterate enemies ... Resolve, that one sixth part of the able-bodied men in the training band and alarm list, now at home ... march under such brigadier or brigadiers as the council shall direct, to reinforce the American army
Creator / Contributor
Massachusetts ; General Court. ; Gill, John ; 1732-1785
His Majesty's most gracious speech to both houses of Parliament, on Friday October 27, 1775
Creator / Contributor
Great Britain ; Sovereign (1760-1820 : George III) ; Great Britain ; Parliament. ; Gaine, Hugh ; 1726 or 7-1807
In Congress, April 29, 1777: Resolved, that it be recommended to the several states forthwith to order the sums advanced by them for recruiting the Continental battalions
Creator / Contributor
United States ; Continental Congress. ; Dunlap, John ; 1747-1812
By His Excellency Jonathan Trumbull, Esquire ... A proclamation: Whereas a party of British troops made an incursion and attack on the towns of New-London and Groton, on the sixth of September last ... I ... do hereby appoint, Thursday the thirteenth day of December next, the day set apart for thanksgiving ... for the good people in each and every of the religious societies and congregations throughout this state, to give and bestow their free and charitable donations, for the comfort and relief of the sufferers ... Given under my hand in Lebanon, the twenty-second day of November ... one thousand, seven hundred and eighty-one
In Council. Philadelphia, July 31, 1777: Sir, I wrote to you on the 28th instant, and ordered [blank] class of the militia of your county to be immediately marched to Chester
Creator / Contributor
Pennsylvania ; Council of Safety. ; Wharton, Thomas ; 1735-1778
Pennsylvania War-Office, Philadelphia, May 2d, 1777: Application having been made to this board by the Honorable Major General Schuyler for assistance in procuring blankets
Creator / Contributor
Pennsylvania ; Board of War. ; Dunlap, John ; 1747-1812
By His Excellency Jonathan Trumbull, Esquire, governor and commander in chief in and over the state of Connecticut. A proclamation: Whereas the legislature of this state ... did declare, that this state has the undoubted and exclusive right of jurisdiction ... to all the lands lying west of the state of Pennsylvania ... Given under my hand and seal, at Lebanon, in the state of Connecticut, this 15th day of November, anno Domini 1783